《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 29: Predicament


A thunderous crashing sound vibrates the area, followed by a screeching scream from unknown monster.

By feigning losing balance by the big axe, Yuuko lures the monster to attack with its tail, and dodges it. She then swings the heavy axe with a quick turn, chopping the tail off. Black liquid flows profusely from the meat section, while the cut off part falls on the ground and is immediately consumed by white flame.

While the monster is agonizing, Yuuko drops the axe on the ground, replacing it, a spiky black club materializes. Despite how heavy it looks, Yuuko swings it with only one arm easily like a baseball bat. The club easily smashes the monster’s head into crumbles of meat in an instant. Following after that, the headless corpse collappses then burns into white ashes.

On the other hand, Makoto creates a one meter long ice shard in the air. The tip point is aiming right at the monster that has been attacking Lexar non stop.

Although the monster has noticed the danger, it does not flee, but instead becomes more ruthless with its attack with Lexar, intending to kill at least the cat before dying. However, being too eager with attacking makes it fail to notice a pond of water is spreading beneath it.

At the moment Makoto makes a strong clap, ice shackles starts forming on its legs, binding it in position, while the big ice flies with a great speed.

The monster receives the attack head on without being able to defend. However, thanks to its hard exoskeleton, the shard tip just only pierces into the stomach a few centimeter, resulting in heavy damage, but not fatal.

Makoto clicks her tongue at the hardness of the exoskeleton. However, that is not the end of her attack. From the shard, ice starts to spread out on the monster's body at a very rapid. The flower mouth monster struggles heavily to shake off the binding, but to no avail. In a few second, it turns into a motionless ice statue. Makoto spreads her hand out, then clenches it quickly. The statue explodes in tiny pieces, and then sublimates into white mist, leaving no trace of the monster left.

“Amazing, Makoto. That’s one badass magic just there.” Yuuko strikes Makoto’s back as she compliments.

“Shh. That hurts. Don’t use the hand that swings heavy weapons to hit me. I don’t want my back to bend like old people.” Makoto rubs her back while hissing.

“Don’t let your guard down. We still need to move your friends out of here. If they want to strike us for real, it is during our evacuation with your friends.” Lexar says with caution.

The group finally enters the room. Using the wind, Makoto clears the sleepy gas inside the room. Yuuko approaches her friends, who are sleeping without care on the beds. They are all girls, and acording Makoto, they join the same club as Yuuko in school.


Yuuko shakes one girl lightly. However, the girl shows no sign of waking up. Slightly agitateed, Yuuko starts shaking her in a rougher manner, then continously slaps on her cheek, but that is still to working.

“Why is she still not waking up?” Yuuko says worriedly.

“I guess she is affected by the gas for too long.” Lexar points at the air duct at the top corner. The troublesome gas is leaking out from it.

“Stay aside, Yuuko. I think she needs a bit more stimulation.” Makoto stands next to the bed. On the tip of her finger, electric spark sound is ticking. “Ey!”

“Aaaaaaaaa” A painful shout echoes the whole room.

The girl on the bed immediately jumps off the bed, then falls down on the ground. Even so, the first thing she does is not getting up, but to shake the hand that is tingling red.

“Morning, Kayo. Glad you had such a sweat dream.” Yuuko tries to get her up.

“Who are you?” Kayo is frightened at the sight of a person in samurai armor next to her “Wait. Is that you, Yuuko? What is up with that get up? And why is the wall all red? Don’t tell me…”She starts shaking as she realizes what happened.

“Just as you see, we are in that red world again. Welcome back to hell.” Yuuko lightly says as she taps on her friend’s shoulder.

Kayo rapidly changes her expression as she tries to understand the situation. First is bewilderment, then a face of shock and fear, after that confusion followed by relief as she looks at the strange appearance of Makoto and Yuuko.

“Yuuko. Your appearance. You must have awakened super power like Mashima, right?” Kayo immediately gets close to Yuuko and asks in an excitement.

“Well, you can think about it like that.” Yuuko nods.

The girl Kayo goes around Yuuko to inspect the armor. At the same time, she keeps giving question.

“Hey, what power did you have? Are you strong? Did you have any special killing move to finish off the boss? …”

“Ok. That’s enough for questioning.” Yuuko presses her hand on Kayo’s head “We have a lot of things to do. Makoto, please wake up the others for me.”

Hearing so, Makoto becomes strangely excited as she happily flicks her sparking finger when she approaches the other beds. Several loud screams and falling sound occur in the room. Kayo, who witnessed the progress, instinctively rubs and hides her hands behind, because Makoto shook hand with all her victims.

“Hey Yuuko, I did not know Makoto has such a sadistic side before.” Kayo whispers to Yuuko.

“Don’t think about it too much. It’s probably her way to get revenge against you girls’ joke on April fool day. Probably.” Yuuko says.

“Wait. It was only a small joke, yet she has been holding that grudge for that long! And why is that uncertain word at the end?” Kayo is little bit frightened.


“Trust me. I am her best friend for so long. She is the type that never forgets to pay back when there is a chance. But there is a possibility she does this because it is interesting.” Yuuko averts her eyes.

“All finished. What did you just talk about?” Makoto comes back while leading the other girls.

“Nothing. It’s just trivial chat.” Kayo shakes her head.

“Oh, is that so? I think we should move on. Lexar, please guide us to the next room.” Makoto turns to her cat.

Due to the special request, all the survivors from the incident, except the magical girls, are placed together in the same arena. The main reason is for information control. The person who gave this request to the hospital does not want them to have any unnecessary communication with the others. The three girls, Makoto, Yuuko, and Hinami, are placed in the VIP area. Not only because they are heroes that saved the students, the higher ups want to investigate their powers by performing extensive examination.

After waking up more than 30 students, the empty hall has now become too cramped with people. It is very noisy with the talking and expression of emotion. Fear, anxiety, worry, sadness are shown on their faces. Only a few of them stay calm and observe the situation, trying to find something they can help with.

“Calm down, everyone! Listen to me.” Makoto calls out loudly. “Please get in the line and stay close together. We need to hurry to wake up everyone else, then escape here.”

“Wait, how many people are you going to continue waking up? Do you intend to wake up everyone in the hospital before making an escape?” A student in glasses rises his hand.

“No, we are only trying to wake up those from our school.” Yuuko firmly answers his question.

“That’s right. We can’t leave them here.” Makoto nods in agreement.

“Wait. There is something wrong with your plan. There are more than 100 people staying in this hospital. You can’t wake them all up.” The guy says.

“What are you trying to say, Takaki?” Yuuko frowns at his words.

“Think about it. We only have 36 people here and this path is already too crowded. If there are more people, we will only get stuck and cannot move. At that moment, if there is monster coming out, we cannot fight back or even run. I don’t know your power, but I suppose that it is very difficult for you to protect us in the situation like that.” Takaki explains.

Yuuko and Makoto immediately get cold feet after his explanation. They have never considered such a problem before. They are too careless with their planning. They did not come up with a method to safely evacuate many people, because they intended to solve the mystery behind this red world and destroy it. Furthermore, this is not the only problem they are going to face.

“Huh, are you suggesting we should leave them alone?” One male student directs the question at Takaki.

“That’s not what I am saying. I simply stated that our current course of action is very dangerous.” Takaki adjusts his glasses.

“And you are probably going to say that we should evacuate first to confirm the escape route then wake them up later, aren’t you?” The student says with a sneering voice.

“That is the case.” Takaki nods.

“To hell with that!” That student punches the wall strongly “It’s the same as abandoning them. How long do you think the evacuation will be? 5 minutes? 10? And what will Makoto and Yuuko find when they get back? A bunch of lifeless corpses. Do you even consider the possibility that they cannot come back to save them?”

“Kaitou.” A female student puts her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

Kayo whispers to Yuuko “He lost his girlfriend who was in a different class. At that time, just taking care of himself kept him too busy to think about anyone else. He later then regretted his cowardliness and selfishness.”

“I know this is my selfishness, but please save my grandma in area D. She has been hospitalized for so long here already. I cannot leave her here.” One female student bows her head down before the two most powerful persons here.

“Please, I beg of you. Please wake up Haruka and the others in the next room and bring them with us.” Another request comes.

“Please wake up ….” “Can you please ….” Several voices come and request Makoto and Yuuko to rescue their friends or relatives.

While the two girls are confused, some students who do not say anything have dissatisfied look on their faces. They want to say some objection, but then hold back in consideration for those requesting. However, there are those who say them out directly.

“This is ridiculous. Have you heard Takaki’s analysis? We can’t have too many people in the group. It will endanger everyone.” A female student voices her objection to everyone requesting.

“That’s right. You can’t be so selfish to risk everyone’s life like that.” Some students follow suit.

“That’s because your and your friends are together already. If you happens to be in the next room, do you want your friend to get help and rescue you?”

As the argument goes on, those who stayed silent begin to take side, and the student body are divided into two groups: those who want to save more people, and those who want to get out safely with few people first. Makoto and Yuuko are at loss what to do.

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