《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 28: When mad men know how to fight properly


If it was just simply a man thrown to the opposite of the hole, it would be no problem. However, the man flies like a bullet, aiming straight at the group with high speed.

Makoto, Yuuko, and Lexar immediately scatter to avoid, and the man flies through them before stopping before the wall.

No, he does not stop. He breaks the whole wall, leaving a big hole with a diameter about 1 meter, and disappears on the other side.

It is unknown how such a throwing force can be done by normal human, but it is not time to ponder on that. On the other side, twelve men have already lifted two men and prepared for another “bombardment”.

“Run!” Lexar calls out to the two girls.

The trio immediately turn around and run in the direction to the other students in the hospital.

“Get down!” Yuuko pushes Makoto to lie down on the floor. In the next moment, two big shadows shoot directly above them. Both girls can feel the wind on their faces, and hear another crashing sound just ahead of them. By instinct, they immediately stand up right after that then turn to the corner before hearing another crashing sound.

“This is completely ridiculous. Mad men knowing how to do kungfu. The world must be messed up in the worst way possible.” Lexar says while running with the two girls.

“Is this time for a joke? Say Lexar. Are they sure they are still normal human, not like the case with the nurse?” Makoto asks.

“Yeah, beside a little bit black flame on the head, their bodies are no different from any ordinary person.” Lexar answers.

“Then, how do you explain the strength just now?”

“The black flame probably releases the instinctive limit of the human body. Normally, our actions are restricted by our brain to exert force under a certain limit to prevent damaging our own bodies. You have probably heard the story how a person gained unbelievable strength under death crisis. I saw the muscles on the men performing the throwing. They are breaking with blood veins damaged under the skin and muscle tissues torn.” Lexar answers while checking with clairvoyance.

“How annoying. If they were just simply monsters, I would cut them into pieces right now. But killing innocent people is still too much for me.” Yuuko says while holding up her katana “My other self told me that they are controlled by someone. They can still be saved.”

“Then how do you intend to break through those people?” Lexar asks.

“Simple, I just need to be careful not to kill them. Although they are still humans, it’s not like I am not going to hold back from disabling them.” Yuuko casually answers.

In the next hallway, two men stand in their path. Inhaling a deep breath, Yuuko sprints forward and aims a heel kick at the front man’s chin.


The man makes a cross guard, defending the attack just in time. However, Yuuko’s current strength is not something that normal human can block. Her kick still sends him flying backward a whole meter.

“Tch” Yuuko clicks her tongue. She crouches down and sweeps the other’s legs. While they are still failing, she connects the attack with a spin kick, knocking them out in the air.

Before the man who blocked her kick tries to stand up, Yuuko already sits on him and punches his face, rendering him unconscious.

“Let’s go.” Yuuko urges the others to move quickly.

Right on the next floor, there are three man standing in their way this time. Yuuko inwardly curses, there is no time for small fight like this. Channeling the positive energy in her feet, she suddenly vanishes then appears again right in front of one man.

However, this group is different from the previous one. Knowing how strong Yuuko is, they have begun their fighting stance a while ago. The front man delivers a spin kick right at the moment Yuuko appears.

Yuuko slightly frowns at his movement. It is a perfectly orthodox spinning kick, though the performer is still inflexible. Yuuko catches the leg right at the ankle, then pushes forward, tripping the man and bending his leg nearly 180 degree. After that, she finishes him with a punch on the face.

Seeing their friend defeated so easily, the other two charge toward her with a punch, one with boxing style, one with Taekwondo. Yuuko jumps back a few meter, then makes a sprinting stance. With a boom sound, she shoots herself like a drill toward the two people. She punches them in the stomach, while pushing them toward the wall with her flying force.

The battle again concluded in only less than a minute. It was an easy victory in any meaning, but Yuuko does not feel happy about it. In fact, she feels that thing will be worse later on.

As they approach the destination, more people show up, and each group are more skillful than the previous one. Not only they withstand more hit from her, they even start counterattacking or block her attack completely. After each fight, Yuuko holds back less and less, that she even has to use non lethal weapons like pole or wooden sword to fight. Makoto and Lexar also join the fight with Lexar distracting the enemy, while Makoto blowing them aside with wind attack.

“Damn, this is getting too tough.” Yuuko says while inhaling a deep breath after defeating the last group approaching the area for students from Hakugawa academy.

“What a scary thing the nurse trying to inject into the patients. From whom we fought so far, I am pretty certain that suspicious liquid acts like a human controller. Not only the mastermind can control all these people, he can probably give them a basic of know how to fight. You probably notice too, Yuuko. They are becoming more and more qualified as martial art practitioner. From how to land after being thrown, their stances, their moves. It feels like we are challenging a dojo rather than a hospital full of weak patients.” Lexar analyzes “If such thing is applied on mass scale, he can train a full fledged army in only a few days.”


“That’s more of the reason why we need to get stronger. Don’t you feel it, Makoto?” Yuuko turns to her friend.

“Feel what?”

“The more we fight, the stronger we are. I don’t know if it is like the game system where you gain exp after defeating, but I know that I become stronger as I keep fighting.” Yuuko clenches her fist repeatedly “Not only my body becomes stronger, numerous fighting techniques are imprinted in my mind. As I fight, I start to get an idea how to execute these moves and apply them. Another reason why I chose to stay back is to become stronger, by defeating the enemy in front of us.”

“Un. I also feel the same.” Makoto also nods “After defeating that big monster, I can store five different skills. And the magnitude I can manipulate increase significantly.” After saying, Makoto creates numerous shards of ice around her.

“Why are you still hiding your hands all this time?” Yuuko asks.

“I am not like you. Most of my attacks are killing moves and hard to control. I am not confident enough to control them without accidentally killing someone.” With a finger snap, Makoto makes the ice shards disappear.

“I will let that aside for now. We should wake these sleeping bags from our school. Geez, how can they sleep so soundly when we just fought outside their room?” Yuuko says as she puts her hand on the door handle.

“Wait! Don’t open that door.” Lexar stops Yuuko.

(Now that I think about it. With the exception of those mad people, why doesn’t anyone wake up yet? Not mentioning those from afar, even those who are right next to the area where we fought or near the explosion do not move even a slightest. Shit! I must have been senile for too long, not recognizing something as obvious as this.) Lexar curses himself.

At that moment, the door is suddenly swung open. A strange smell enters everyone’s nostril. Yuuko, who smelled it first, immediately jumps back by instinct. However, she staggers on her feet right after that.

“Cover yourself with the white flame. These gases are not normal.” Lexar gives advice and activates the white flame at the same time.

Yuuko’s mind becomes clearer as her armor emits the white flame. For a moment just now, she really wanted to lie down and sleep.

“Watch out!” Makoto makes an ice wall in front of them.

A cracking sound comes when a 10 cm diameter hole forms on the ice wall. There is no sight of attacker, the hole just suddenly appears on the wall. However, if one has a very perceptive eyes, he will notices that the area around the hole is slightly bend.

Fortunately, Lexar’s eyes are much more amazing than any normal eyes. He can tell the identity of that invisible attack.

A long tail with sharp tip covered in exoskeleton connects with a standing humanoid figure. The whole of that body is also covered with pitch black exoskeleton. On the back are two pairs of bat wings with sharp edges. The most terrifying feature is the face. Four black spider eyes are glittering, and big mouth with the shape of three petal flower knop are exposing numerous canine teeth inside the mouth. Negative energy gas can be seen emitting from that monstrous mouth.

Such monster comes out of the room as a pair: one aiming for Yuuko, and one aiming for him.

The cat nimbly dodges at the incoming claw which leaves three corrosive lines on the ground it hit. Missing the premetive strike, the monster throws a chain of attack aiming at the small cat. The sharp claws leave acid trails every time it moves while the tail drills hole.

Even with Lexar's speed and small body, he is almost hit several times. Noticing a gap between the attacks, Lexar begins his counterattack.

While shooting himself up, the cat lengthens its claw by pouring the positive energy into it. His target is the enemy's neck where the exoskeleton seems the thinnest. Spark flies as the claw hits the target. Black liquid spills out from the grooves, then soon stops flowing out.

(Such tough defense. I intended to cut off the head, but it only left only a shallow wound.)

However, his attack does more than simply injuring it. As the monster screams in pain and anger, the invisibility it wears suddenly disables. Seeing it gradually appear, Makoto and Yuuko finally understands what kind of monster they are fighting.

Clapping her hand, a flow of white air passes through the whole hallway. It is only a short and light wind that is harmless to everyone, but serves its job rightly. The other monster still in visibility has its body covered in white foam.

Seeing the enemy being monster in every meaning, Yuuko makes a ferocious smile on her face.

"You just show up at a good time. I really want to blow all of my stress off from fighting human before." She says while holding a big hammer in her hands.

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