《A Lost Man》Chapter 9: The Sun on the Horizon


Chapter 9: The Sun on the Horizon

Lament For Boromir By: The Tolkien Ensemble

Alex stood once more in the void. He knew it was different here that when he was on earth. When he was on earth it was a shell or a prison for his darker thoughts that would surface during times of great turmoil.

Here though it was a vast expanse of something...new. The light at the corner of his eye, the power of magic beckoned to him. He fears the torrent now. The power is a lie for madness layers underneath the bright sheen.

He notices a small light in the distance. It flickers like a candle flame. He moves towards it.

As he reaches the light he hears a airey whisper.

“The Wolf brings Light.

The Elf Brings Love

The Human Brings Strength

The Child Brings Rest

It will Fall to Darkness

She will Fade.

He will Break You

She will Not Wake”

His eyes opened and the starry night greets him.

“Hope that was an attempt at a cryptic poem…” Alex mutters pushing himself into a sitting position. He looks toward his sleeping companions. Merissa was snuggling into Weylyn’s chest while he was using his hands as pillows snoring softly.

Alex’s eyes drifted to the west. “So thats is where I might be able to get training.” a small smile touched his lips. “The road goes ever on …”


Rebecca lay weak on the ground. Her body drenched in sweat.

“Sorry about that.” Fergus said sheathing his wooden sword. He bent over trying to help Rebecca up. She took his help.

“Thought you said something about teaching me the Art of War.” she muttered angrily when she was able to keep her footing.

“It’s your fault for not being a good fighter,tactician,or even pretty enough to seduce your enemies.” the child said angrily back.


Richard sat in the background pouring himself tea. Since she came they regained their corporeal bodies. It was a curse on the training hall. As long as no one was trained they would die and wait for a new charge. The last person they trained left to train the town guard some twenty years ago.

As the two fought back and forth with sword and tongue Richard sipped on his hot tea. Someone neared the training hall entrance.

It was a man. He was tall and muscular. He stood nearly seven feet tall in steel plate. On his back he wore a rectangular shield that covered his back. For a weapon he wore a mighty hammer on his belt. He face was that a dark skinned male in his mid-late thirties.

Rebecca saw the large man and smiled.

“Uncle Michael!” she ran to him giving him a hug.

“Hey,Rebecca.” He smiled patting her head. “Sorry for not visiting. Got busy shooting a movie and didn’t hear about it until today.” A tear fell on her head.

“Yeah…do you want to add each other to friends?” she whispered.

“Sure.” ‘Send Friend request too Rebecca Roe’

*Do you wish to be friends with Michael Eckles?*


*You have added Michael To friends*

*You have Two Friends Online.*

“huh?” she stared at the message in dazed confusion.

“Open Freinds List.”

*Two are Online*

-Alexander Roe-

-Michael Eckles-

*Do you wish to create a conversation?*

“Yes...Create Conversation with Alexander Roe.”


As the sun rose Alex began to sing another song that rose from memory...it was a love song written by one of his most favorite authors of all time.

a/n- Listen and sing along.

Click Here for Song

Song of Beren and Lúthien


The leaves were long, the grass was green,

The hemlock-umbels tall and fair,

And in the glade a light was seen

Of stars in shadow shimmering.

Tinúviel was dancing there

To music of a pipe unseen,

And light of stars was in her hair,

And in her raiment glimmering.

There Beren came from mountains cold,

And lost he wandered under leaves,

And where the Elven-river rolled

He walked alone and sorrowing.

He peered between the hemlock-leaves

And saw in wonder flowers of gold

Upon her mantle and her sleeves,

And her hair like shadow following.

Enchantment healed his weary feet

That over hills were doomed to roam;

And forth he hastened, strong and fleet,

And grasped at moonbeams glistening.

Through woven woods in Elvenhome

She lightly fled on dancing feet,

And left him lonely still to roam

In the silent forest listening.

He heard there oft the flying sound

Of feet as light as linden-leaves,

Or music welling underground,

In hidden hollows quavering.

Now withered lay the hemlock-sheaves,

And one by one with sighing sound

Whispering fell the beachen leaves

In the wintry woodland wavering.

He sought her ever, wandering far

Where leaves of years were thickly strewn,

By light of moon and ray of star

In frosty heavens shivering.

Her mantle glinted in the moon,

As on a hill-top high and far

She danced, and at her feet was strewn

A mist of silver quivering.

When winter passed, she came again,

And her song released the sudden spring,

Like rising lark, and falling rain,

And melting water bubbling.

He saw the elven-flowers spring

About her feet, and healed again

He longed by her to dance and sing

Upon the grass untroubling.

Again she fled, but swift he came.

Tinúviel! Tinúviel!

He called her by her elvish name;

And there she halted listening.

One moment stood she, and a spell

His voice laid on her: Beren came,

And doom fell on Tinúviel

That in his arms lay glistening.

As Beren looked into her eyes

Within the shadows of her hair,

The trembling starlight of the skies

He saw there mirrored shimmering.

Tinúviel the elven-fair,

Immortal maiden elven-wise,

About him cast her shadowy hair

And arms like silver glimmering.

Long was the way that fate them bore,

O'er stony mountains cold and grey,

Through halls of ireon and darkling door,

And woods of nightshade morrowless.

The Sundering Seas between them lay,

And yet at last they met once more,

And long ago they passed away

In the forest singing sorrowless.

Written by J.R.R. Tolkien


Tears fell from Rebecca’s face and she fell to her knees. Her father sang this to her when she was a child as a bedtime story.

“He’s alive...?!?” she cried. Michael knelt down and hugged her whispering soothing words into her ear.


Alex heard his daughters crying and he too cried silently as the sun rose in the west marking the start of the end of this part of his story.

The End of Chapter 9: The Sun on the Horizon

Hope you all enjoyed this short chapter and I am sorry nothing juicy was in it...cooked it too long...

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