《A Lost Man》Chapter 3: Good Guy or Bad Guy


Blue Moon By: Frank Sinatra

Chapter 3: Good Guy or Bad Guy

A young girl lounging in a regal wooden chair with purple cushions sat looking through a book. Titled, *Phrases of the Other World*.

Her little legs hanging over the side swinging. She was mumbling a phrase she heard earlier from a man who used it to describe her.

“Jail bait...jail bait…” Her eyes widened and her face turned red as she came across the meaning.

*Jailbait or jail bait is slang for a person who is younger than the legal age of consent for sexual activity, with the implication that a person above the age of consent might find them sexually attractive.* ‘Wikipedia’

“I’m 2,000 years old that fool!!” She shouted.


Baerlain watched from his throne far above, within the clouds, as Alex moved through the forest.

Noticing each animal he went against was given a chance at life. When they declined in their inability to understand, he ended them swiftly and mercifully.

“ Hm… Might need to make it where is is not speaking gibberish to the things of this world. Might help.” He smiled. “ Or just make him able to talk to animal, now that would be fun to watch.” His grin widened as we waved his hand making his thoughts real.


-Back to Alex-

As he moved through the pines and fir he encountered six other lone wargs, their fur was four black and two light brown. With each change in color they change tactics in how to approach and attack him.

The black wargs would always be alone and attack him head-on. While the two light brown ones he came across were together hunting small game in the area. But seeing larger game they attack together using teamwork to try and maim and then kill by outlasting the opponent.

But they only lasted as long as they were not within the range of his grip.

The sun has finally started it’s descent into twilight. The fir and pine and thinned and he is now surrounded by large redwood.

He found a downed tree and began to take parts off. Limbs and bark to create a small fire to cook the meat and create warmth for the night.

He had cleared an area of a three yard radius around him to decrease the chances of the fire catching the surrounding trees.

He had just finished making the fire and started to cook the meat when he heard a low child like voice to his left.

“Why is their a human within our woods, papa.?”

A voice of a young man answered “I don't know but I will attack him and try and give you time to steal his food.”

The child voice seemed happy. “Ok papa, I’m so hungry.”

Alex listened silently. Not wishing to show to these people that he knew of their plan.

Around ten minutes passed before a silver wolf walked out of the shadow of the trees in front of Alex.

Alex noticed him after he heard the talking but didn't know if it was a coincidence or not.

“Prepare to die human.” he wolf snarled at the sitting Alex. It was the same voice from earlier.


Alex raised an eyebrow. “hmm...I can understand wolves now...interesting...I wonder if my eyes turned gold.” Alex thought. But he pulled a chunk of the warg meat off the fire and tossed it to the wolf. Who jumped back.

“Shut up and eat, get your pup out here too.” Alex said bluntly. As he ripped another piece off the fire and began to eat it showing to the wolf it was safe.

“What the hell is this?!” the silver wolf thought as he could understand the human. He began to back away with the meat within his mouth, staring at Alex as if he were a viper.

He disappeared within the shadows going back to his pup.

Alex sat cooking the whole night while the pup and it father watched him.

Silence was only broken when the pup yawned and fell asleep next to it’s father.

The Silver wolf noticing that the pup was asleep walked toward the human. Not baring it’s teeth this time.

“Human how do you speak the language of the Wolf?” He asked sitting across from Alex. The fire playing with their shadows.

Alex looked at the wolf for a moment then said. “Not a clue.” then he grabbed a stick he found while looking for firewood ,it looked to be a good walking stick, and began to cut off the small offshoots that kept it from being smooth.

The wolf noticed the knife in his hand and started to back away.

“If I wanted to kill you I wouldn’t need this knife, sit and lets talk.” Alex said not looking up from his stick.

He did as was told and sat across from Alex knowing...no feeling that what he said was right. He didn’t wish to have his pup die.

A five minutes passed as the wolf just watched the strange human finished his work on the stick.

Alex sighed.” I suppose I will have to start the conversation.” he looked up at the wolf. Getting a good look at him.

He was thin. Mostly bone with some lean muscle but not enough to survive long. He silver fur was patch with red were gashes from previous fights left wounds that have yet to heal.

“How much longer?” Alex asked.

“By morning.” the wolf answered weakly.

Alex looked to the sky, but could not see anything past the canopy of the trees. Then he looked back to the wolf. “Thats not good…” Alex felt dumb stating the obvious.

“Yeah…” the wolf started toward the pup.

“Want me to watch after him?” Alex asked. The wolf stopped and looked back towards him.

“I don't trust you...but I want me pup to live.” sadness crept into his voice. He turned his head around and began again toward the pup who was sleeping peacefully under a nearby tree.

The wolf nudged the pup with his nose waking it.

“Hey,papa.” the pup said groggily.

“Hello little one, come with me.” he said nudging the pup up. As then he led the pup back to the fire where Alex still sat.

The sun started to peek through the trees.


“Pup...I am going to be leaving you with this human...I am sorry I was not able to stay with you longer…” The father wolf’s body started to fade. The silver pup ran towards its father trying to stop him from leaving. He was gone and the pup whimpered do to the loss of its papa.

Alex sat unable to help the hurting pup. He didn't know what to do.

The little pup looked towards Alex after crying for a couple hours. The sun was nearing halfway in the sky.

“Why did papa leave?” Anger and sadness coated it’s voice.

“Because protecting that in which you loves has a cost...sometimes it is...hefty.” A sadness touched his voice. He then stood up and trampled the remains of the fire.

“You have a choice young one.” Alex said looking toward the pup who was silently crying looking into the grass. “Become my companion or stay here.”

The pup looked at him and answered.


-Back at the Crater-

“Sir, we have found foot prints leading away from the crater and into The Great Wood.”

A old man with strong features looks toward the forest.

“Many beasts call that home and most of them could kill someone who entered unprepared.” The thought passed through his mind.

“Send a group of our best hunters. The person who left these tracks may know what crashed here.” the knight said in a commanding tone

“Yes,sir!” The young knight saluted and ran off to inform the hunters.

“It’s time to return home.” he thought.

The man mounted his white steed and looked once more toward The Great Wood before turning his stead west and began to ride with his escort of white knights to the town of Everbridge.


-Back to Alex-

*One Day Later*

The pup was chasing butterflies a couple feet ahead of Alex. Hopping and barking at them as his tongue stuck out.

“Little sucker heals fast.” Alex thought while looking at the little guy.

The trees had thinned out making the patches of grass more abundant. Leaving the moss to collect around the trees.

“Hey! Pup come here or a second.” the silver pup stopped and turned toward Alex and ran to him.

“Yea Alex.” the little guy said while hopping circles around Alex as he stopped walking.

“We need to give you a name other than pup. Any ideas?” the pup stopped jumping and sat down on patch of soft moss and scrunched up his face started to think.

A few minutes passed.

Alex poked the pup with his walking stick and the pup yelped in confused shock.

“So it is alive.” he said with a laugh and smile.

The pup looked angry and barked “Well what do you think my name should be!”

“Shit-Head...no no that name will not work...Hopper...no he was to bad ass…”Alex was making fun of the little pup.

The pup started to bark and growl at Alex

“Ok,ok I have a real name this time.” Alex cleared his throat. “Weylyn.”

Pup stopped barking for a second then asked. “What does that mean?”

“‘Son of the Wolf’ I believe.” Alex answered truthfully eying the pup for his reaction.

After a moment Weylyn nodded his head. And Alex began walking once again this time with Weylyn at his heel.


A scream resounded through the forest to the right of Alex and Weylyn.

Alex charged towards the sound. The speeding away from the shocked pup.

Soon he saw where the scream came from. It was a small cat like woman. She was being attacked by large monsters that looked like, from Alex’s memory, trolls. Large and fat, with throbbing puss-ridden sores. They were equipped with a loincloth and a mighty hammer made of a tree.

He saw this within moments before he took a running leap landing between then and the young cat woman who had just fell to the ground.

He shot his hand out snatching the nearest troll’s club ripping it from its hands. He then shot it toward the trolls face making it explode into a mist of green and pink mist, lodging the club in a nearby tree. The dead body shuddered and then became limp falling to the side of Alex, just missing the young cat woman.

The other troll, in its infinite wisdom, rushed forward screaming as it began to swing it club in a downward motion trying to crush Alex. As the club descended he lifted his right hand pointing his index finger up meeting the club with a finger. The club snapped into two and Alex punched the troll with his left creating a cartoon like outcome. The troll flew back hitting a tree and died.

“I think I tried a little too hard…” Alex thought as he turned to get a better look at the young cat woman behind him.

She had cat ears, paws for hands and feet and a sleek tail. The fur of her cat parts were white with orange blotches,which made a contrast with her light brown hair. She wore a dark leather dress that fit her curves which were few and in between..

When she left her daze at what just happened she shrieked and curled up into a ball as if trying to hide.

It was then that Weylyn came running into scene. And ran up to Alex wagging his tail saying. “ You fought those big guys,awesomely!”

The young cat woman look toward Weylyn and whispered. “Run pup he is a monster!”

Weylyn looked at her and cocked his head to the side. “He not monster, he’s Alex.

“Damn pup can be pretty damn cute...damn.” Alex thought as he watch the two converse.

“So he is a monster named Alex...all the better.” she started to shudder and curled up even more.

“What is she talking about Alex?” Weylyn asked look toward Alex with questioning eyes.

Alex shrugged his shoulders and said “ You know if you keep curling up like that anyone that walks by can see your…” he coughs into his hand looking away.

Motioning Weylyn away they began walking into a random direction once again.

End of Chapter 3: Good Guy or Bad Guy

Have a good day!

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