《Nadia *Dropped*》Rewrite: Chapter 1


Nadia kept on walking not wanting to face what was following her. Inside she knew that she had to look because of her curiosity. After about walking for a minute more she slowly turned around.

What she saw was a man dressed all in black. His face was covered but you could just tell that he was a monster. Nadia stopped still in her tracks but when she saw that he was walking to her she started to run because of her survival instincts.

Even though she ran she didn’t escape because she was still young and her body didn’t have the capability to run from a grown man. She couldn’t run from him especially if that grown man was like a monster.

He quickly caught up to her making Nadia’s nerves go wild. He took hold of her shoulder giving Nadia a feeling of extreme disgust. Then he turned her around to face him and punched her right in the middle of her stomach.

Nadia felt extreme nausea and anguish. She tried to hold to her conscious but it was her first time being hit like that. She had been loved and cared for by everyone she met. She wasn’t used to this type of treatment. Nadia was knocked out and completely defenseless.


Hours later Nadia woke up. She scanned the room to see where she was and as soon as she realized that she was in a strange grey room with menacing tools laid out in front of her. There were pliers, hammers, nails, saws, screwdrivers, knives, blades, needles, and many more things.

At first Nadia thought that this was a workroom for a construction worker or something similar because of all the tools. But when she took the point that she was tied up and left alone like in neglect play she thought that she was kidnapped by an S&M person or just a sadist or torturing person. How she knew that even I’m not sure.

Processing what she had seen she started to try to move. But she couldn’t. Her hands were tied up to a metal chain that was connected to the ceiling. The same went for her legs and feet.

Other than being tied up Nadia had also been changed. Unlike before she wasn’t wearing her casual clothes. She had on a flowy and thin white undershirt. This offered no protection from anything. Since there was no protection from the cold temperature Nadia started to get chilly and started to shiver.


Nadia started struggling. She was trying to move but she couldn’t. To her surprise an opening suddenly came from the wall right in front of her. Light washed the room and Nadia was blinded for a few seconds until her eyes managed to adjust. Then she saw a young woman.

The young woman had black hair and brown eyes. She had sharp teeth making her look even scarier.

The young woman came in and stared at Nadia with threatening gaze. She picked up a hammer and started to talk.

“Now, I know you’re probably wondering what you’re doing here. Well you are here to be my toy. I can’t say any more than that.” (Young Woman)

Nadia tried to avoid her sight but it was impossible as the young woman grabbed her chin.

“You know, you’re quite beautiful. I don’t like that. But “just because” I’m going to give you a choice. Up or down.” (Young Woman)

Nadia tried thinking what she meant by up or down and with her holding that hammer she thought that she might’ve meant that she was going to hurt her.

Thinking that she might be able to outsmart her Nadia said, “Neither.”

“Acting smart with me girl, huh. Fine, lets give you neither.” (Young Woman)

The young woman tightened her grip on the hammer and without any hint of hesitation hammered her in the stomach 3 times in a row.

At the second hit Nadia was already at her limit; puking blood and a bunch of other stuff. The young woman saw that she was near unconscious and decided that she should swiftly do what she came her before.

The young woman got close to Nadia’s face. Then she whispered in her ear.

“My name is Amelia and we will become very close for the next year. Oh yeah, and my disciples will be coming here tomorrow. You will be our torture subject. Be prepared because unlike me they don’t know much and might break your bones.” (Amelia)

Around 4 hours after Amelia left, the door opened again. Nadia was afraid and thought that it was Amelia. Much to her relief however it was actually not Amelia but another person entirely.

Amelia had an intimidating aura but this was a gentle aura. Slowly Nadia’s eyes adjusted again letting her slowly see the persons outline. It was a teenager.

He looked to be around 17 years old. He had normal features but everything about him screamed to be gentle. To Nadia he must’ve looked like an angel because of her trauma.


He walked towards her with an emergency kit and started to talk to her.

“Are you alright?” (Young man)

Nadia looked at him as if he were stupid. You could see in Nadia’s face and body that she was barely still awake and sane. He put his hands up in defense as if Nadia was shooting daggers at him with her eyes. She might have as well been too.

“Hey, it was a rhetorical question. I know you’re not okay and I’m going to help you.” (Young man)

Nadia didn’t look surprised. His gentle manner and the emergency kit had told her that he was going to. She didn’t even know his name or anything but she thought it would be okay. Nadia attempted to speak but failed. Her body wasn’t working with her. Maybe they and injected her with something. Not that they needed to she wouldn’t be able to do anything to resist or escape. She looked as if she wanted him to continue.

“Can’t speak huh. Well, my name is Albert.” (Albert)

After a while of her opening up to him he started to talk more about himself. He was a disciple of Amelia by force. He said that his parents had given him up for money and that he had no other place to go. He also said that he wasn’t supposed to be helping Nadia but he knew that she would be extremely hurt.

“You know she was actually being gentle with you, or at the very least in a way more lenient.” (Albert)

Nadia looked at him with a look of disbelief. Nadia wasn’t able to speak during their conversation but now she was trying to.

“She ... is…… evil.” (Nadia)

“First time I hear you speak. Well, I have seen worse than what she did to you. Like for example ….. Wait I forget that you’re just 9. It’s too much to handle.” (Albert)

“I …. I … can.” (Nadia)

“Well, I have to go. Like I said before I’m not supposed to be here. I might come back here but I’m not sure.” (Albert)

He waved her goodbye and left her hanging. Nadia was happy to talk to someone after being left alone for hours. She was just a child and got very lonely.

She had so much things on her mind. She wanted to see her father and mother. But she couldn’t even move her fingers. How was she going to get to them? She needed to tell them so much things. She needed to tell them that she loved them before Amelia killed her in a gruesome way.

Right now though she needed to plan her escape. She needed to get out even if she had to kill someone. Nadia spent the night thinking until she couldn’t stay awake anymore.


The next day Nadia woke up with a start. Ice water was thrown at her making her scream and she was slapped causing her face to swell up.

When she finally opened up her eyes she saw that the person who did all those things to her was a young boy around the age of Nadia. He looked to be around 9 years old. He had green eyes and brown hair.

On his side was Amelia and a 13 year old girl. Amelia was smiling her usual sinister smile at Nadia.

The young boy slapped her again gaining her attention. He spit on her face causing Nadia to shriek and then started shouting at her.

“My name is Chase. It seems you are going to be the frog I dissect.” (Chase)

He smiled at her and his smiled seemed to be an almost exact replica of Amelia’s.

Amelia looked at him with pride and motherly affection as he punched Nadia near the spot she had been hit before. He missed it by inches but it still hurt Nadia. Once again she coughed blood.

After 30 minutes Chase gave up his “Play time” with Nadia after saying a few words.

“I hate you. I mean who doesn’t.” (Chase)

Then he gave the spotlight to the 13-year-old girl.

She looked at Nadia with lust and started speaking.

“Well, I’m going to do a different type of torture that will stick with you forever. Oh, and my name is Constance”

After an hour they left with wide smiles. Nadia was the exact opposite. All her clothes had been taken off and her whole body was filled with bruises and cuts. Most noticeably though was there was blood dripping down through the floor from the center of where Nadia was hanged. Her eyes were lifeless and she seemed to have lost all previous will.

“What will happen to me now?” she barely managed to whisper as she started to shed tears.


Hey everybody. This is a sort of darker version of Nadia. I did this to make it more suspenseful and to have a better plot. I hope you enjoyed it.

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