《Nadia *Dropped*》Chapter 10


The letter said,

Dear Nadia,

Did you like the present? It may have come as a surprise. I know we said that we would give you some freedom but at the very least I want to set you up with someone I know I can trust rather than some unknown people like your brother’s and sister’s wives and husbands.

But we won’t force you to marry him right now. We will give you time to decide if you want to marry him or not.

Like I said before in the meeting we will visit you every week. We want to see you after all this time. It may have felt short or long for you but for us it was lonely and long. Now that we know where you are we want to be with you.

On another note you may not have realized this but it is your birthday.This present counts as my birthday gift. Your father will bring you his present the next next year. Don’t worry there will be no more people in boxes as gifts. It will be an item that will be useful to you.


your mother Anna.

The next few years past by in a flash for Nadia and Amos. Nadia trained in weapons mastery every day and Amos started with the torture training. Unlike Nadia he actually wanted to do the whole training. He said to Nadia that he was determined to be strong and useful to her. This goal and desire came to Amos because he didn’t want to be so helpless and weak. But because Nadia was already strong and very capable Amos felt that he would have to work harder and became determined. Amos’s new Master Gabriel was happy and content with his determination to be stronger. Amos’s Master Gabriel was a buff looking man who was a jack of all trades.

After her weapons and body training time was shortened Nadia had to start other training. The first thing she studied was poison and bombs.Nadia was expecting poison an bombs to be dangerous and exciting but Master Anna said that before they tried to make bombs and poison she would have to understand exactly what she was doing. This took time and after two months of it the usually patient Nadia was getting impatient. Master Anna saw this and decided to speed things up because Nadia was learning well. At the end of this Nadia had to take a test to be able to actually get into the poison and bombs. Like always Nadia aced it. After a while Master Anna knew that she had no more to teach Nadia. They ended with a test yet again. The test was actually an assassination. Nadia had to use poison and bombs three different ways to kill a different target. Nadia wasn’t actually happy about killing another person but she knew that she had to in order to be able to move on into different studies. For the first target she put cyanide in almonds. It was a quick kill because she put a large dose in the almonds. For her second target she used poison. The poison she used was Botulinum Toxi. For the third target she used a bomb. The bomb that she used was a CBU-52B. Due to it being a bomb she may have killed more people but thats not the point. She wanted to end with a big bang. Not minding the extra casualties Master Anna approved it and said that Nadia passed.


For the next lesson Nadia studied Manipulation/ Human Behavior Studies. For this lesson Nadia had to have a test subject. Amos kindly allowed himself to be tested on. Amos was told to lie and then tell the truth so that Nadia would be able to learn how to tell lies from the truth.There were ways to tell a lie but there was no way to be certain of it. It may be shown through body actions, words, or expressions. All that was needed was practice and Nadia had a lot of practice. In order to test to see if she had mastered telling lies from the truth Nadia was told 4 things. There were three truths and one lie. Master Anna would not accept it if she had even one thing wrong. If she did get something wrong then Nadia would have to redo the lesson on lies and truths. Nadia got it wrong once and had to study it again. Nadia didn’t mind getting something wrong but she was a little disappointed. But because the ways of telling lies from the truth is not foolproof or correct all the time she regained confidence. The next time she took the test she got it right. The three truths that Amos told Nadia were before torture training I have never gotten a bruise on my arm, my mother had brown hair, and my dad wore glasses. The lie was I have never been on a school bus more than once. But the whole lesson wasn't done. Nadia still had to learn about human behavior. No test subjects or volunteers were needed this time so Amos had to go back to training. Nadia passed without even taking a test because there was no way to be sure of human behaviors because every person was unique and could react differently to different situations. The reason why she passed was because she had already learned all that Master Anna had to teach her about Human Behavior Studies. For manipulation Nadia learned how to twist people’s words against the and make them do what she wanted. For manipulations test she had to actually use a person so Nadia was allowed to go outside. But she wasn’t completely unsupervised she had a small camera hidden behind a pin on Nadia’s fancy shirt. Her mission was to convince a person of her being right in an argument. Luckily for Nadia the new president was going to be elected. Nadia didn’t have to make any big changes in the voting and polls but she just had to convince one person against voting for someone. For this mission Nadia studied politics. Even though Nadia was just 9 and ¾ she liked studying politics. Nadia picked a woman in her 30’s for her mission. The woman was completely taken over and voted for Max Rownd. Coincidentally Max Rownd actually became the president.


For Nadia’s next lesson she had to study normal academics. Obviously Nadia wasn’t sent to a public school but instead was homeschooled by Master Anna. being a super fast learner Nadia was able to catch up with the normal education even though she hadn’t been taught at all. In fact in just five months of continuously studying and keeping up with weapons and body training Nadia was in 8th grade level studies. Amos again became a bit depressed and unmotivated but like before regained his motivation.

Amos had completed his beginner training and Nadia had completed her advanced training. The levels went like this Beginner, Student, Advanced, Expert, Master, King, Emperor, etc. Currently Master Annalie was King ranked while Master Eric was Emperor and Master Gabriel was Expert. For Amos that meant he was going to have his Aura and Ch tested. For Nadia it didn’t mean much. Amos’s crystal was mostly empty which meant that he had less talent than Nadia but more talent than the average human. It wasn’t too bad.

But despite her many talents and lessons Nadia’s favorite thing to study was disguised and acting. Master Anna was surprised that the expressionless Nadia could change so much. When acting Nadia’s face would change drastically. She would be able to make a smiling face that would melt hearts and she could also make a depressing face that would make you want to make her happy no matter what the cost. But because of her love of acting she developed a habit. Whenever she was caught off guard she would regain her expression. That was the good thing about acting it let Nadia freely express her emotions which she usually kept hidden which was the reason why Nadia liked acting best. For disguise Nadia had to put on makeup and different type of clothes on but because Nadia was young she didn’t have the height and stature to really completely change how she looked.

But through the years Nadia started to develop nicely.Her beauty as a child had not decreased at all and instead had become many times better unlike how most children grow out of their looks. She was now taller than most teenagers at 14. She also had more curves and size than most. Nadia’s hair had also grown to be as long as her buttocks.She was exceptionally gorgeous and though she had gone through loads and tons of training luckily she didn’t look like it. Amos also changed as well. He also grew taller, in fact he was only 2 inches taller than Nadia. Instead of being cute like before he had grown to be more mature and handsome. He wasn’t even breaking out even though he was in puberty. He had grown muscles but they weren’t noticeable if you didn’t look closely. Like Nadia he had grown pink muscles instead of white muscles.His face was so handsome if he looked at a woman he could make them fall in love instantaneously. Luckily for Nadia he was already completely in love for Nadia and was set on marrying her. For Nadia it was the same. She had grown to love him over the years.

One day Nadia and her parents were talking like usual and a certain topic came up. This topic was ……………………..


Hello readers, i’m sorry for not writing in a while. I just lost my motivation because of something. But I got it back and i’m here. Nadia’s training and childhood took more than I thought it would and i’m thankful that you waited this long. We can finally get on with the story. Here is a picture of Nadia.

Click http://static.tumblr.com/463d6918780d141414c683b6bf72010e/beauqjh/Eismwdmbp/tumblr_static_anime-guy-with-black-hair-and-blue-eyes-by-mjv-art.org-pictures-get_image-153641-1029x1372-aoshiki-original-girl-long_hair-solo-blue_eyes.jpg

. Here is a picture of Amos.



Thank you for reading.

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