《Nadia *Dropped*》Chapter 9: Him


The present had blonde hair and blonde eyes. It was small and cute. It had small round ears and a button nose. It had pale skin just like Nadia but unlike Nadia it didn’t fit him too well. His skin and features made him look cute and cute was weak harmless to a lot of people.It was a little boy who looked to be around the same age as Nadia (around 7-8 if anyone is wondering.) He was wearing nothing but blue checkered boxers and a white undershirt. Nadia did not mind his attire but the thing that she did find strange was that he was wearing a collar. The collar was a blue-green that matched his eyes and had the words Nadia’s future husband Amos engraved on them. He ‘Amos’ was currently sleeping in the box. Nadia already was shocked but she didn’t show it. ( This is how Amos looks. Click on this link. Oh and here is Nadia’s picture. Click this link. Obviously I did not draw them.)

Amos POV


I was dreaming about everything that happened and how I ended up here in this box.

I was like any other child, I think. I had richer parents than other children but they weren’t too rich. I lived in an average 2 story house in a normal sized room. I was not common because I was bullied. Why I was bullied I don’t know? Maybe it was because I never put up a fight or shielded myself from the bullies punches and kicks. Maybe it’s because I had no friends, I was always ignored by the whole class. I can’t be sure. (If you, the readers, are wondering why he was bullied it’s because the bullies were very perverted and sadists at that. And the other classmates didn’t talk to him because he was too cute to even talk to. In fact he had his own fan club that protected him from friends and especially girls. But because the fan club was threatened they had to leave him alone when he was bullied. If you are asking how can people so young have fan clubs it is because I said so and he really was that cute and smart too. I wanted to make him not notice this fact because I did not want him to be arrogant and narcissistic.) Anyways, I rather not talk more about this even though i’m really just talking in my inner monologue. Bullying is a nasty things to talk about or think about. Anyways one day after my normal routine which is go to school, get shunned, and be hit and etc I returned home from school.


When I got back home I realized that something was different. My loving parents who would usually welcome me and treat my bruises and wounds weren’t there. I looked all over them in the house. It didn’t take long to find them. They were upstairs in a room. I didn’t like what I saw. My parents were on their knees with their hands up while two men in all black clothes held up guns to their heads. I was looking at this scene from a small crack in the open door. I did not want to be in the same place as them because then I wouldn’t be able to save them. I crawled down the stairs as fast as I could to the home phone. I called 911 and told the police what happened. At that time I couldn’t help but cry and place my worries on them. I went back outside the room where my parents were being held and looked through the small crack in the slightly open door. I silently started why they started yelling something about money and a location. Then my dad got up and started fighting the man with the gun at his head. Suddenly he was shot in the chest. His head was looking towards mom and then he said, “Tell my son that I love him and that he should always stand up for his woman.” My mom around that time was crying and started to fight the man who shot at my dad. The same thing happened to her except when she fell she looked towards where I was silently crying truly sorrow-filled tears. My mother was shot in the neck so she couldn’t speak but she mouthed to me ‘I love you, my little dear.’

Then as if I called them with my tears the police sirens rang out coming closer. The men then clucked their tongues as if that was as much they cared about failing. When they were leaving through the window I spotted something. One of the men who killed my father had a skull shaped tattoo on his neck.

The police couldn’t do much to help my parents after they died so all they did was investigate and try to tail the men who escaped. I was sent to an orphanage. I had no relatives that I knew about so this was the only place I could go. It wasn’t much of a change from my past school. I was still bullied but it was different because I had lost a parents warmth. I was there for 3 months before anything happened.


The big change was that I was going to be taken in by a couple. Apparently the couple were rich. That was all I knew. When I met them however I realized that they were no ordinary couple. They were wearing expensive clothes and had a strong look in them. They explained to me that I was going to be taken in as their daughters future husband. They didn’t talk much more about my fiancee other than that she had a good personality. In the whole month I was with them I didn’t see my fiancee. Finally they said that they would take me to her. They said that I would have to sleep in the same bed as her and live in the same room as her. They also said that I would be allowed to do anything allowed by Nadia. (Anything. *wink* *wink* Honeymoon, anyone.)

They made a plan for me to meet them. Lets just say that it was a very creative plan. I was going to be put in a big box with a collar saying my position. Then the box would be wrapped and I would wait until my fiancee who I learned her name was Nadia.

So here I am in the box. I was trying to go back to sleep after thinking about what I would say to her when the box was opened. Suddenly I heard noises of crumpling paper. I kept my eyes cloths thinking what kind of person she would be. Well I could tell that she was very patient because she wasn’t rushing the opening of the box. Then the box opened and I saw a small goddess. This small goddess started at me in silence observing me all over. Which made me want to blush. Her eyes stopped on my neck. Oh, I had forgotten about the collar. I looked into her eyes and stared at her.

Then I was going to introduce myself when she said, “Please sit up. You must be cramped.” She picked me up with scarred hands and a firm strong grip and then sat me on a chair and brought out a jug of water and 2 glasses. Her words really surprised me she was taking this too calmly but I was still happy to be out of that cramped box.

Then she said, “ So, would you please mind explaining the collar.” So I explained why I was in there and who I was to her. I couldn’t help but smile. My future wife was as beautiful as a goddess, kind, very calm, and apparently thoughtful as well.

“My name is Nadia. It is nice to meet you Amos.”

“It’s ……. nice to meet you too.”

“Do you have anything else for me with you?”

Suddenly I remembered the letter. I had been told to give the letter to her when we met but I had forgotten completely. The letter was back on the box so I went to get it. She opened the letter and read it.


Hello this is Blackrose156. Did you like the surprise companion? I will write in Nadia’s POV next chapter. Please point out mistakes that I make. I say that too much, huh. Oh, and can anybody suggest ideas for the next big event that will happen. Should I make the big event happen when they are young like now or later when they are in their teenage years. Also can somebody give me ideas for embarrassing situations for the couple. Thanks for reading.

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