《Nadia *Dropped*》Chapter 8 The Decision


The meeting took place in the Moonlight Rose’s (the assassination organization) base so that when the meeting was done they could meet Nadia quickly. The meeting room was very modern looking. It had white walls, a glass table, and a small window. Even though it was modern it was a very plain looking like most other rooms in the Moonlight Rose’s base. The people in the Moonlight Rose preferred comfort and efficiency instead of decorative and showy furniture and rooms.

The people currently in the meeting room we’re Anna Nightingale (Nadia’s Mother), John Nightingale (Nadia’s Mother), Nadia Nightingale, and Annalie Crimson (Nadia’s Master). If people would enter the room they would feel a pressuring atmosphere so strong it would make normal people weak in the knees. The only reason why Annalie and Nadia were able to at least a small bit withstand it was because the pressuring aura was not aimed at Nadia and Annalie was able to make an aura envelop her to a certain degree due to her experience and talent in Aura. There was silence in the room but soon it was interrupted, the interrogation started.

“Why do you have Nadia?” started John.

“I …. happened to come across her.” half-answered Annalie.

“How did you come across her?” he continued.

“Ummm….. It’s a long story.” she said.

“Long story… huh, explain.” he commanded with a strong tone.

“Well……. I wanted someone to train and so I funded an orphanage in hopes that someone would be qualified. But, they were killed so some of my employees or members found Nadia for me.” she summarized and explained.

Anna Nightingale said with a teacher-like tone, “Do you think that’s right, kidnapping a young girl? Do you?”

Annalie barely managed to stutter, “No,...I…..I don’t. But in my defense I was determined and Nadia proved to be a prodigy in whatever she did. When Nadia took her test she had the whole crystal be clear. Nadia has talent and I want to keep her as my student ”


The Nightingale's grew silent and looked at each other. Then almost as if they had communicated with only their eyes John started to speak.

“You know we don’t even have a right to correct you or say anything against you. We lied to you Nadia. We pretended to be something we weren’t. In fact just the opposite.” said John with a guilty look on his face.

He continued while turning his head towards Nadia, “In the beginning we wanted you to become a kind and sincere girl unlike your siblings which you didn’t know about until now. We were going to wait until you were eight or nine to have you train here. Then when you were 15 we would have you go to a private school to learn about manners and other things necessary to be married off into a rich family that we would benefit from. This was going to be the plan. But it seems that things aren’t the same. When you were kidnapped however we realized that this plan was selfish and cruel and that you should have the ability to choose what you wanted. But now instead of my plan being out of the picture you have started early on it. Annalie said that you have talent and she wants to continue being your master. I do not want to force you to do what I want but instead I want you to choose.”

Nadia was dumbfounded. During her Master’s and her fathers conversation she could see that her father wasn’t just a poor person but was actually a person with such influence that he could make Annalie the boss and owner of the Moonlight Roses sweat bricks. Now he explained that they wanted to raise her in a way that wouldn’t make her selfish and with a bad personality and then take full control of her life for their benefit. Now that was almost out of the picture but Nadia would have to choose. To Nadia the choice was kind of obvious. She wouldn’t want to be controlled by her parents or by her future husband. But if she didn’t choose that she would have to go back to train to be an assassin and she didn’t want to face the fact that she would have to kill a living and breathing person.


However Nadia was certain that she wouldn’t want to be controlled so she said, “You know, I never thought that you were the type of parents who lied to their child and wished to have control of their future. I thank you for letting me choose and for being honest with your confession but if I will have my life controlled by anyone who goes against what I want then, I want to keep on training with Master Annalie.”

Nadia’s words made both of her parents feel guilty even more because they felt they caused their happy child to look emotionless and serious. They were expecting this choice but it still hurt because they would have to live with only visiting Nadia for at most once a week because of studies and training. They knew this because they were also once trained the same way that Nadia was going to train.

Anna Nightingale said, ”I was expecting that answer from the beginning. That is why I prepared something for you. You will find it later but just remember it belongs to you and only you. Treat it with care. We will visit you every Friday because I do want to keep in touch with you.”

Nadia wondered what the gift was. From what they said it seemed to be something important. How important it was Nadia didn’t know. She just knew that she would have to take care of the present. Nadia didn’t hate her parents so she wouldn’t mind seeing them every Friday maybe she felt that she would actually look forward to it.

Soon after a few exchanges like take care of Nadia with Master Annalie they hugged Nadia said goodbye and left. Then Nadia went back to her room. She was surprised. Before her room was plain with only the minimum amount of quality, furniture, and comfort. But now her room was beautiful. There was now a bigger window with soft and delicate white curtains, a queen sized bed and black blankets, instead of the hard and cold floor there was now a soft brown carpet on the ground, and a closet filled with expensive and beautiful cloths that Nadia guesses she would wear when her parents came to see her every Friday. But this was not al that caught Nadia’s attention.

In the center of the room there was a box. It had bright red wrapping paper with words like belongs to you and to Nadia. The box was about the same size as Nadia and Nadia was tall and slim for her age. Nadia looked at it with wonder and amazement in her eyes.

‘So this is the present.’ she thought.

She went up to the present and slowly and carefully opened it. She gasped. It was a ……………………………


Hello readers I just wanted to say thanks for reading and sorry for the wait. I was planning on posting this yesterday but the computer was taken away from me as punishment because yesterday and the day before that I slept at four. Oh, and they were for different reasons than the story. Right now I am practicing drawing so that I can draw the cover well. Can somebody give me ideas. I want it to be a high school teenage version of Nadia. If you can’t remember Nadia has blue eyes and super long silky black hair. She has calm eyes that look as if they can see through your soul and luscious naturally red lips. She has pale skin that does not look strange on her and she is tall and had big proportions if you know what I mean. Needless to say she is very, very, very attractive. Once again thank you for reading and please give me suggestions and criticism.

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