《Nadia *Dropped*》Chapter 7: Master Anna's Feelings Part 3


Master Anna's POV


Because Nadia had finished her torture training completely we were getting started on training in martial arts and weapons. Nadia studied different types of martial arts and weapons. The types of martial arts that Nadia studied were(Copied and pasted from website):

Aikido - Aikido is a Japanese martial arts style focused on redirecting the attack away from you. Aikido concentrates on throwing, joint locks, traditional Japanese weapons, etc.

Bartitsu - Bartitsu is an English martial arts that combines boxing, cane fighting, jujutsu, etc. Revival of this martial arts is due to interest in Sherlock Holmes.

Bojuka - Bojuka is a self-defense system focused on grappling and strikes to an opponent's vital areas.

Enshin Kaikan - Enshin Kaikan is a Japanese martial arts that utilizes the Sabaki method (which seeks to turn an attacker's power against him). This martial arts involves kicks, punches, sweeps, throws, etc.

Eskrima, Arnis & Kali - Eskrima is a martial arts style from the Philippines focused on the use of stick and blade weapons (i.e. Yantok). This martial arts is also known as Arnis and Kali.

The types of weapons that Nadia learned to use were spears (Pole Type Weapon), swords (and short swords), and guns like assault rifles, shotguns, and snipers. To be more specific some of the guns used are an AK-47 a durable and powerful gun, Beretta 390-391 series (semi-auto action type gun) a strong gun with much less recoil, and the m82 barrett 50 cal a strong long-ranged gun with bullet strength that can shoot through a wall (a website said this not me.)

Nadia had an ability to learn fast and correct her mistakes easily. It was because of this that Nadia was able to almost fly through training. At first Nadia took a while to actually start shooting the targets. But about a week later when I checked up personally on her shooting skills I saw that in about every shot she had at least 60% chance of hitting the target right in the middle. This was a very good improvement. Most adults don’t even know how to shoot much less children at 6 years old like Nadia. In about a month or less I think that Nadia will be too good at this for me to train her. I trained her in distance and accuracy. At the beginning of her shooting we started training at the distance of 15 meters. The target was 30 inches in width and length. Each time Nadia hit the target 10 times in a row continuously I would increase the distance and decrease the targets width and length. This was also how I was taught. Except for the fact that Nadia is six when starting this training and I was 8 when I started this training.


In order for Nadia to train with more will and determination I decided to develop a points system. The point system included different prizes that Nadia would win each time she made a shot. In the target there were three parts. This meant that she would only get three possible amount of points. The outside section was worth 20 point. The middle ring was worth 30 and the very inside ring was worth 50 points. The prizes were:

1,000 Points = A free day to enjoy with no restrictions. You will be able to go outside like a normal child.

1,500 Points = Signs that your parents are looking for you.

10,000 Points = A picture of your parents.

100,000 Points = Seeing your parents without them seeing you for an hour.

This really motivated Nadia even more than I expected. I was happy to see that my plan worked. Now Nadia’s progress was almost three times more than before. I was very proud of Nadia as her Master.

Nadia at the same time as she started weapon training also studied martial arts. Because I felt I wasn’t suited to teach Nadia about martial arts I assigned my friend Eric to teach her. He was the strongest in the organization. I was the second strongest. I was right to choose him because I received notice that Nadia had completed the beginner training in martial arts in one month. If I was teaching Nadia it would have taken her two months to learn it. After all I would have been easy on her unlike Eric.

When a member of the organization reaches a new level in something they test their Aura and Chi to see the improvements. The machine would change colors according to your level. The first time a person takes the test they would only get two colors because they haven’t learned much. Because Nadia reached beginner in martial arts she needed to take the test. Unfortunately I was too busy with a meeting to attend. I had to leave this matter to Eric. When the meeting was about to finish I was called by Eric and told to rush over to the testing room as soon as possible. I did as he said as quickly as possible. When I reached over there I came to a silent and tense atmosphere. I was filled with curiosity. I quickly received a summary of the events that occurred. I was astonished. Had it actually done something like that? Nadia was looking at me with a blank look. I looked at Eric then asked if he had explained how the test worked. He said no and looked away. He would get a punishment later. I explained to Nadia then told Nadia to do the test again. It seemed that they weren’t lying to me. I was breathless and proud. It seemed that I have come across an irreplaceable talent. I couldn’t stay longer much to my dislike so I told Eric his punishment and left. Since I was the boss I couldn’t neglect my duties any longer. Actually my manager told me first but that's not important.


Recently I feel that Nadia is becoming too close to me. Instead of a student or disciple Nadia is becoming more like my very own child. I’m actually thinking of officially adopting her. No matter how talented or mature Nadia is at her age she is still a child and needs family or emotional support. I plan on being her family. I feel that only I can do this for her it was my fault that Nadia was kidnapped and taken away from her family. I feel guilty and I don’t like this feeling. I think a way to get rid off this guilt is to try doing something for her. I’m afraid that Nadia won’t accept me as her family because of the traumas I may have inflicted on her during torture training.

Once again this child amazed me and left me breathless. The system I made really has produced unimaginable results. When I made the point system I thought that it would take about two or less weeks to even get the first reward. But Nadia in three days completed the second reward. I’m afraid that Nadia will get too attached to her family which she most likely will never see again. But I am a woman who keeps her promises. I will never back down on my word. I am forced to do this.

When I was first introduced to Nadia I didn’t think to even investigate her background. Why would I? Nadia was wearing rags at our meeting. Very dirty rag made out of the cheapest type of cloth. She had long black hair that was so long it was dragging on the floor and collecting dust and who knows what type of dirt and germs. Nadia wasn’t starving but wasn’t full either in fact she was just hungry to the point of almost starving. I didn’t even ask for her full name. I had thought that her parents wouldn’t be able to do anything. Now that I actually investigate Nadia I am scared. Yes, I the boss of the most ruthless assassination organization is scared.

Nadia’s parents are our sponsors. They are the Nightingale family. The Nightingale family were actually the ones who started this company. But about 20 years ago they decided to give the organization to my father because my father was like the Nightingale families right hand man or in a way a loved uncle. My father ran it well. But about three years ago he died after getting cancer. When I first heard the news I was depressed and devastated. But when I finally calmed down I laughed because an assassin died of cancer not by being killed by another but by a sickness. The organization needed a leader someone to keep them running and in check. In my fathers will he appointed me the successor of the organization. I decided to follow his will and become the leader. I wasn’t the strongest in the organization but I was the smartest. The Nightingale family agreed with this decision. I called the Nightingale family and told them that I was in possession of Nadia. I couldn’t explain my mistake on the phone so I decided to make a meeting.


Hello readers this is Blackrose123. I just wanted to say thanks for reading and can you please come up with a name for the organization. I'm getting tired of having to say assassination organization again and again and I want to leave some of the choices to the readers. Can you make it sound a bit menacing but not too much and it can’t be silly it has to sound professional. If I don’t get answers I will just going to name it something along the lines of Withering Willow. Also I am getting a feeling that people just skip this part and I don’t like that. And I want more comments please. Thank you once again.

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