《Nadia *Dropped*》Chapter 6: Master Anna's Feelings Part 2


Master Anna's POV


Now that we finished Nadia's torture she would have to learn how to torture others. There are many devices that Nadia learned about.

The Tub

The victims would have their all their body parts except their head sticking out. The head that was sticking out would be painted with honey. Then after a few days insects like maggots and worms would decay their body alive. The tub wouldn't be cleaned but the victims were still fed as minimum as possible.


The victims would sit on a sharp needle. After this the executioners would raise the pole. The victims would then slide down slowly and painfully dying.. This was the favorite method of execution from Vlad The Impaler.

The Iron Maiden

In the steel coffin like device there would be needles all around. This would make the victim unable to move.

The Thumb Screw

Like the name states the Thumb Screw was a screw like machine that would crush fingers, knees, and ankles. There was also a head crusher which would crush the leg.

The Guillotine

The Guillotine is a device that everyone has probably seen in old movies or in other places. It was a machine made to decapitate. This machine was just a sharp knife connected to the rope. (Search it up yourself for pictures because I don't know how to add them.)

The Tongue Tearer

This device looked like an oversized pair of scissors. Just like it sounds it would tear out the tongue. (I don't know why they would teach this fro confessions because the victim wouldn't be able to spill any information anymore. Maybe they just showed this to the spies or really just victims to intimidate them)

Rat Torture

Rat torture was when a box or cage without a bottom was placed on the victims body. The box would have something that would produce intense heat. The rats wanting to escape would scratch and enter the body. Needless to say the victims died very painfully.


Cement Shoes

The cement shoes would have two holes for the victims legs. The victim would then be thrown into the sea or deep waters.

Saw Torture

The victim would be tied upside down. They were kept upside down so that blood would rush to their heads and would keep them awake during the torture. Then a saw or knife would drop down cutting their bodies in half. First would be the private parts which again needless to say would hurt.

(By the way my favorite type (also in my thoughts the scariest) of torture is the Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered it is not included in the torture descriptions so search it up. Maybe i'm a bit sadistic too for choosing this horrid torture method as my favorite but hey no torture doesn't hurt.)

These were just some examples of what Nadia learned. Nadia hated these types of torture even without my observant abilities Nadia's face and trembling body said it all. When learning about these tortures Nadia was mostly scared of the rat and saw torture. During the lessons Nadia asked me a question. She asked why we still had these type of tortures if most of them were abandoned and super old. I answered that it was I who brought them back into use. I have liked these type of tortures all my life. There was no other reason behind my interest and the fact that in the old times things were a bit more painful and much more interesting. I guess i'm just sadistic by nature.

As a final test to see if Nadia's torture lessons were completely learned and absorbed we had her test every single method on different people. It was sad to see Nadia cry and beg for their forgiveness but this was the test and it was not optional. We even had to use threats against her family. That did the job almost too well. Nadia passed with flying colors meaning that she wouldn't have to retake this painful study course once again.



Sorry for the short chapter and the wait. I made a short chapter because I just wanted to continue as soon as possible. Also sorry for redoing and adding more to past chapters with this instead of continuing with the advancements of the story. Its just that some time ago I asked if I should include information of how she became what she will be in the future. Someone answered that they like detailed growth periods. This is for them. Thank you for reading. I will be expecting comments also what is the scariest of all the list and if you could chose one which would you pick. Just trying to get some more comments so forgive me for making you imagine and consider horrible things. Once again thank you for reading.

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