《Nadia *Dropped*》Chapter 5: Master Anna's Feelings Part 1


Master Anna's POV Part 1


I have been in a way raising children from an orphanage. I have been doing this by donating money to them. I have done this because I want a student to personally raise. But it can't just be any random little girl or boy. They have to have a sort of talent. I am personally looking for a child who is weak or pretty looking because then they will be underestimated. Underestimation is the best weapon. This saying comes from my experiences. It was hard for me as a small girl to be raised as the only girl assassin. But instead of that being a restriction it actually became a sort of blessing for me. My targets would never want to hurt a 'sweet and 'weak' girl making their deaths much, much easier.

I have sent spies to watch over the growth of the children in the orphanage. There does not seem to be be any kids that match my needs or should I say wants. That is why I allowed them to be unprotected and prone to attacks from enemy organizations. So, I should say that I am the cause for their deaths. This is a hame though I did ant to have a student that I would teach. I would make them call me 'Master' and would care for them as i would for a child of mine. But I am way to busy for a child of my own.

Today the unexpected happened. Two men who worked under me reported that my orphanage was exterminated, this was known so I wasn't surprised. But what they said next rose up my eyebrows.; They claim that in that slaughterhouse that used to be an orphanage there was a survivor. This was wrong and a lie because I personally checked every single corner of that house in search of a survivor. This is interesting. I wonder which poor kidnapped child they will bring me. Perhaps it will be one that matches my needs.


They have brought me a little girl that has completely surpassed my expectations. This little girl, Nadia, is beautiful. This is good. People will not think that this beautiful little girl could kill them. She would not be considered threat at all. The negative is that because of her beauty she will be implanted like a tattoo into the minds and hearts of people witness her. But this problem is one that a good disguise will be able to fix.

Nadia's torture training has been cruel and extremely harsh. I am being hard on her. I don't want Nadia to be a spoiled brat but even I realize that this torture is excessive. However her gorgeous face covered in her blood awakened a sadistic feeling in me. Imagine if I had assigned a male to torture her. She would surely be raped in the most painful way possible. After I am done with her daily torture routine i can't help but feel pity for this girl. Her body is covered in a variety of deep and painful looking scars. This is no time for regret but i can't help feel that I should have treated her with care. This is not the only part that is making me feel pity for her. The other part is that she is almost completely like a porcelain doll. Her past vivid and strong willed eyes are now empty and hollow. In this day I promised that I would do the best that I could to make her as happy that an assassin can be.


Hello, this is blackrose156 once again. Sorry for the short chapter but I made sure to try as hard as possible to make it worthwhile and meaningful. They are already trying to hurry me and I must go and end this quickly. Thank your for reading. Please comment, give me suggestions, and HARSH criticism if I deserve it. Remember I always welcome negative comments as well as positive ones. Thank you.

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