《Nadia *Dropped*》Chapter 3 Training Part 2


Nadia had now completely finished her harsh torture training. She had learned about all types of torture and how to make people spill information. In order to test if she had mastered torturing others and interrogating she had to use it on someone. She used it on a spy that was undercover sneaking around the assassination organization. Her master, whose name she found out was Anna, said to find out his goals and what he had uncovered. Nadia even with her dislike of torturing others passed with flying colors. Nadia not only managed to find out exactly the right information but managed to do so without inflicting a deep wound. It had only taken her two months of people torturing her and one month of learning how to torture and interrogate others.

Now Nadia was to learn how to fight and kill. She was trained by a different person than Master Anna. Master Anna was busy with other things. What these other things were Nadia didn't know and didn't dare to ask. Too much curiosity was a bad thing in a place that might hold secrets best left alone.

This different person was a man who looked to be around thirty years of age. He had blonde hair and light brown eyes. He had a small button-looking nose and tanned skin just like Master Anna. He wasn't tall or short. He had a common height. He didn't have any facial hair like a beard or a mustache. He looked refined, neat, and tidy. He didn't look too strong but looks can be deceiving. He introduced himself as Eric Collins. But Nadia didn't think Eric Collins was his real name. He was an assassin and to and assassin the ability to disguise yourself was a life or death skill especially if you were on the run.


His training included much less pain than torture but still inflicted pain nonetheless. An average person wouldn't have been able to handle all his training. But Nadia who was tortured seem to be able to handle a certain amount of pain without wincing or crying or even feeling it. It seemed even though the building was ordinary the people weren't at all normal. Nadia was distrustful and wary of everyone around her because of that but when Master Anna was kind to her she was able to relax her guard.

Even though Nadia was poor and had little money she still owned a low quality television and was able to see Tv shows and cheap movies. Nadia didn't like them too much but didn't dislike them either. She only watched them when she had nothing to do or was bored. Because of this when she heard of training she thought of meditating your Chi under a waterfall or slashing your sword around 100 times a day. Her guesses were not all that different from the real training she did.

Nadia's training sessions were running 1 mile with weights that would increase miles and pounds every day, sit-ups, crunches, and sword techniques. This was done continuously and nonstop which strained Nadia's body making her every move hurt . These were times when Nadia was grateful for the torture that allowed her to feel less pain. She also, like her guesses about training, meditated her chi (life force) and her aura. Aura was something invisible to the common and naked eye. It couldn't be seen by anyone other than experienced Aura masters but it could skill be felt. The Aura was used to scare and make opponents and victims bow in defeat before the fight or killing even began. People who trained hard enough and had almost endless limits were able to materialize their Aura into things like weapons or anything they imagined. Master Eric said that this was a very useful ability because the Aura didn't cause outside or physical damage but damage to the soul our damage to internal organs. He also said that Aura was not able to be identified which allowed an almost 0% chance of being identified as a murder or traced back to a certain person.


Nadia was stunned. She didn't know that such a powerful ability existed and she would have known it if it was as powerful as he said. Even though Nadia was poor she would have known it because this knowledge would have spread like wildfire.

Master Eric continued "But this power has its drawbacks. You have to own enough Chi to withstand it. Also there is a limit to how well you can learn this ability. You can not change the limit. Or at we haven't ever had a person who has been able to change their limit."

As Master Eric said this she was filled with curiosity.

"How can you know what your limit is?" she asked with awe in her voice.

"Hmm. It's funny that you ask that. Today I prepared the test for you." said Master while he took out a crystal sphere. The crystal sphere looked very similar to the crystal ball that fortune tellers used.

"How do I tell what my limit is?" Nadia said.

"Just put your hand here. I will tell you." replied Master Eric.

So as he instructed she put her hand on the crystal sphere. They were all silent. But nothing happened. There was no change in the crystal sphere. Suddenly Master Eric put on a shocked face. Then he called Master Anna with his phone. He spoke with a whisper and told her to rush over here because something unexpected happened. Master Anna came thirty minutes after with an exhausted look on her face. She had rushed over as fast as she could after her important meeting ended. She then told them to do the test again.

Nadia once again put her hand on the crystal sphere. They were all silent like before. There was no reaction on the crystal ball once again. The only difference this time was the person who was making the shocked face. This time it was Master Anna.

She looked towards Nadia and said ..................


I will hold off the reincarnation until the second volume and will continue the story. I will try to make the chapters longer. Thank you for your comments on my past chapters and thank you for reading. Please continue to comment and point out all my mistakes.

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