《Nadia *Dropped*》Chapter 2 Training


The list stated:


You will learn about torturing and interrogating people. You will also be tortured constantly to strengthen your body and will against enemy interrogations.


You will be trained in defensive and offensive stances. You will also be trained in how to kill a person swiftly and silently.

3.Poisoning and Bombs

You will learn how to make most type of poisons and bombs out of common ingredients. This can be used to escape certain situations such as being caught.

4. Manipulation/ Human Behavior Studies

You will learn how to tell lies from the truth and how to use different ways to turn someone into your spy. You will also be taught how to predict a persons reaction and action to whatever you do.

5. Studies

As the name stated you will learn about things taught in normal school. But unlike normal schools you will be taught about vulnerable body parts which will help you about torture. You will also learn about how to make a weapon, a weapons properties, and how to use the weapon. You will also have to learn housework skills such as cooking and cleaning.

6. Disguise an Acting

You will learn how to act like any type of person. This is basically infiltration. This is a very important skill to have if you are trying to spy on someone. You will also learn how to change the way you look and sound.

You will study each thing until you reach a point of near perfection. There is no time limit or known completion time. The completion of each thing you will study depends on how fast you learn it and how well you learn it. If you manage to break the record of completing this which is 10 years then you will be granted one wish.


As Nadia read this her face changed expressions rapidly. She didn't know if she should be happy that she would be taught so many 'useful' things or sad that she would have to go through harsh, harsh training. She was especially scared of torture and a bit of training. Since Nadia had a good imagination she could just picture where they were going to hurt her. Oh the pain she would feel. But she still had hope because of the final paragraph. Nadia already knew what she would wish for. She would wish to go to public school like any normal girl.

Nadia had a wish that she had always wanted. She wanted to be normal. Not rich or poor, just normal. But that dream seemed impossible because she was going to be trained to become an assassin. But still she would try hard. Nadia was just that type of person.

Nadia decided not to think about how hard it would be after all nothing would change the pain. She quickly tried to forget about was waiting for her in the future and tried to focus on sleeping. Nadia believed that the best thing to do right now would be to sleep. Nadia thought this because there was nothing else to do in the almost empty room and if she wanted to get started on her escape then she would have to hurry. In order to hurry she would have to try hard and wake up energized.

Nadia was waken up by a cold bucket of water. When she woke up and opened her eyes she saw that it was her Master. She didn't know why the boss would directly come to wake her up but she decided not to question it because the boss should be respected. She immediately stood up with her back straight acting like a person in the military without the salute even if she didn't know it.


"Good morning Nadia. I hope you slept well you'll need it for today. We are going to start your torture training now. Get yourself ready. " said the boss.

Nadia thought that she was mentally prepared against the torture training but as soon as the boss said that she started trembling. Even though the water was near freezing the only reason she was shivering was because of fear. Nadia didn't know how to get ready for torture. No 6 year old girl would know. Actually no normal or still sane person would. She didn't even have time to ask as she was carried to a frightening room filled with torture objects.

For Nadia this was the worst time in her whole life. Nothing could have compared to the pain she felt while being tortured. Every single part of her body hurt. She had whip marks on her back, burn marks on her chest, and many other horrible marks that would most likely leave scars on the smooth skin she used to have. Not only did the torture hurt her physical state but also her emotional state. Nadia felt like an empty shell. She was asked questions but was not allowed to speak because she was told to keep silent. But the way the boss hit her and screamed at her to answer with killing intent made her want to answer. Finally she was done with her torture. Now she would have to learn to torture others.


Please give me harsh criticism and suggestions . I really like reincarnation stories and I have an idea of how to fit it in this story. But it will take a long time to reach the right time for her death and everything because I want to make sure that she has no regrets in this world. I really don't want to give any spoilers but if you ask I will tell. Also should I just skip her childhood and move on to the climax or describe everything with detail. I will need some answers before I continue the story. Thank you for reading.

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