《Nadia *Dropped*》Chapter 1 The Boss


The two men led Nadia to an ordinary looking building. It had to be ordinary looking in order to not attract too much attention, this was an assassin's organization after all. The sign on the building said 'Wilburn Law Firm'.

The two men looked around for people who would spot the kidnapped girl but couldn't find any. It happened to be the perfect time to kidnap a girl and sneak her around. It was after rush hour. They quickly snatched her out of the ordinary looking car and brought her inside.

The inside was the same as everything else, ordinary. There were people in professional looking suits talking to clients and holding papers. It seemed that even though it was an assassination organization it still had real clients and real cases presented to the judges. It was quite silly that an assassination organization would be tied to the law. But not only was this organization tied to the law but it worked for the law. It was a sort of secret, secret service.

The 'boss' as it seems was the exact opposite of Nadia's expectations. Nadia thought that the boss would be an unfeeling muscle man. However the boss was a slender young looking woman. She had brown hair, dark brown eyes, and tan skin. If she was rated from 1 to 10 she would be a nine. She was just that beautiful.

She welcomed Nadia with a radiating smile that seemed as if it could melt ice. This was strange for an assassin. But it seemed to Nadia that things would get even stranger.

Nadia was not very happy with this situation. But she was still calm. Nadia knew that overreacting would not help this situation at all. She wouldn't cry for her mother or father as most children would. The boss was surprised with her calm attitude. But being an assassin she was able to adapt quickly to any situation.


The boss then started to speak, "Hello my dear. It seems that you are unexpectedly calm. Would you mind child?"

"My name is Nadia." she replied with no hesitation and confidence.

"Nadia, I like it. Do you know why your here?" she said.

Nadia had made guesses with the few information the two men had left her with their conversation. It included killing and training. Nadia guessed that she would be trained to be a spy or assassin. But because this was only a guess and she wasn't sure she answered "No."

The boss said, "Well then I will be glad to explain everything to you. Nadia according to my information you are a replacement for the dead orphan children I sponsored as future students in the art of killing and missions. Though the men who brought you here tried to fool me I could see past their façade. The ability to see past their façade you will learn. But it will not be easy this ability comes mostly from experience and a good teacher. Hmm, I've gotten off topic haven't I. Well I will be personally training you because you have brought to me great curiosity."

The two men that were watching the meeting at a distance had trembled at her words. Nadia took note of this. Nadia guessed that the woman was much, much, much more stronger than she seemed and if not she had powerful backup. Nadia also took note to respect this woman even though she was partially in fault for her kidnapping. She did this because if the woman was strong she could easily destroy her weak and poor family.

"What will I be trained in, Master?" Nadia asked the woman.

"That is a question you will learn soon after. I wrote the answer to your question on this list. I was never going to be the one to train or answer questions to the person before you. You will have to make due with the time that I was supposed to spend on the other child." replied the woman.


Nadia just nodded at her masters answer and took the list that was handed to her. She was about to read the note but she stopped herself as the woman started to speak again.

"Go now child you will be shown to your new room. You best not think of escaping or else I will be forced to punish you. I will see you later." the woman said. Nadia felt frightened by the woman's words that were filled with bloodlust and killing intent. Nadia had already though of escaping but could only find that this place was filled with absolute security. There were cameras that covered every inch and angle of the building and guards at every door and she was sure that soon there would be guards in her room. She could only accept that she had been kidnapped and taken away from her lovable sweet parents.

Once the Nadia's master left she was guided to her new room by buff-looking men. Her room was better than she ever expected. But because Nadia lived in a poor environment to a normal person it would just be a not ugly not pretty room. The room was medium sized and had a bathroom and shower the right to the bed. There were only two pieces of furniture in the whole room. They were a bed with a metal frame and only one thin blanket and a desk that she would be allowed to use for studying in the future.

Nadia then looked at her list. The list said..........

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