《When I was old》Probably the last FYI


Oh well, it's been a while. Guys, from the result of the poll, I can say that you want me to rewrite the whole damn thing, that's good. But, if you have read my author notes, you should have known that I have exams closing in. I can't really just say fuck it, I don't care about my life and continue writing at an impossible speed. I already wrote a good chunk of the first chapter (around 3000 to 4000 words) and it's of a good quality, at least I hope. Also, I knew from this experience how hard it is to rewrite, write is simple, rewriting isn't. But, worry not, by the start of summer I should start posting regulary (I should have already gotten my grammar up a few levels and got some actual experience) so yeah. I'll leave you with a sneak peek and you guys tell me if you were hooked or not. I'll do a poll this time too as for some reason that work better than just asking for comments. You are welcome to comment tho, in fact, Please I'm begging you to comment!!!

Sneek peek

The gates of Hell opened to let heaven see the Armageddon it was hiding. The 18th level of hell hosted a theater of war in its core. The windy desert was tarnished red, fluids dotting the sand as a four-way onslaught raged on.

Human archers rained down arrows, covering a bloody dragon and skewering others on the field. Dark purple golems tanked the dragon while it swept left and right with its cold, sharp fangs. Apocalyptic beasts roamed the killing field, bloody flesh struck between their cruel teeth, crushed bones beneath their paws. The battlefield was a cacophony of mages and archers, warriors and paladins, beasts and golems, all creating chaos that seemed to form brief patterns of order. It was like the lines of a waltz described from nothing so much as blood and death and violence.


Holy lights and dragon breath illuminated the scene, providing a backdrop of color and percussion. Frost arrows and fireballs exploded like fireworks, adding high notes to the melee. And yet, all this delicate harmony, this tenuous back and forth was fated to be broken, as another variable was added to the equation.

The dark purple Hell gates opened once again. The land bowed and a sharp crack could be heard. The earth quaked, and a cloud of dust billowed out from the pressure. A tall figure covered in red armor and clenching a black sword stepped up. On the right side of his chest was an insignia of a black dragon; an emblematic sign of the dark knight class.

The dark knight took a deep breath and his lips cracked up in a smirk. He bathed in the killing intent engulfing the air, the resounding cries of warriors and the malicious roars of the beasts. This is where he belonged, this is his domain.

The time for contemplation was over, no need for further thoughts. The dark hero dashed forward towards the battlefield. The battle front approached rapidly. Scorching hot wind dried his skin, the clangs of swords engulfed his ears, and the sight of crushed bones and splattered guts filled his eyes. The knight felt his blood boiling, he couldn't control his smile as it turned malicious, full of vice and blood thirst.

His legs pumped, trying to reach his element faster. He kicked off from a rock to jump over a chasm to the fight. As he flew over the outer edge of warriors, battle cries resounded beneath him. "Clang, clang," the sound of swords clashing entered his ears. As he landed, his black sword reflected a red luster as it severed the neck of a human paladin. Blood gushed out, covering the semi-masked face of the dark knight, and the corpse landed with a 'thud' like a cold lump.


For a second, the knight paused. Its crimson red armor reflected the rays of sun. This silence lasted but one moment before the battle cries and killing intents reigned over once more. The dark knight turned around feeling someone closing in from behind. He looked behind only to be surprised by a holy knight raising his great sword high in the sky with both hands, crying revenge for his fallen comrade.

The dark knight seeing the sword closing in, waited for the perfect timing. The sword slowly descended and the dark knight still waited. It's only after it gotten as close as it could that the dark hero used a skill and teleported.


The holy knight was confused as his sword, which was supposed to drip blood, never connected. Where its target had been, only a puff of black smoke remained. The shadowy figure reappeared behind the back of the paladin, diagonally upward. Dark knight thrust the tip of his sword towards the neck of his dazed holy counterpart. Next moment he followed it with a horizontal slash, cutting him open. Blood rushed out as the knight dropped, never to rise again.

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