《Breakthrough》Chapter 025 - A Shared Dream


Chapter 025 - A Shared Dream

Back in the table after Cyan had left.

[Karla]: “I am sorry, but I have something to do, please continue without me”

Everyone left in the table nodded and Karla left the area.




In front of room #351, Alice was opening her room door when Cyan has caught up to her.

[Cyan]: “Alice, please wait for a moment”

Alice stopped opening the door and turned around to look at him.

[Cyan]: “Alice, are you still angry about the photo? Please I beg you for your forgiveness”

Alice shook her head.

[Alice]: "I am not mad at you Cyan, it is just that…”

Even so, Alice did not say what was bothering her.

[Cyan]: “If you don’t tell me how I would know?”

[Alice]: “…”

Still, Alice did not say anything; Cyan could only let out a sigh.

[Cyan]: “You have asked me what my dream was once before, remember?”

Alice nodded; she remembers that the first day she arrived at the tower she had to wake up Cyan from a nightmare.

[Cyan]: “In that dream…, you and I are fighting against an army of monsters on top of a mountain…”

Alice flinched, that sounded an awful lot like something she could more or less remember herself but it should not be.

[Alice]: “What happens at the end of the dream?”

[Cyan]: “In the end… we both have survived, and then go on living”

[Alice]: “You are lying again”

[Cyan]: “And how would you know?”

Cyan could see that Alice had started to cry if his suspicions were right then… he should be the only one that was having that dream.

[Alice]: “In the end, we both die! Don’t we?”

Alice ended screaming at Cyan face while crying, that nightmare she was having was, was actually something they both had been experiencing during the night, however, Alice could remember the ending, while Cyan could make a guess of what happened, in a way it was the same dream but it was also different.

[Alice]: “No matter how much I tell you to escape, you never leave in the end, and we both die”

Be that they die in a dream or that Cyan runs away…

[Cyan]: “It is just a dream, Alice”

Yes, it was just a dream, however…

[Alice]: “Why you need to be such idiot, why can’t just leave…”

Neither of both believed that it was just a simple dream.

[Cyan]: “I will change that dream ending, and I will never leave you behind to die, I promise you”

Alice could only cry her eyes out as she shook her head, Cyan eyes also started to cry, even though he wanted to hold it down.

[Alice]: “sniff, you are still being such an idiot”

Cyan nodded.

[Cyan]: “I know”

[Alice]: “I am also an idiot for believing in you”

After that, Alice gave Cyan a kiss in the cheek before entering her own room and closed the door without saying anything else.




After Cyan had calmed down, he returned to his own room, however, there was someone else waiting for him in front of his room.

[Karla]: “What it is this, the couple was fighting? Let me take a guess here, you had cheated and Alice found out. And now, you are crying because Alice has dumped you?”

Cyan was not in the humor for playing around with Karla right now, he could only give her a glare.

[Karla]: “Don’t need to look me like that kid, since you have blocked me in your phone, my only option was to come here by myself, you know?”


Cyan remembered that he has blocked Karla number, and he has yet to unblock her, not that he would do so though.

[Karla]: “My dumb Brother, told me you had bought that Grow potion, but now you gave it to Alice, aren’t you afraid of wasting 10.000 Credits away?”

[Cyan]: “I have bought two; however, giving one to Alice is not a waste”

[Karla]: “Who was talking about her? I was talking about you, newbie”

[Cyan]: “Senior, can stop playing around”

[Karla]: “I am playing around? Haha look who is talking, don’t you think we haven’t taken notice of it, kid”

[Cyan]: “Senior, what are you talking?”

[Karla]: “You want to play pretend now? You have not been using the full of your stats on purpose since the beginning, you always cramp up like a scare shrimp during training, as if you are more afraid of getting hurt that the pain itself, do you think we are blind?”

[Cyan]: “That’s… I have been training with all my myth and…”

[Karla]: “Please don’t make me laugh, we three are a talented bunch, Alice is even more talented than us, but you… you are quite something else aren’t you?”

[Cyan]: “…”

[Karla]: “Let me take a guess, you have wasted all your time thinking you are weakling, and that you thought you couldn’t do anything about it to change it, right? Afraid of the world and afraid that if you tried you would fail and then it will hurt you”

[Cyan]: “That’s not true; I have been… all this time…”

[Karla]: “Stop lying yourself, kid”

[Cyan]: “Senior, please stop”

However, Karla did not stop there.

[Karla]: “You had been crouching and hiding in a corner all your life, now that you are given a chance to raise up, you are still hiding in the corner”

[Cyan]: “Shut up”

[Karla]: “You are wasting your potential away playing around like that, even Alice have taken notice of it, why do you think she was all that sad about? That’s is because she thought because she could not catch out with you she was holding you back instead”

Cyan could not hear this for any longer.

[Cyan]: “I said Shut UP!”

Even so, Cyan knows deep down it was the truth.

[Karla]: “Oh you are a man now, look at you all crying again because some mean person told you a few mean things, you are pathetic, kid”

Cyan did not know when his eyes had started to cry again, first Alice and now this; even so, he cleaned his tears away.

[Cyan]: “Senior, are you done?”

[Karla]: “Stop wasting everybody else time, Cyan”

Karla walked away after saying what she had come to say.

Cyan entered his room and sit down in his bed.

[Cyan]: “What had I even doing…”

Alice kiss, he couldn’t feel thrilled about that at all, Karla harsh words keep digging inside his head, his promise to Alice, and his own fears.

“You are wasting everybody else time”

“You are pathetic”

“I am also an idiot for believing in you”

“I promise”

What happened to his plan to change the future, however, how could he honestly believed he could change the future when he had already failed three times already? Did not the future he has said he was the four?

[Cyan]: “Will I fail again?”

Cyan could only shake that thought out his head, thinking like this he was guaranteed to fail again; the real problem was in the question of “how”.

[Cyan]: “How can I ever begin changing the future?”


Until now, Cyan had been going throughout the motions, he didn’t really have much to do, he thought this it was already enough to change the future, however, he was now realizing that in actuality he wasn’t doing anything at all, there was no plan from him.

In the end, Cyan could only think of something he could do right now.

Cyan took out the Grow Potion from his inventory, and empty out the content inside his mouth before laying down on top of his bed and closed his eyes.

As Cyan entered a world of dreams, he thought to himself.

“First, I will have to change the dream in itself”




Karla went back to the [Food Area] where Karga was waiting for her, however, Boss and Cale were gone from the table.

[Karga]: “I hope you know what you are doing”

[Karla]: “I also hope for the same, but someone had to tell him, I prefer to play the part of the villain, that being a good for nothing Angel”

[Karga]: “Sigh, what are you now, his mom?”

Karla could only shake her head, dismissing Karga comments.

[Karga]: “Whatever, the newbie it is not the only one here that is lying to himself anyway”

Karla interrupted her brother with a Question.

[Karla]: “Where is Boss?”

[Karga]: “He is training Cale up in the [PVP Arena]”

[Karla]: “Already? Wouldn’t he need to gain a few more stats first?”

Karga shook his head.

[Karga]: “He has been doing repetitive Quests on Floor 6 so he has already around 40’s points in his main stat, so he should be fine”

Karla nodded.

[Karga]: “And also Cale said himself that he wanted to test how strong Boss was, and as a GP unit leader, he should be very competent, right? Boss probably also wanted to test his character out while sparing that’s why he has agreed to it”

Karla could only let out a sigh.

[Karla]: “Did he has a death wish or something for asking Boss for a spar?”

Karga could only shrug his shoulders as did not know the reason, all the while thinking, that Cale probably does not know how scary Boss was in a fight, even when Cale looked strong himself, he will probably suffer quite a bit under Boss fist.

[Karga]: “Even so, while training inside the Tower he won’t die though”

Karla could only lament herself about that fact.

[Karla]: “Sigh, are we even humans anymore? No matter how many times our bodies get cut, we still can just stick the pieces back in and we won’t die”

[Karga]: “You feel so bad about hurting the kid, that now you are trying to find a way to die?”

Karla could only shake her head; the thought of not “dying” was actually scarier to Karla than the thought of living forever.

In the other hand, Karga could more or less understand his Sister thoughts, so he said something to try to make her feel better, even though, it was using his own style.

[Karga]: “We still could die you know? If the nanobots in our bodies run out of power or something else disable them you would still die and if something sucks out our blood or if our brain gets to blow up into pieces we would...”

[Karla]: “Enough with that already, I know already that Players are not immortals”

Karga could only shrug off his shoulders, he was just trying to make Karla feel better, but he only has managed to make her feel angry.

[Karga]: “But surely it is very helpful for training anyways, however, if you can’t deal with it, it is better for you to not to think too much about it, also, you should cheer up a little bit more Sister”

Karla could only glare at her Brother as she asked why she should cheer up.

[Karla]: “Cheer up for what?”

[Karga]: “While you were away, Boss has said that after soloing [Round 3] today, he felt something changing inside him”

Karla angry expression changed in an instant.

[Karla]: “Did he made a [Breakthrough]?”

[Karga]: “Close, but not quite, Boss got a “Power”, however, it has shown up in his [Skill] list though, moreover, he can’t use it yet, as it is still gray out”

Karla could not respond to that, as her brain was busy processing what she just heard.

[Karga]: “Also Boss is trying to learn how to use it as we speak while he is training Cale up”

It was very reasonable that Boss would want to learn how to use his “Power”, as soon as possible, but to think the “Power” has actually shown up as an [Skill].

[Karla]: “What [Skill] did he get?”

[Karga]: “I think you would like it, it is called [Armor Break]”

Karla nodded.

[Karla]: “Pretty fitting for Boss, did he told you how he learned or what it does?”

Karga only shrugged his shoulders, as he was clueless what the [Skill] does because Karla was not here to translate Boss exact words.

[Karga]: “Sort of that, he said he felt a changed during the round and that after the round was over, he just was walking, and in the next moment he got a notification in his phone, and the [Skill] was in there”

Karla could only let out a sigh.

[Karla]: “Sigh, that doesn’t help us much”

[Karga]: “Well, that’s all that I could understand; you are the brain here, so you have to come out with theory now”

Karla started massaged her temples with her hands while letting out another sigh.

[Karla]: “Sigh, I feel another headache incoming now”

[Karga]: “Haven’t you got many of those recently?”

[Karla]: “It is your entire dam fault for recommending Boss to recruit those two kids, and then dropping all the responsibility on to me, and also, it is your fault that I am here in the first place”

[Karga]: “You are the older sister so of course, you need to take responsibility for your younger brother irresponsible actions, right? That’s why we are in the same unit after all, and also I didn’t ask you to come, didn’t you followed after me after I joined the GP?”

[Karla]: “That was only so you wouldn’t get killed while playing with explosives like the idiot that you are!, enough, I will not care more about you, I will tell mom and dad that you had died somewhere else, so they don’t have to worry about you either”

[Karga]: “Come on Sister, forget that I had said that, aren’t we twins?”

[Karla]: “Shut up, and let’s go, Boss must be waiting for us”

[Karga]: “Karla?”

[Karla]: “I said, shut up already”

Karga could only remain silent, maybe this time he has said too much, and taken things too far, however, he thought about another matter that he wanted to ask, that maybe would help him out of this situation.

[Karga]: “It is ok if I ask you something else?”

Karla just glared at him. Karga took that as a positive answer.

[Karga]: “Do you think that after Boss learns how to activate his [Skill] he will able to make [Breakthrough] into the next Tier?”

Karla dropped her angry expression for a moment and replaced it with a refreshing smile.

[Karla]: “He will, definitely”

Unlike her dumb brother, at least, Boss had never let her down, not even once.

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