《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 32 - The Chased (2)


I'm swimming as hard as I can and got a good lead in however it's being closed fast.

I didn't go back to where we went on the undead mission because there were alot of people there which would just make alot of victims.

The water is kind of dark, a type of algae I guess so I blast my holy light to see ahead.

The snake worm blasts its darkness breath magic and I dodge it, it's huge but just evolved so it's not used to it.

Even though it's big It's not a crazy size difference, only 6 times bigger than me in height hehe.

After 3 minutes of chasing me it catches up dangerously close.

I'm a koi now after I evolved so a type of carp which means the sea snake would be twice my speed usually but now it's incredibly faster yet it does not have any burst skills to boost its speed.

I push ahead with consecutive bursts and make some space again, it tires me out and healing doesn't help since it's not a spell but a skill which doesn't help since it will still take my stamina away.

Sensing more sea creatures, they aren't huge so I enslave them all and put them at the front.

They are useless against the snake worm afterall.

The worm part of it has the benefits of being more resilient and having thicker skin, it doesn't have any regeneration either despite being a worm.

A huge minus in the mixing but it will get it later on so I'm lucky it doesn't it have it now.

An experiment from the anti holy fish faction most likely, maybe their first that succeeded since they never had the upperhand before.

Another round of bursts and I'm ahead again, we're moving steadily and we will near the coastal area in 10 minutes.


The darkness is disappearing and it's getting brighter, some bigger fish are coming but they are enslaved easily.

My fish barrier is over a thousand now and keep growing.

Just as I think about it, a school of agressive looking fish come by, cod fish? blue purple tinted ones and they stay near and follow us, they aren't attacking.

Waiting for a chance to swoop in huh, the school has several huge ones, they are a succesful hunting group.

The sea snake worm has been launching darkness breath attacks every now and then which is a pain, some fish get caught up in it but overall the numbers are negligible.

I need a break soon..

I see a nicely populated coastal reef, there should be enough creatures there to hurt this monster.

I head to a good wide spot and control everything I can.

Giant Holy Hammer, I make that and smash it on top of the sea worm's head.

It finally stops its pursuit as it roars in pain even though it can't truly feel the pain and in that moment I order all the sea creatures to attack including the cods with bites.

The tail swinging around destroys tons of coral and structures and the fish as well.

All the commotion is bringing others to check it out and I make them join the attack.

Darkness Breath annihilates alot of fish but the attack continues as I send some giant hammer once in a while.

Huge sharks are coming, I say huge but only around 50 meters, 25m smaller than the sea worm but they are sharks so they are still a threat.

They dodge the dark breath and bite some chunks off yet the hard skin makes it hard so they aren't lethal.

SMACK the tail attack kills a shark as it sinks dead in the ocean and the others back off.


.. my fish are disappearing? more and more of them are gone but it's not the snake's fault?

With my fish gone I swim away again.

As I go I see red tentacles coming out and grabbing fish, they are very long tentacles but not particularly thick.

The shark is eaten by the biggest octopus that comes out which does have thick tentacles, it might be stronger than the snake itself.

Didn't catch any of them on my radar skill either, that's why I don't want to go out, too dangerous.

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