《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 29 - The Fire Giant Scout and Shark Battle


We're near the east star continent so we're heading up and northwest towards it from where the mega city is.

No problems during the trip there, the sailfish is just too fast.

We arrive and the battlefield is a mess, the giants have the ocean near them boiling hot while they also fire fire and regular magic attacks.

The gigantic shark is being held back by dozens of mermen and their sea creatures while the biggest ones are further away and the mermen firing long range spells but the ships are huge, easily over 150km so they aren't going down.

The marlins, sharks and others fish that gathered are after the salmon are just being annoying by getting in the way.

We go to the shark first, I send some holy line to get behind it and then form a side opened cube to block its escape paths while keeping the front open for attack.

Mermi casts her debuffs while Merleona fires her magic blasts, the shark is hurt but it's not enough.

It charges through the blasts and I create a giant holy arm to grab it but it struggles, breaks it and pushes forward.

We sideswim away from it and keep bombarding it with attacks, it gives up and swims away to the smaller sharks but I mark it with my holy skill first.

They all sideswim as well leaving it helpless.

It gets frustrated and heads into the boiling water where the salmon is, it doesn't want to run away without getting a meal first.

It's being burned by the hot water but it manages one mouthful of salmon, BOOM, it gets hit with fireballs and burned badly yet still lives.

The water makes the fireball less effective of course, it suddenly goes super fast and leaves the battle field where there's no one around.


It must have been really hungry to endure that, even giant fish can starve huh.

Meanwhile the shark's desperate lunge made an opportunity for the other fish to go in and eat the salmon that went out of the boiling water.

They all eat some and go, there's not more fish in the area except some salmon left.

No more interference means the mermen can focus on the fire giants.

The attacks continue and mermen are going down as well.

I cast holy heal on everyone including the ones being tended to, everyone is back up and they see me shining in my holy light.

OOOHH, they get a moral boost and the fight grows fiercer, just a pure barrage of magic attacks from both sides.

The giants are low in numbers but the magic attacks are huge, likely a thousand times bigger than a normal one, no wonder the giant's expansion hasn't been stopped.

Mermi buffs those near her and Merleona attack as well and a ship finally gets blown apart, it's starting to sink.

The other ships go down too, the fire giants can't escape since their fire magic isn't versatile enough.

Sucks for them but we can't let hem leave alive for the mermen's sake, the star continents can just move but the mega city can't.

The giant are now in the water, they start swimming?

Full speed at their height is fast, I cast my holy lines but they are to big for me to stop.

In come the sea creatures but they power through the bites.

'Where are they headed?' I ask Mermi, 'that direction the eastern star land, that's their only hope since they won't survive in the open sea for long.'

'Get the gigantic creatures out!' yells Merleona to the soldiers.


'But we can't let them lose without the commander here.'

'It's an emergency, I'll take charge, now do it.'


The bigger the creature the more difficult it is to control if it isn't smart or controlled by a skill.

This base only has 3 gigantic ones, it seemed like a strong base but this is a letdown, the strong forces must be deeper down.

3 fish about half the size of the giants come out, they don't look like an earth fish but a generic monster fish.

Purple brownish colors and lots of sharp teeth, body is half way like a snake and fish with bumps along the body.

They head to the giants and get attacked by their fire magic but they easily dodge and encircle them.

Fast bites are repeated and the giants are slowly losing strenght.


They lose whole limbs now and they sink and begin to drown.

Blood is everywhere but the mermen are there with the algae that absorbs blood.

Suddenly I sense the shark that left earlier, it's coming back at full speed, it couldn't ignore the huge amount of blood with it being so close.

It's a little bigger than the other fish and by a little a mean 100 meters or so but still pales to the 1 km sized giants.

It seems bad to let it go so I'll enslave it, I make a harpoon of holy magic and launch it at it it's eye.

BAM it hits and pierces it's body, I turn off the holy magic and the harpoon is gone but the wound is till there of course so it bleeds out with the harpoon gone.

I could use this to hunt, it's very effective even underwater, as I think that the other gigantic sea creatures circle it and bite the shark not letting it swim away.

I create a giant hammer and it on the head, it finally slows down after all this time.

BE ENSLAVED, it works and I gain control of it.

I heal it a bit with holy recovery and I leave it with the merman.

We celebrate the defense and victory against the shark and giants as we stay for a day at this base.

The commander of the base arrives as we are about to head back to the royal palace.

He's an old merman but is experienced in buff spells, no wonder they had a hard time without him.

Me and the princesses say our pleasantries and we head out, before we left he gave my some healing items as thanks for saving the place.

I accept and we head out on the sailfish we came on.

'AAH THAT WAS NICE EVENT HUH' says Merleona in a good mood.

'It really was, we saved the people and beat the invaders, though the sea creatures really are a pain, so huge and unpredictable' says Mermi.

It went well but that shark was not a naturally large race of shark and had no magic while the fire giants were low in numbers and had no variety of magic.

We lucked out in a way, that size difference is a bigger issue than I previously thought.

The girls hear me thinking and they know that as well, we still have a long ways to go.

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