《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 26 - Princess's Talents


It's morning and I psychicly tell Mermi that I want to trade the gigantic snake, she agrees and sends over some soldiers.

It seems it's her own soldiers and not the kingdom's, I get a high tier gear, it increases magic damage by 10 times but it breaks in 3 uses.

I take it even though I can't cast magic yet.

The princess says she will save the snake to use it in some mission later on.

[gigantic metal head fish] the first one of them evolved, same size as me and its skin is thicker like metal now while the head is incredibly harder.

I decline Mermi's offer to trade them and I ask if they are special, she says the fish is documented so it isn't special but they are rarely seen wandering alone outside of their group.

I ask for a copy of the fish species documents but there are classified ones that no one but the highest royals can access.

The normal ones you can buy at the book stores.

I ask for it anyways since I want to know where the locations are and Mermi will give me a big one later.

Mermi and the maids have gotten the fasting skill after all this time, it's been a while since I told them to do it, 2 months or so.

It seems they kept eating full meals every now and then and that's why it took this long, however they got it which is the most important thing.

I tell them to ditch their dinner today and only eat some veggies now and then.

They moan in complain but it's necessary.

Merleona caught on to it and began doing it too, she's already starving with one missed meal though so it looks like she'll get it tommorow already.


And as I thought she did get the skill, by lunch she got it, she's doing her training too which accelerated it.

Mermi doesn't want to be outdone so she stopped eating as well, the maids follow her, looks like they will finish this fast.

Days pass and they can't sleep thanks to the hunger, they lost some weight too.

I tell them to do monk meditation training now while starving, it strenghtens your spirit to get through this period.

10 days in and they get the monk title, they can stop with the fasting too.

They slowly ate and gained their lost weight.

The buff training is going well, Mermi got it in a few days while Merleona can cast it in quick successiveness already.

She got some debuffs too for the opponents, just overall physical debuffs which isn't as affective as a particular debuff focused on one aspect, that goes for buffing as well.

Mermi got the most talent out of debuff, she knows several debuffing types already, this was the talent she got from the hero.

His talent was split between the mermaid princess twins, he didn't have a talent for a type of weapon either so Mermi can learn to use a mage staff now to strenghten her magic.

Merleona doesn't want to use that and will just focus more on her buff training since she isn't a support type like Mermi.

Maid got all those skills too, them being maids makes you forget that they are still talented.

I'm seeing them training and I have a thought, do they have baths here? they have showers so they should have baths right? I don't want to ask but I want to know.

I didn't see a bath in the rooms I've been to and those are the royal ones so I think they don't have any elsewhere which makes sense since they are always submerged in water like a bath already but they have a shower anyways so I can't be 100% sure they don't have one.


I'll just get it over with, 'do you have a bath' I ask Mermi and she says 'yes, they are in a special bath area, no one bothers with a small one in their room and the liquid used is expensive for commoners.'

That clears that up.

Day 415 and their mom should arrive soon.

Everyone is ready and can defend themselves so it should go well.

3 gigantic whales arrive accompanied by dozens of huge sea creatures and their mother inside a transparent jelyfish.

Their mother is pretty important or more like isn't the princess's guards not enough?

She swims down to us not accompanied by guards.

She looks like her daughters but with bigger breasts and a bluer tail.

Wearing a royal robe in gold color.

Mom is wearing her robe she does business with, says Mermi.

Yeah she brought all these strong creatures, she's here for holy fish no doubt.

I ask how how high up she is in the kingdom.

Merleona answers 'she's near the top, there isn't one ruler but a council of them composed by the most talented mermen, mother is one step from entering it.'

'There isn't a limit to how many can be in the council too so it's just a matter of achievments and merit.'

She arrives and bows to me.

'Holy Fish, I beg of you, please help the kingdom.'

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