《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 25 - More Evolution


Day 400, training with my fish as usual along with Merleona princess and I evolve

[gigantic holy fish] [magic resistance] [turn] [holy barrier] [holy mount]

I'm now 12.5 meter/41 feet, bigger than earth's biggest great white shark but only 2/3rd the size of a megalodon.

My bloated self from overeating went away as well and I notice a new feature, I thought I was a normal fish, white silver body with yellow fins and marks near the sides.

I'm not super fat like a tuna or shaped weirdly with curves but now I have longer fins that are sort of wavey like hair, more noticable scales and a more round body unlike the common fish you see in the ocean, am I a koi fish? I was definitely not a koi so I assume the holy blessings changed me into a more holy form.

'amazing!' says Merleona, I'll need to use my trident now to try to win.

The guards are in awe as well as they chat.

We continue training and [gigantic sea snake] the sea snake I enslaved evolved.

It's about 18 meters/60 foot big now and is encompassing the area with its lenght of its body which is several times longer than its vertical height.

'another one! this is crazy'

Now that I think about it, since the princesses are twins that means she is also 15 years old so she can't be that experienced in fighting in the wild seas.

We continue fighting and the snake is stronger, Merleona's trident strikes pierce the snake but it has regeneration now so it heals quickly.

The snake counters everything with it' size and even the metal head fish don't do much.

It can [bash] now too with its head, not like I'll be in its range though, Merleona dodges them and keeps fighting for half an hour with it.


I can still kill it if it turns on me but the slave control still works so I'll leave it.

'Wew that was a nice training', Merleona looks like she should be sweating but we are underwater after all so she isn't but she must be feeling hot.'

'Let's go inside and discuss what we'll do next.'

We go inside the palace, I still fit nicely since it's large but we have to go to a bigger room.

Mermi is in there already with the maids while Merleona goes take a shower elsewhere.

Eh shower? seems like they use a heavier water and that way they can shower, I can hear the water coming down, it's a shower alright.

'There's more water systems in the ocean thanks to the water mana' says Eliza who seems to know what I was thinking of.

Mermi and the maid get on me says I'm bigger and the other princess returns wearing a thin lingerie like clothing.

It's sexy but I'm a fish, I think I have a penis but I don't know how to use it.

Is it some biological clock that will activate when ready? that's a bit scary.

'onee-san you should be more modest of what you're wearing'

'who cares, we're in the private quarters of the palace anyways'

'the main reason I came here is because we have to move again, spring will begin anytime now and the feeding frenzies will start'

Beth explains to me that the dormant sea creatures awaken hungry and the mass vegetation growth will explode the fish evolution and spawn rates of the spring breeding creatures.

Deeper dwelling creatures will come higher as well so it's dangerous.

It's tough living in the ocean as I thought, even with these safe zones it really isn't safe, they must be moving constantly from zone to zone depending on the situation.


'mom wants us to go to a cold area again' says Merleona while laying in a hammock.

'we have the holy fish now so we should go to some warmer area instead' says Mermi on top of me.

Seems like the colder areas are the safest relatively and they are including me in their moving plans too apparently.

'you're not strong enough to go so they will never agree'

'I've been training so I can.'

'oh, then show me an offensive or defensive move.'


Mermi has been keeping up her traning but she isn't ready for combat.

'hey, what skill set does the hero who's your father have? you princesses should have his talents afterall' I ask them.

'ummm I heard he was very powerful but did not have an elemental magic attribute or any particular unique skill' says Mermi.

'yeah he beat his enemies through physical prowess.'

That cant be right or he wouldn't have been chosen, 'if so than he must be using magic to boost his physical powers like some sort of advanced buff spell.'

'you should be able to do it too, focus on training those spells.'

'As expected from the holy fish, your knowledge is great' says the maids as the clap.

'our human father used daggers in their fighting days so that's why our moms made us use them too.'

Well I did learn those buff spells pretty quickly says Merleona, I guess it's worth a try.

'But don't we have to leave soon?'

'Mom will pick us up herself if we don't come so we should stay and surprise her with our new skills'.

'Heeh? but she'll be angry'.

'We can have gholy fish talk to her, right?' Merleons says while looking at me.

'I guess so but we won't go anywhere dangerous even if it works out.'

'Alright! she should arrive in 2 weeks so we should start training every day starting tommorow, go to the instructors for it, your maids too.'

I say I'll continue being outside to train my new bigger body.

As I sleep outside for the next several days as usual, I sense the gigantic snake staring.

This might be bad, I thought he was docile but I am enslaving it afterall, not everything will go along with that.

His new increased strenght is making it restless, I might need to get rid of it.

Have go on a suicide mission or something, maybe loan it to the merman.

The other fish beside me seem fine, maybe they are just dumber or less aggressive.

We will leave soon which I think is necessary, I can't stay in one place for my whole life either.

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