《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 24 - Older Twin Princess and The 3 Enemies


Day 399, after the crab fight it molted it's shell and grew a bit, I guess that's why it's so small for its size.

It never molted much like a usual crab, it was too busy being a warrior to rest and molt, I order it to molt properly too.

A sea creature convoy arrives too, it seems Mermi's sister has arrived.

I see her in on one of the fish, she's older but looks like her.

She looks like Mermi but taller like the maids, she has blonde long hair, blue eyes, small breasts and a light blue tail.

Wearing a blue shirt and some accesories.

Our gazes meet, oh.

She gets off the ride and comes towards me, she isn't stopping but getting faster?


Suddenly I get a psychic call from Mermi and she says her sister loves to fight.

'can you tell me her moves atleast?'

'hmm she likes to shoot magic attacks the most and sometimes slash with her trident.'

She doesn't have the trident out now though, is she testing me perhaps?

As I ponder she casually launches a mid range attack.

Just magic blasts and water blasts but they seem stronger, must be the things she's wearing boosting them.

My fish are near me but I already told them to get further back.

I counter the attacks with my holy projections, like a tree branch with hands that spawns out and they each take the hit of hers.

More blasts but they curve?

I just make an open box like projections now and they hit the sides.

She's now circling around me while continuing her attacks.

I want to end this quickly, I'll grab her.

Make some light fish creatures with a big sharp mouth and send them to her on the left side while sending light lines on the other side to capture her.


She destroys the light fish projections just like I expected, a giant hand comes up from below to grab her.

Magic blast destroys it but I also expected that of course.

More light fish to the side and another giant hand but to no avail.

She tries to gain her distance but it's over, I already tied her tail with a light line.

I drag her like fisherman pulling in a fish, make a hand just big enough to hold her body and catch her.

A fish net would have been good too but that might be insulting.

'Aaah you got me, you're pretty good holy fish, sorry I was just testing you.'

I've been practicing with the fish but I didn't expect to be this good, though she wasn't taking it seriously.

'Well let's go to my room.'

I know she doesn't mean it like that but eh.

Get passed the gate and riding a gigantic yellow fish with several fins at the side, unlike naturally big creatures like whales, fish aren't that big even when evolving several times.

It's faster than usual and we get there in 10 minutes, I'm smaller than it so I tried to hang on somewhere but I was held in place by the princess's psychic skill.

I have psychic skill too but it's not enough to deal with this speed.

Now that I think about it I haven't heard of princess Mermi either since the fight.

We enter the palace and head to her room, no Mermi in sight, no soldiers or maids with us either.

Her room is the middle of the palace too but away from Mermi's room.

It's a normal royal looking room but has items everywhere and several tridents near the bed, a big bed of course.

'I keep the room like this in case an attack happens so I can reinforce the palace with the items, no one knows I have them though.'


Shouldn't we go to Mermi? I say while she lays on the bed.

'I want to ask you something first.'

She wriggles on the bed as she asks 'I want you to ally with me and take down 3 enemies'.

I somewhat expected this, being a holy type down here is big thing apparently.

Psychically answering since I can't talk after all I say go on.

'The enemies are the bad royals and their followers who are currently dividing the strenght of the kingdom by not cooperating and instead helping the demon fish.

This leads to the next 2 which are the bigger issues, the giant's expansion and a sea creature that has gotten too big, both are threatening this very world's balance.'

That sounds bad and a pain in my fish ass, I have to continue on like I will do it anyways.

'What are the giant's end goals?'

'We don't know for sure but we believe they want to have more land than ocean in this world and to destroy the star countries'

'So they are artificially increasing the land mass then?'

'Yes, they are taking away the ocean by converting it into land with their magic, this seems bad for them too however they also have water magic and will make up for their water supply with that, there's also the water magic zones in the ocean that keep producing water, they can have a permanent water supply if they reach that place altough they do not know where it is.'

Seems the magic used is permanent in this world, with a race like giants knowing magic that's an extreme advantage since their volume output will be unmatched, though the sea creatures should outdo them right?

'I understand the situation, the obvious method is to direct the dangerous sea creatures to destroy the giant's expansion is it not?'

'We've thought about it of course but directing the creatures that can destroy their strongest fleets and destroy their build up land is impossible for us since they live in the bottom of the ocean and even those livinghigher up we cannot beat or direct either, that's why we need to you, the holy fish with the blessing of the gods.'

I don't want to do it, fighting these monsters is too scary, I can deal with it on land but in the water the view is interrupted by waves and currents constantly, hazy almost everytime and further down is pure darkness.

Never liked to swim in my human life either even though the breathing problem was solved as I'm a fish now.

'I'll agree on the corrupt merman for now and we'll see about the other 2.'

She's fine with that answer for now it seems.

'Oh yeah I didn't get your name.'

'hmm, Mermi didn't tell you? it's Merleona.'

It sounds like a lion beastman's name or in this world a demon's name but whatever.


The door opens and Mermi and the maids arrive, 'Geez onee-san, why are you blocking my psychic skill?' Mermi is mad and puffing up.

'Relax I just had some business with the holy fish, there.. it's back now.'

'What was it? tell me!?'

'That's for grown ups so don't bother asking.'


The maids come at my side and say that they are twins but they got different talents of the human hero who fertilized the eggs.

It's rare but happens they say.

Merleona is how Mermi is supposed to be but they don't know yet what other talents she got instead, no skill or talent has shown up yet.

And so ends the day as we hang out for a while afterwards.

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