《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 21 - Bathroom and Riding


Another day visiting the princess and I notice something, a bathroom? mermaids are coming from it and I hear flushing.

Hey I never went nr 1 or 2 did I? I think none of the fish did either.

I ask the princess, 'why fish don't go to the bathroom? hmm they just don't, it's a combination of mana and the gods doings don't worry about it, oh and purer mermaids like us don't need to go the bathroom either, the mana compensates for it.'

That's right most unexplainable things are due to the gods and besides the surface creatures dump enough waste into the ocean to make up for it especially the giants says Eliza.

And there's creatures that have adapted to those as well, we call them Waste Fish, they are disgusting but necessary to give the plants more nourishment says Beth.

I've been thinking of what to train them in and came up with riding skills, it should be easy enough.

'hmm we don't know any riding skills, it's never been necessary, I know, we can ride you!' says the princess.

Eeh people riding on me, it seems degrading somewhat, now I know what prideful monsters feel like when they're ridden but I could also get skills from being ridden.

'okay be sure to ride other creatures as well since riding them forcefully will also get you skills that have to due with control'

We go outside and they hop onto me, the maids bring out some sort of saddle but for fish.

It has a thin string going around my body several times but it's not tight enough to inconvenience me, it's incase the magic holding it in place gets disrupted by something, that way they can still hold on for a while.

It has nothing holding onto my head either like a horse has a bridle and reins to control it, I did see some on other fish but that must be for those that are to wild to be fully tamed yet, psychic orders should be used to I assume.


The saddle fits my size, it hasa harness for the rider's waist and has 2 spots at the sides as well, it's for their tails, they can't get on like a human after afterall.

They land on me and I start riding, I'm only the size of a nromal shark now so about the same as the mermaids in lenght, they fit on me though.

'Yaaay!' the princess is having fun.

The maids get on too since they look liek they want to ride me too.

swoosh, I ride normally and also use boost to go faster

I make them all fall off at my max speed while shaking like a bull too hehe.

They all got [rider], they can ride better now, seems useless but as the monsters get bigger and faster it will be important.

I got [mount] simply letting me be a mount, I guess as I go along I can keep more people on and maybe a skill to not let them fall off, speed skills would be good.

Shaking them off got me [unrideable] it contradicts with the previous one but I am letting them ride not being forced to.

We keep riding for half an hour and then they head back.

Day 380 now, winter is ending soon.

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