《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 17 - Mer Origins


I turn my invisibility off and reveal myself to the maids since they already know I'm here.

They aren't surprised at all even with my holy light around, I assume they know about me from the princess.

'the princess asked me to be here and we made a deal so be at ease.'

The maids don't seem hostile but they seem to want to say something.

'do you need something?'

Well.. the maids said while grasping their daggers.

They then took the daggers out and presented them to me while it seems they are kneeling but they don't have legs of course, 'please teach us to make us stronger'.


'we are battle maids but we aren't allowed to accompany the princess outside since we aren't strong enough'.

'so we want you the holy fish to teach us since you are holy'.

So they say, the holy part really is important here, I doubt I would be special even with holy on land.

I appraise them to see what they have


[swimming] [radar] [invisibility] [tail attack] [stamina] [rush] [camouflage] [silence] [sharp bite] [pain resistance] [night vision] [stealth] [recovery] [accerelated thought] [mental fortitude] [rush] [poison resistance] [magic title] [water magic title] [magic barrier] [magic blast] [psychic title] [warrior title] [weapon boost]

Hmm wait, I have most of these, they are just common skills then, I have nothing special beyond holy and maybe monk but that should be easily attainable too.

I think and I do have better recovery skills and they don't have fasting, I guess they just don't think it's worth the effort especially since they have civilization and don't have to search for food constantly, stronger ones definitely have it I bet.

'I'll teach you and in return take me to areas with high mana concentration later on', getting magic should be as simple as staying in the magic zones and accustoming to the mana and different magic type ones get you other types of magic.


They stare at each other like they're surpised that that's only what I want then say ' YES' with a smile on their face.

'by the way, what are your names?' I ask them.

Yes, sorry we didn't introduce ourselves, my name is Eliza Mermaid' said the white mermaid.

'my name is Beth Mermaid' said the brown mermaid.

'and together we are the ElilzaBeth Mermaids', they said together while crossing their tails in a heart shape.

Ooh a mermaid maid pose, amazing, I was so excited I accidently shined brighter and the entire room blinded everyone since it shined off of the gold.


'Sorry about that'.

The door is opening again and the princess is back.

'I want in on that deal too.'

'hehehe I heard you from afar, psychic thought is common as well and I'm pretty good at it since I can't practice much else.'

I say okay and I tell them to fast starting now as part of the training.

'I don't see any reason to do that, I know the benefit of fasting is to survive when you can't find enough food but that shouldn't be a probelm with food everywhere in the ocean' says the princes.

'that might be true but the creatures have their territories and there's always danger around, it's better to get it while you can just in case and it counteracts the gluttony skill'.

'gluttony?' all 3 of them said it.

'no way no way, gluttony makes you super fat and it's only beneficial for those that can evolve anyways' said the princess.

You don't get bigger? I said.

'no not every creature can do it, as for why no one knows even through history of research so the only conclusion is that it is the work of the gods, the surface land doesn't have this style of evolution either, they evovle but not 5 times bigger each time.'


'As for us mermen and mermaids not being affected is likely due to the ancient mermaid ancestors mating with humans and creating the current species.'

'hmm so do you lay eggs?'


'do you have genitals?'

'I don't know what that is.'

Beth closes the princess's ears and seems to be talking to her psychically.

Eliza talks to me now, sorry holy fish but the princess doesn't know about these things since she's sheltered and only 15 years old.'

'mermaids can have both live birth and lay eggs but are seperated based on genetics'.

'can you explain further?'

'I'm not an expert though the accepted theory is that the humans once fertilized some fish eggs and the merman lineage was born.'

'they did it with fish species that had genitals and that's how the merman that have human like genitals was born.'

'other fish can mate with the mermaids too and merman with other fish that's why you see mer that are more fish than normal.'

'the royal lineage has no genitals, lay only several eggs and are conceived with extraordinary humans so they are rare though there are still tens of thousands of them, me and my sister are like that as well'.

'you are maids despite that?'

'yes, the most outstanding ones are higher up in royalty while the rest maintain the palace and guard duties for the higher ranked ones'

'okay thank you for the explanation, oh and can mer mate with non human or fish?'

'yes, they are usually less intelligent but the demon species rival the humans and they have immitated them too and created their own species called the MerDemons, they actually communicate and help each other out immensely unlike humans who hunt merman though there are some alliances.'

'good to know.'

'we are done Beth' beth releases princess Mermi.

'sorry my princess, you will learn of this in time.'


Well just do fasting for now and we will go out next week, bring cooked food along as well.

'can't you stay?' asks the princess.

'I'm afraid not, I need to stay with my fish for now.'

'hmph' she said looking sad.

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