《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 16 - Royal Palace Rendezvous


We make it to the big palace, it's not as big as a gigantic whale's lenght so I'd say 2km is a good estimate for how tall it is.

It looks like a giant church with a 5 giant pointed towers, 4 at the cardenal directions and one at the middle.

It's black green in color so I check, it's actually magic obsidian.

I thought it's just to be fancy since it's build with magic resource, the magic part in front of the name means it naturally contains magic, it must be found in a zone with high magic and the area and things in it get magic atribute by just being there, this is how I should gain magic it seems

The obsidian should have more use than just looking pretty since it was chosen over other materials, I assume it conducts magic better than what other mass available material there is though there should be better ones that aren't available in mass.

I enter the palace and it's what you excpet, shiny and expensive things everywhere.

There's also hole passage ways to swim through.

I'm escorted to the princess's room quickly without meeting anyone else because Im still invisible, it seems it's a secret meeting.

I arrive to the 3rd floor and there's a row of imprtant looking rooms, the security is better right in the middle of the building after all.

There's a room with big gold door and some with a ruby door or symbols on them, while most of the others are silver and look the same.

Depends on how often they come the more personalized the rooms are.

The gold door belongs to the princess so she has to have come here often.

The guards open it up and I go inside, the guards can't see me but they know I pass thorugh instinct or something and close the door.


I notice the door is not only big but thick too and the entirety of this room's walls is gold.

It could be it's own base defense.

Hello holy fish thank you for coming says the princes as she bows and tucks up her dresses's sides like princesses do.

She's wearing a white and red dress with mostly white on top and red on the bottom, her tail has accessories too like golden and jewel bracelets.

'As you've noticed my family has gone back to the capital and you've evolved further so I called you here.'

'I'm bored..'

She says that as she sits on her wide bed with red sheets and 4 side pillars of gold supporting the bed and the thin curtains around the bed.

I also notice she has a hammock of gold strings, they are part fish so I guess a hammock is a good choice to sleep in, all household might have hammocks too.

She really likes gold.

'Let us do something outside, you know the area well right?'

I think about it and answer, why? you're a royal so you can go with your guards.

'No I can't, they won't let me anywhere outside of the festival range and I can't have command of any of the huge monsters yet even though this area is safer than most areas, they won't teach me any moves either' she says as she pouts her cheeks in frustration.

'Safer? there's dangerous creatures out there and others that can show up at any time, the ocean is never safe especially at night.'

The princess looks at me and smiles.

'So you know the area and creatures, show me something interesting.'

'Oh I know, I'll give you some nice magic items in return, they soldiers riding the huge creatures use them.'


That's a great offer but I don't really know the area other than the points where it starts getting dangerous.

'Okay but we'll need some good soldiers and can you even go out?'

The princess thinks for a while 'not really, I should be able to get away with it if it's close to the festival's barricades so come up with something from that.'

I say okay and suddenly someone is entering the room.

Keep quiet near there says the princess, even with invisibilty it's easy to find with skills like radar if the invisibilty isn't that powerful yet or the other person has other skills since the invisibilty doesn't erase your existence or presence.

Almost everything that has intelligence in the ocean knows those skills so it's not some sure fire thing to defend yourself, maybe on the surface world it's rare but not here.

Man so the invisibility was almost worthless afterall, good thing I didn't go into dangerous zones without the whales even though I had it.

I'll have to use it more.

The door opens and it's mermaid maids, usual maid custome with white and black colors but it has gold colors in it too.

The mermaids themselves are like the princess, blond and blue eyes but regular sized bodies.

One is white and the other is dark skinned and both their tail are light blue like the princess, related I assume though one of them is dark, the birth process must be different than humans afterall.

They seem to have some weapons too by their skirt waists, magical daggers, battle maids? well that should be common for royalty.

'Princess Mermi it's time for your lunch, please come to the dining area.'

'Right, I'll be there..aren't you coming?'

'Don't mind us princess we'll stay here to tidy up.'

Waaah! did they find out I'm here, I didn't sense them doing anything though.


'Well that's fine, don't do anything rash though.'

'Understood', the maids bows lightly and the princess heads off.

Well then, holy fish I take it? care to explain what you are doing here with the princess?

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