《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 14 - Winter begins


Day 300 and winter is here, not that bad here since we're not in the really cold regions, still pretty cold though.

I've been eating alot since there's more food and I'm about 5 times fatter than the rest of the fish.

I look bloated but I hope the evolution will take care of this by distributing the weight evenly.

Weeks pass and nothing's happening except for the increase in plankton, algae, krill, snails, small fish and sea insects, worms.

I see something now on the coral reef side, bigger fish are arriving and some have sea lampreys on them sucking their blood.

Some of the hiding spots in the reef have been taken too, there are no crabs in them anymore but I can tell there's something in them.

'sigh' the wild really is a constant war.

[huge sea snake] oh, my snake has evolved, it's as big as 12 foot man (3.74 meter) and several times longer.

I think the control is still in place, should keep it at a distance just in case though.

Back near the city and the snake can take on every fish there at once despite being a normal snake and having no special skills, my holy ray still affects it atleast.

The guards have been noticing us too but don't do anything.

Since it is a snake once it eats a lot it won't eat again for a long time so its appitete won't be a big problem.

The gigantic whale is going out again, I don't get any psychic message so is the princess staying?

This could be a chance to go in after I evolve once more, I begin eating more and more.

I've never really hunted since I enslave them all instead, I guess I've eaten some of the slow non fish creatures but I don't consider that hunting.


I swell up to 10 times the size I usually should be at and I've been using my holy ray and bullets to kill creatures and suspicious growth spots too.

I'm getting more confident, in the day there aren't many dangerous creatures around even less in the cold.

I think I will evolve soon which took less than a year in this world, huge creatures shouldn't be that rare then, gigantic could be rare but still found everywhere thanks to the amount of creatures around.

Further than that I'll call Monster class, if there's even bigger than that then Beyond class.

Still going to watch the festivals since it's nice and I notice the guards fighting off creatures.

Big fish with though skin and lots of teeth.

There's a lot of them but they keep them at bay with magic barriers and kill them off with their tridents.

Stronger guards kill alot of them with a magic slash from the trident, no attribute just pure magic.

They've been putting down walls and magic items too along the festival outskirts forming magic bloackades, you never know when something strong could come around.

It's a big area so not every spot is covered but the ones that aren't have extra guards around.

The most powerful guards are with the most important individuals.

Watching them defend the place is a good pass time too.

Days pass when [huge holy fish] I evolved

[holy offerings] [holy mark] [holy weapon maker]

Offerings increase my holy power, the holy part is because it's not done out of forcefulness which should give it's own skills.

I can affect others with my holy skills like recovery so I can give others a mark, I can track them it seems.

Holy weapon maker, I can make weapons out of the holy energy, any shape I can think off but it has to be a weapon, this seems easy enough to branch out of and I quickly got other skills [holy object maker] [holy body projection] acquired

Not just weapons now but normal objects and I can make body parts from the holyness too like giant arms or head even project a human body of holy energy.

The next day I receive a summons from the princess in the form of a psychic message.

I accept this time.

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