《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 13 - Deal and Pre Winter


Let's move to the palace if you don't mind, said the princess and I rejected it.


I thought about it and I can't afford to go inside, they might have some control magic or skills like me and my current fish would be useless in the middle of that city.

'I can feel bad things in that palace so let's keep it here for now'.

That's a lie of course but I do have the holy attribute so it might not be long before I can sense bad intentions.

The princess is in thought and then speaks, that's fine I suppose.

I want your help and services since the holy attribute is rare in the ocean, you can lead our kingdom to new heights.

'You have lightning and plenty of strong creatures, I do not see why you need my help'.

Holy is rare like I said you can only gain it if you are blessed and accept the gods, no one in the ocean cares about such things except a few intelligent wild creatures like yourself which alot of the races worship.

I need your guidance for the kingdom not your brightness.

'I see however I won't be of much use since I am still weak'.

That's fine, I will support you as you grow inc exchange for your future help.

By the way what is your name?

... (my name, I never thought about it once since I don't like my name, one of those common you find everywhere)

'Call me Holy Fish, I do not need a real name.

Fine, I won't ask further, mr. holy fish are sure you dion't want to come to the palace?

'No it's alright I will stay outside until I am strong enough, please don't let others interfere and do rash things'.


I understand, well I have to go now, good day, the princess says that and leaves with her guards.

That wasn't as bad as I thought, seems I lucked out with her coming and not some others.

I guess I'll stay here and see the rest of the festival for today.

Day 290 now, the festival really is for the long haul as it's slowly growing, the route to it is safe too with guards and whales coming and going constantly.

I still ride on them though since it's easier, going to see the festival now and then.

I notice more food like grass, some sort of bread thing and small fish bits around me lately scattered around in random areas, it must be the princess.

Me and the fish eat them with thanks to the holy god, I also pray sometimes since I learned about that god's blessings part, I need to be thankful I'm still alive.

I'm noticing more plants are growing despite the cold, is that algea and plankton? there's more krills around too.

I find them upwards aswell, the nutrients from down below are coming up due to the colder surface, that must be the reasoning.

This place isn't safe then even in cold waters, the fish used to cold must be coming later.

There's something blue growing from ground too like a bunch of tentacles with needles on it, it's defininetly some magical thing.

I holy ray it to ash so it doesn't become a threat just in case.

And so my first winter in this world fully commences.

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