《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 11 - Fall


200th day now, it seems the summer is starting to end so this world's seasons go on a 100~ day rotation it seems.

I arrived in spring I assume, fall's affect on ocean? I have no idea but i don't think it's that bad maybe less fish since spring and summer breeding periods are over and there will be less light.

I have no goal for now, just waiting it out and building up my skills, I've gained more over these weeks by sparring and practicing mostly those that I've already seen.

[stamina] [rush] [camoflauge] [silence] [sharp bite] [far vision] [pain resistance] [recovery]

Camoflauge might seem useless since I have invisibility but if something can bypass the invisibility then camoflauge can still work.

I've also gotten some new holy skills.

[holy bullet] [holy whip] [holy recovery] [holy bite]

Holy bullet unlike the ray is a solid round shot fired off instead of a constant ray.

Holy recovery is better than normal recovery though it tires me out faster, all skills tire me out actually which must be the difference between skills and using magic which I don't know how to yet.

Weeks pass and I see the first gigantic whale coming out, it truly is gigantic, almost as big as the whole wall of the megacity, it must be several skyscrapers big and it's horizontal lenght must be over 10 thousand meters.

It's guards are fierce too, hundreds of huge devil looking snakes and monster fishes of all kinds led by a dozen gigantic swordfish and there's some octopus sticking to the whale too.

There has to be some kind of controlling skill or spell used, no way those things would listen obediently.

Suddenly the whales eyes look at me, wow could the whale actually be the one controlling them? I wouldn't doubt it, maybe the octopus are helping too since they seem to be smart, alliances should be a thing even down in the ocean.


I want to go but obviously they will be dealing with dangerous things, the environment alone would kill me not to mention whatever skills they have.

The whale could control me too now that I think about it, I need to do something about that but how do you gain control resistance without being under it? having mind and spirit skills should help, otherwise just overpower it with pure magic resistances.

Days pass and the group is back, the whale is carrying and dragging several times it's weight in food and other things without touching the sea floor.

Psychic skills I assume, can I get that by just growing I wonder since the whale should have gotten it through the sheer size of its brain.

More whales head out, it seems they are saving food for winter.

Weeks go by and the megacity is getting quiet, seems like something is going to happen since everyone leaving.

They are abandoning it and going downwards so I can sort of picture my location now.

If this area freezes then it must be close to the polar regions or some ice magic zones which expand outwards in winter.

Doesn't seem likely though since coral reefs are near the shorelines.

The reef I know is not in the middle of the ocean since I would have noticed it's an atoll from riding on the whales and seeing its circular shap, it's a fringing or barrier reef.

I haven't seen any ships either so I'm near a land that has harsh winter but not in the south pole or near the north pole.

I'm in the middle or east/west side of the world with no civilization that can make ships, maybe a monster area not conquered yet.

Could also be that the merman break all of them.


It's getting colder by the week and I head upwards to see the reef.

Everything is calm like every creature is preparing is for hibernation but underwater.

Looking closer I notice that groups creatures all have some food saved up and aren't really asleep.

It's like a semi hibernation with them preparing to wait out the winter.

The eel and shrimp spots have been taken by the crabs, seems they all migrated away, the eels further out and the shirmps inland.

I've been saving food too of course, every area I control has an decent stash of food all around.

I'm waiting for the merman to leave more and try to get in when they open the gate once more.

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