《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 10 - Lightning Jellyfish


I've made all the fish fight and compete in swimming and ordered the stronger and fastest ones to eat more, that should be enough to trigger some specialized evolution.

Metal head fish is sparring with the big sea snake and it's been eating alot lately.

I've fed the snake more too, all of my skills are practiced so I should be able to handle controlling it.

More and more fish are getting big and I have a decent size now but I don't know what to do with them, I can't go out my usual routes since I'm not risking it, the only thing to do is wait.

175th day and I have 4 more metal head fish and almost a hundred big fish who are got the [stamina] and [rush] skill, it gives a sudden boost in speed with a sonic boost like effect.

They're longer on top of being bigger, 2 times as long, and have a smoother head, no other notable difference.

[Big Holy Fish] [holy ray] [holy armor]

Already, the eating does make a difference.

Holy ray is an attack and I can keep it going to make the ray penetrate further.

Holy armor is just armor of light, using the holy light alot must have given this.

Going around with the whales again and I can enslave more fishes, actually entire regions I can control now.

I leave them there of course but keep in control, I'm no longer keeping count since it's too much but it's definitely over a hundred thousand fish and includes crustaceans too.

The current places I know are the megacity, a little west are the darkness sharks and going up and west is the reef with the gigantic crab, no other places are worth remembering though I have controlled fish in all those places, now we're above in the east.



I here something like eletricity? bzzz bzzz

A swarm of jellyfish are above.

[smal, medium, big lightning jellyfish] [lightning, posion, grab, camouflage]

Not many skills but they have numbers, they have yellow lines going across in their bodies.

They launch a combined lightning attack at the whales.

Hit but they aren't dead since the water dissipates it oer time and the whales go and eat them, my fish go out and eat too.

Obey.. it's not working, oh right jelly fish don't have a brain so it won't work.

Suddenly 2 of the whales floats up, what the?

It's already dead, invisibilty? I appraise.

[gigantic jellyfish] [invisibilty] [silence]

The whales are goners so I'm out.

I head into the big sea snake's mouth and I make it go while the others follow.

No lightning is coming, that's a relief.

I retrace the route and we arrive back near the megacity.

Phew but jellyfish huh, i wonder how big their nest is.

All these strong ones just makes me wonder how strong these merman really are, if they are strong at all.

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