《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 9 - Fish Sizes


Day 120 now, some troops went out probably scouting ones.

Huge snakes and manta rays accompanied by mermen to be exact, after all this time looking I can say that that with each growth the size after medium/normal it increases by 5 times the previous one, it's magic like evolution since a creature shouldn't get this big normally.

For example

shrimp - [medium - 5 cm/0.4 feet] [big 25 cm/0.8 feet] [huge 1.25 meter/4 feet] [gigantic 6.25 meter/ 20 feet]

fish (me included), crab, mantis shrimp - [medium - 10 cm/0.3 feet] [big - 50 cm/1.6 feet] [huge 2.5 meter/8.2 feet] [gigantic - 12.5 meter/41 feet]

shark (great white is twice as big and megalodon is 4 times as big) [medium - 5 meters/16.4 feet] [big 25 meter/82 feet] [huge 125 meter/410.1 feet] [gigantic 625 meter/2050.5 feet]

humpback whale- [medium - 15 meter/49 feet] [big 75 meter/245 feet] [huge 375 meter/1225 feet] [gigantic 1875 meter/6125 feet]

blue whale [medium - 30 meter/98.5 feet] [big - 150 meter/492 feet] [huge - 750 meter/2460.6 feet] [gigantic 3750 meter/12303 feet]

The actual sizes of the creatures vary, the 20 feet gigantic crab I met must be half as small than a regular crab so even when it evolved it didn't get as big as it should have gotten, this also counts for being bigger than normal.

The sizes are just me categorizing them and it shouldn't be limited to gigantic since a fish should be able to get bigger but for most species already big I doubt they can get bigger without running into problems due to the mass size which means a bigger target though I don't know how big this word's ocean is.

It should not be as physically powerful just based on the sheer mass it lost by not having normal base size but the skill's powers are still there.


Nothing big happened with the movements from the merman and it's now the 150th day, [glutton] acquired

I'm already twice as fat as the other fish my size so that was expected.

fwoosh fwoosh, I've been practicing swimming since I'm a fish.

I'd say I'm pretty fast for, not the fastest here though since some other fish are faster.

One fish is exceptional at biting and is undefeated so far, he might be a really good guard for me.

Noone else stands out so far, the sea snake still isn't at full strenght since I can't be certain my control of it will stay but he isn't starving anymore atleast.

Hmmm? I see bigger fish suddenly around me, wha?

They're my group, [big fish]

Looks like they evolved, is this a fast rate for fish? well we have good food sources and the water isn't that bad.

More and more evolve, nothing special in terms of skills except for the that biting fish, I'll call it Metal Head Fish for now.

[big fish] [bite] [swimming] [tail attack] [crush] [armor skin]

It's teeth has gotten less sharp since it's focusing on biting instead of ripping its opponent apart.

The thick skin is more apparent around it's head and neck area, almost like a metal helmet since it's kind of gray looking.

I can guide their evolution right? feeding and making them do things will let them evolve into specialized fish.

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