《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 5 - Small Whale Expedition


It's been 2 week since coming to the mega city, the fishes have grown some but I'm still small due to the fasting.

Lots of whales come on go, small and medium ones are just let go by themselves as training of sorts.

Big whales get several merman guards, huge ones get even more merman plus vicious looking sea creatures like [sea dragons] [sea serpants] [orcas] and vehicles too since they carry alot of stuff and are ten times the size of a normal whale.

I haven't seen gigantic types of whales but they should be there too, those must be saved for really important moments or they're going out on the other sides of the dome.

Seeing this I don't think I'll ever be able to win if I fight, I need another route to keep myself save but I can't negotiate or bargain as I am now since I'm too weak to defend myself.

There's nothing I can do here so I want to go another city, one less military oriented.

The big and huge whales are likely heading to other dome cities but I can't follow them and I don't want to risk leaving the safety of this place either, I can only wait some more.

2 more weeks pass, it's been a month since I turned into a fish, it's not the easy life I was imagining if I ever got reincarnated.

The other fishes are now medium sized since last week and I've been having them fight each other as training.

They've gotten [tackle] [bite] which is okay I guess, the merman should have noticed us by now with how amazing their place is but they aren't doing anything, maybe I'm right about them strenghtening the sea creatures.

They must be in need of army forces, could they have lost a war front somewhere? or this place was attacked.


I can't stay if it's the latter, I need to get on a whale and go somewhere eventually.

1 more month passes, the fasting is pretty good now I'd say so I'll start fattening up now.

7 small whales are heading out, blue whales this time and I follow them, I think I should be okay in those areas.

Me and the fishes get on near its backside and hold on as we pile on each other, they're biger now so we can handle riding on on a whale.

We reach the coral reef and keep going, I notice something hiding far away, it was orange?

Could it be the crab from before? what's it doing here? oh no it's big enough to easily kill this whale.

I head up to the whale with my fishes and swim around eyes, it starts shaking but we continue until all the whales become confused, we go back near the backside and hold on tighter.

The crabs come out and the whales notice it and swim away fast.

The gigantic crab manages to kill 4 of them with its air slashes as a feeding frenzy begins with the food stuffs falling to the ground.

trtrtrtrt gun like sounds ring out and 2 whales beside us dies from the mantis shrimp barrage.

The last whale we are on manages to get away since it wasn't swimming up front and it goes back to the city at full speed.

It arrives and we get off, I control the surrounding fishes again, I'd say there's about a hundred fish now.

[slaver title] acquired

Oh oh, well I guess I am enslaving them sort of, what a fine line between commanding and slavery.

Thinking back on what happened, the crabs must have expanded their territory and the merman didn't know, they should deal with it eventually.

I start eating, time to grow.

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