《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 4 - Arriving at a City


'Oi' I yell out, my fellow fish get out of their hiding place and gather to me slowly

[commander title] acquired

I sense their ki a little better than before, the skills don't have levels but it seems their effectiveness increases as you grow and use them, I need to keep using them or it'll be a waste.

We head out to the south and I notice some other fishes following us, they're not predators so I guess it's fine, maybe my command affected them too.

The crabs are to the east and the shrimp are to the west, heading there would be closer to land probably since crustaceans also go on land but I can't get past them and I'm a fish so land won't do me any good anyways.

I say the directions but I don't really know if they're right since I don't have a compass.

It's been 2 hours and so far so good, we're still in the coral reef though but we're slow.


I hear a sound coming from my west, it's a whale!

[medium humpback whale]

It's about the same size as an earth one, medium size is normal sized then, big is entering the fantasy sizes.

It has lots of food and materials like metals and items not wrapped in anything on it's back that seems to be maintaned in place with someone else's skills and there's 5 whales in total, all medium sized.

It musn't be important stuff since there's no security or any other creature guarding them.

For them not to care about 5 humpback whales means they have enough of them to not worry about the losses.

I wait for them to pass to follow them but I realize they woud be too fast to keep up with so all the fish with me stick in between the packages and off we go.


They arrive in 2 hours which would have taken us the whole day if we didn't get on them, we left the reef in under the first hour.

The place is nothing special at all just a open space, all the stuff are dumped and they leave.

Instead of the stuff, me and the fishes just stick in between the humps as the whales go back to the place that put all those things on them.

I look back on the spot and there's lots of fish and creatures coming out to grab everything even the items and metals.

Are they just dumping goods to strenghten the creatures? is there a war going on or do they just want them to be stronger to unknowningly defend the place from something?

They disappear from my view and 6 hours pass, these whales sure are slow or the ocean is way bigger than I think it is in this world, likely the latter considering the moon's size.

The whales are going deeper as well, not enough to block the light but it's very dim now.

I see a city now as we decent from above, I can't even see it all but there's a huge dome stretching out around it along with walls too outside the dome where the whales are entering.

I get off along with the fishes since they'll just kill me if I enter.

There's plants down there so it should be fine, a portion of the wall opens up along with the dome and the whales are now entering.

It's so high tech, not just a city but a mega city.

[fasting acquired] finally, now I just fast some more than eat to get bigger since that should make me more powerful though it makes me a bigger target.

My fishes start eating, there's not alot of life outside the dome so I might not need to worry at night.

I command other fish I find and they join, they seem useless but the more the better, they are my fishshields and sacrifices, sorry fishes.

Night arrives and nothing happens, I finally sleep.

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