《I Was Reincarnated Into Another World As A Fish》Chapter 3 - Dreadful Night


It's becoming night, I'm hungry and sleepy but it's too dangerous.

'gulp' some fish got eaten again by other fish, the constant threat is heavy in the wild huh.

There should be fish creatures who can break the coral so I don't want to stay there so I'll dig in sand.

This area doesn't look like it'll have that many predators so I should be safe.

The other baby fishes went inside the coral after I made them help me dig the sand, it's not deep at all but spread thin so I can move in the sand a bit while still seeing what's happening.

It's dark now but there's light thanks to the moon, 3 moons it seems, 2 the size of my earth moon and a big one that's 5 times the size.

The tide effect must be huge since they are all relatively near each other, I'm not seeing much change in the ocean height either so I must not be anywhere near a landmass.

bzzzt a huge eel appeared and it has electricty disacharges coming out of it, [huge eel] lightning element, zap, thunderbolt

This eel is strong obviously, every creature is in hiding now.

It's searching the ocean floor with it's zaps too, good thing I'm not in it's path.

booom, hmm a coral spot just exploded, it's a big ugly brown fish with sharp teeth it just crashed into the coral and is eating anyting it finds in a frenzy.

And it's gone further from my position, lucky.

[night vision] [luck] [stealth] acquired.

Nice skills get.

OH NO, look at all the predators coming out now, medium to big of all kinds of fish with sharp teeth and horns.

The crab and mantis shrimp group from earlier is here again too, it's becoming a war zone.


I can't sleep or I'm dead, just keep hiding as long as that eel doesn't come I should be fine.

They're al above me, how scary [fear resistance] acquired.

How nice but I don't care now, I just want to be safe.

I can't stay like this each night, I need to move to somewhere safe with no predators, there must be some big school or places that resemble a society in the ocean, maybe mermaids, I'd love to live with mermaids hehe.

And so the night ends, I just nibble on some plants quickly and go bac to hiding just in case.

You can eat during fasting of course, it's not like starvation, the difference is that fastin is done willingly and you can eat a bit to sustain yourself for long fasting, starvation is just dying from hunger it's not really a choice.

Well time to get moving.

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