《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 62.5. Timeskip moments.


--- Evrik's Fleet ---

"FASTER! CRUSH THEM!" A man with crimson hair and even a reddish skin shouts out whilst putting on some tiny bits of armor near the vitals.

"It's Evrik! Get us out of here! Now!" A man dressed in full black shouts from another ship which is in the way of an entire fleet of ships dyed in a blood-red color.

Evrik starts laughing so loudly it can be heard across the seas.

"You shall not escape! Get me closer to them! NOW!" Evrik shouts out and throws an axe towards the enemy ship which lodges itself right next to the man dressed in full black.

Suddenly, oars appear from within all Evrik's ships and give a major speed boost to the fleet.

The fleet easily catches the escaping ships.

Evrik jumps onboard one of the ships and with one swing of a massive axe in Evrik's hand, fifteen sailors are dead or severly injured.

A slaughterfest begins, every single sailor on the escaping ships are slaughtered and thrown into the sea and the new ships are already half-painted in a blood red color.

-- In the land of magma, lava and stone ---

"Hey, have you heard... Evrik's near our land." A soldier whispers.

"Evrik? You mean Evrik the Flowered right? Right?" Another soldier whispers back.

"No... I mean Evrik the Crimson." The first soldier whispers and the other one doesn't answer back.

They stand in silence for what seems like hours since the news about Evrik has spread fast and taken a large toll on the regular infantry's morale.

"Can we even get across now... I mean... I haven't heard of a single ship that has escaped Evrik's grasp." A soldier asks.

"We must. It is your duty and my duty. The Lord ordered us to get across so we will try or die trying. That is our honor is it not? It is our destiny is it not?" An officer of the army answers.


"S-Sir! Of course! It is our honor and destiny!" The soldier immediatly salutes after getting up.

The officer walks away and the soldier falls back down.

--- A corner of the land of magma, lava and stone. A lush oasis of plants and trees, protected by a fast and constant stream of water. ---

"Madame, the time is fast approaching. Evrik's made his appearance already, just as you predicted." A dryad says to a larger dryad.

"Well, the Three are doing whatever they want so it was quite easy to predict them bringing Evrik here to help The One. We just need to play our role as a distraction for the King." The Madame looks outside the oasis just to see a wall manned by what seems to be a million men.

"They truly are scared of what you can do, Madame." The smaller dryad once more speaks.

"They might not be scared but wary. This new king, he is not dumb. He is cautious. He is way more dangerous than those hot-headed kings of the past. This time around I couldn't get even half of a seed into the castle before all of the seeds were obliterated. He is very cautious. Incredibly so." The madame speaks and then sends a small seed towards the wall which immediatly gets burned.

"This is going to be quite a wait, isn't it Madame?" The smaller dryad asks and only gets a nod as a response.

--- The King's Castle, A hidden meeting room ---

"This new king is useless! We could've won already if he had sent everybody over instantly! Those damn Dryad's can't leave that corner of theirs anyway, the magma will just disintegrate them! We need to get rid of the king." A big lizard shouts out quietly.


"It is true he is quite useless. But replacing him might give us somebody worse. We should instead try to make him to our bidding. It is faster." A small imp-like creature whispers.

Such a conversation lasts for many more hours until they come to a decision.

"We install a regency. We make it seem like the lord got sick since he isn't one of us so he wasn't accustomed to one of our sicknesses and that our council is taking over the regency. Everybody agrees with this right?" The imp-like creature asks and everybody nods in agreement.

Then they all get up, shake hands and slowly leave one after another into different directions.

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