《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 62. The Long Wait.


Me and Ion started thinking heavily on how to combat these flying monstrosities.

"We need some sort of anti-air vehicle. Something powerful." I say to Ion who immediatly runs a search on his database.

"Found one record of an anti-air vehicle. The M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage made by the United States. Times it was active unknown, blueprints were just barely salvaged from one of the United States Military facilities. It's main armament consists of two 40mm guns. Is this adequate enough?" Ion finds something and gives me a small bit of info on it.

I think for a bit and then shout to one of my guards to hand me something to write on and something to write with.

After about ten minutes of waiting I get what I wanted and immediatly start drawing up the M19's blueprints thanks to Ion showing me them.

I also include the materials and such needed to build it and how to build it.

"I guess we should also include a sit-rep to Landar." I ask Ion.

"That is indeed something we should do." Ion helps me with the sit-rep afterwards.

I then order one of the castle guards to get me a messenger and then sent the messenger straight towards Landar with the blueprints and the sit-rep.

"I hope he can produce at least one M19 and get it to the front before we meet another wyvern. 40mm guns should be enough to at least make the Wyvern unable to advance." I sigh and throw myself in a pile of hay near the convoy.

(This place will be our headquarters for quite a while I presume. Seeing as all reports show this place was under the heaviest fire out of all the castles so the main army is either here or not on the continent yet.


And I am not advancing without those M19's to support us in case a Wyvern or worse... A dragon appears. Hell, all the texts about the legendary Wyverns and Dragons that i've read point towards the fact that Dragons are much more superior. If... If we meet a dragon and it is like that....

God save us all by giving us an M19 and god save us by making sure that M19 can kill it.)

"Everybody, make yourself comfy! We are going to be here for quite a while! We aren't moving before we get some reinforcements and at least one vehicle with a gun powerful enough to possibly shoot down anything that flies! So, sit down and wait! Maybe we'll get a few targets to shoot every now and then, who knows?" I shout the order to all my soldiers and they all relax but keep their guns loaded and ready at all moments.

--- The Unknown Land, The Three Figures ---

"Aww, they've stopped." The first figure says.

"It makes sense. They fought a wyvern and now they want to wait for some heavier guns to fight any air targets with. I mean, it is Hayden after all!" The second figure says.

"But it's so boring... Oh I know! Master! Master! Can I send the Scourge of the Seas to the sea where they are transporting their troops through? I can right?" The first figure asks the Third.

"Hmm... Alright, you may. Hayden was unprepeared to fight the Wyvern's and Dragon's after all." The Third Figure responds and the first figure jumps up into the air in joy.

"Go go Evrik! Kill them all! Evrik the Crimson!" The first figure starts shouting once it sees that the Scourge of the Seas, Evrik the Crimson, has met an enemy fleet and is entering combat with his own fleet of ships.

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