《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 61. The Wyvern.


As the wyvern marches forward, we are giving it hell.

My soldiers are shooting it's eyes in a very specific order so the Wyvern always has to keep it's eyes protected which also hinders it's visiblity.

Some of the brave knights from the castle are outside as well, digging holes for the Wyvern to stumble into which it has many times over.

(Our delaying tactics are working quite well. I'm just worried the enemy might show up while we still have our hands full with the Wyvern.)

As everybody on the wall has calmed down due to seeing the wyvern cannot do much since it has to use one of it's wings or 'hands' to keep it's eyes protected while he is also tilting his head so he cannot use his fire breath.

(It does seem like the eyes are a major weak spot. It does not wanna show us them. No matter what.)

After about 3-4 hours of delaying tactics, the wyvern finally reaches a certain distance from a wall.

"Retreat! Retreat! The Wyvern is too close to the wall for delaying tactics! I hope to god that trap is ready or we'll all be burnt meat by the end of this!" I shout as I run to the other side of the wall, taking cover inside one of the towers there.

Everybody is hiding, including Alicia and her six guards since it seems not even they are confident in doing a head-on fight with a wyvern unprepeared.

The wyvern climbs over the wall with ease and goes into the middle of the courtyard.

I hear something being shouted once the wyvern looks back to where it came from and hundreds of arrows tied to ropes descend on the Wyvern and I even see chains and such being launched from the few ballistae on the wall.


The Wyvern is immediatly pinned down to the ground so much that you can barely see it and it can move even less than you can see it.

It tries to scream for help but the sheer amount of ropes holding down it's mouth overpowers it.

"This won't hold for long. If the Wyvern really starts struggling, it can probably get out. We need to work fast!" I shout out again and immediatly head for the wyvern's eyes.

(If it went through the problem of covering it's eyes, it gives me quite an easy target.)

Once I get to it's head, I notice that the castle guards are piling ontop of the Wyvern as well, for extra weight.

(This... If this wasn't so serious and basically a life-or-death situation, I would be laughing my ass off from seeing this.)

I find the eyes and take aim.

"Has everybody found a location to shoot?" I ask my soldiers.

"Yes sir!" The officers shout in unison.

"Alright! After my shot, fire!" I shout out and take aim once more.

I then take the shot and the wyvern dies almost instantly like the ogres and trolls.

Or so we thought.

The wyvern doesn't do anything at first but it's clear that it's in shock.

Once that it understood what happened and started feeling the pain, it became enraged.

Our bullets definetly pierced it's skin and went into it's body but just not enough to kill it.

It starts struggling and breaking the ropes but not the chains.

It even managed to release it's tail and flinged a few knights over the wall with it's tail.

"Everybody! Stay away from the tail! That thing is a deathwish! Take aim and shoot whenever ready! Shoot it as many times as you think is needed! Just... Kill it!" I shout and aim at it's other eye which is quite hard seeing as I'm standing on the face of the Wyvern and it's shaking it's head in every direction in hopes of getting out.


(You must be in quite a lot of pain... So please die! Otherwise we die!)

I take the shot and somehow hit it's eye and then I hear a series of shots and the wyvern stops struggling.

"Wait! It might be playing dead!" I shout as I see some of my troops start to ease up.

Once they hear me they jump back up and grab their gun in fright.

We wait for an hour and I feel no breath come out of it during that entire time.

"It's dead! We killed it!" I shout out once I am sure that it's dead.

(It can't be alive if it hasn't breathed for an hour. If it is, it has lungs the size of a building.)

A few of my soldiers fall to the ground in relief, the others go to the walls and sit down.

About ten or so of my troops go and bring the bushmasters and humvees back into the castle, right next to the corpse of the Wyvern.

I take another look at the wyvern before I leave it alone, just in case.

(If this thing is still alive, it must be severely weakened. It ain't going to break free while we are here hopefully.)

The castle knights immediatly set up a watch since the enemy might attack us or think the wyvern killed us all so they are going to try to march into the castle.

Luckily, no such attack came that day.

Somehow, we managed to avoid all casualties from the wyvern attack except the few castle knights who got hit by the wyvern's tail.

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