《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 60. Third Castle.


It only takes us 15 minutes to notice the third castle.

And the massive army besieging it.

I go forward and scout the area.

(Nope. No way we are going to break through all that. Wait... Are those ogres and trolls!? Alright... Massive army plus monsters like that... This must be the main army.)

I fly back to the convoy, signal them that we are going to break through the line so we can enter the castle and assume defensive positions.

I then go to the castle, signal them that we are coming via the blue, black and red flag and then I rush back to the convoy.

In about three minutes, my troops are inside the castle.

The gates are instantly closed and the troops are in defensive positions.

I also go up to the walls and take a few shots at one of the ogres.

(What!? The bullets.... They are stuck in it's arm? It didn't even properly go through the skin since there is no blood...)

"You, you and you. Concentrate fire on the ogre. Preferably aim for the eyes." I give out some orders since I need to find out how to kill those ogres before they get too close to the walls.

Me and the three soldiers fire at the ogre's eyes and somebody got a lucky shot and hit it's eye straight on, piercing through it into the brain or something important since the ogre collapses and dies, crushing about forty of its own allies as well.

"For the ogres and trolls, aim for the eyes!" I shout out some advice to all my soldiers on the wall and then I take aim on a troll.

I fire at it's arm first to see if the bullets pierce the skin and they pierce quite easily.


(Alright... The troll is different from the ogre... It regenrates! Quite fast as well since the bullet hole is already healed.)

I shoot the troll in the head, straight in the eye.

The bullet pierces the entire head of the troll and it dies quite easily.

(The trolls aren't much trouble. I think the trolls are used just because arrows and swords can't pierce deep enough and the trolls regenrate those small wounds basically instantly. Too bad we have bullets and guns which pierce through.)

I leave the wall and just walk around for hours, listening to the sound of gunshots.

Eventually the enemy retreats, even though they have more than just mountains of corpses left behind.

"Alright everybody, take a rest! At least 6 people must be on guard at all times!" I shout out another order and just a few minutes later, we hear a massive roar.

I immediatly run to the wall to check what that was and I see a wyvern that is being pulled forward by ogres and is chained up.

They pull the wyvern a little bit closer before they release it.

The ogres try to run away but they all get massacared by the wyvern in a few seconds and then it looks towards the castle.

"Everybody! It's a wyvern! Get ready to shoot it down from the sky!" I shout out another order and all my troops run to the wall and start shooting at the wyvern once it gets to range.

(The bullets... They're bouncing off!)

"Aim for the wings! Maybe if we shoot the wings we'll disable it's flying capability!" I shout and then aim for the wings and start firing.

The bullets pierce the thin leather quite easily and the wyvern smashes into the ground before it can reach the castle.


(How... How are we going to kill this? Shooting for the eyes won't work.... It's keeping its eyes protected. If it gets to the wall... It seems like it can climb over. And if it is like one of those wyverns from the book... It can also breathe fire.)

I think and think but can't find any solutions.

All the troops in the castle are aiming at the wyvern, throwing or shooting anything they can find at it.

(A trap... A trap! If we trap it in the courtyard of the castle and make it unable to move... We can find a way to kill it!)

I find the translator and tell him to order the leader of the castle to set up the best trap for a wyvern he can.

I order the bushmasters and humvees to be driven out of the castle so the wyvern can't damage them.

"Distract the wyvern as much as you can! Slow it down! Give time for the trap to be built! Aim for any part of it's body that looks like it's weaker than the others but don't waste too many bullets!" I shout out orders and advice and so begins the plan to trap and kill the wyvern.

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