《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 59. Relief Army.


Thanks to the help of a translator, me and the castle captain could hold some sort of meeting to decide what to do now.

"Alright, so we have decided on the fact that our group will move out to lift the sieges on the other castles to the north whilst you will try to defend this place until reinforcements arrive. I am not wrong, am I?" I ask the captain again through the help of the translator.

"Yes. Seeing as you suddenly massacared a huge portion of their army and are currently causing them to retreat, I think I have more than enough time to build defences and wait." The captain answers.

I stand up, do a light bow and then leave the small room we were meeting in.

(I guess It's time to head forward soon.)

I walk around and see the girls peacefully eating and my soldiers on the wall resting as well.

As I hop onto the wall using the half-destroyed stone staircase, I notice that there is no sign of the enemy anymore due to me just seeing a huge line of corpses.

"Sir, as you can see the enemy has retreated somewhere. We shot as many as we could." One of the soldiers salutes me and tells me the situation.

"Good. It seems we can move out soon since to the north, there are about four or so castles also under siege. We'll just quickly go and lift those sieges." I say to the soldier and salute back.

I then walk down the staircase, jumping over the several holes in it, and then going towards Alicia and the rest.

"So, how are you doing over here?" I ask Alicia who currently has her mouth full and started coughing since I suddenly started talking behind her which scared her.


After a while of Alicia coughing, she got up and looked at me.

"Don't do that! You scared me so much I saw Death himself!" Alicia then gives me a short lecture right infront of all the soldiers which actually sort of lifts their mood since a few of them laughed.

Alicia finishes her lecture and then I tell her the plan.

"Well, it seems we are going to be useless in this war anyways. Laurette and the rest were tasked with killing all of the enemies who managed to get to the wall. Guess how many got to the wall? None. Nobody." Alicia looks dissapointed that they got no action.

All my soldiers climb in the Bushmasters and Humvees and I jump in the heli and lift off.

One of the castle guards opens the gate towards the north and we speed out to relieve the other castles.

It takes us about an hour to see the next castle but I also notice something else.

(We are right behind the enemy. This is going to be fun.)

I send a message to the convoy signaling that I can see the enemy and that we are behind them.

Once I recieve the 'OK' from the convoy, I go downwards so the enemy won't notice me that easily and fly right next to the convoy.

The closer we get, the faster the convoy starts moving.

Once we are literally right under their noses and they are trying to make out what that noise is, I suddenly pull my heli towards the sky.

Just as the enemy looks at me, the Bushmasters and Humvees crash through them, the soldiers in the humvees shooting everything on the sides and the front.

The convoy rams through the enemy line and makes a line infront of the gate, bushmasters in the front and Humvee's behind them.


The bushmasters unload all the troops which immediatly take up locations where arrows won't be able to hurt them and then start filling the enemy with bullets.

A short while after, the enemy retreats after taking more than just heavy casualties whilst we took only a few scratches on the bushmasters due to arrows.

I fly close by to the convoy, order them to move towards the third castle and take the position of the scout once more.

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