《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 58. To the front.


--- About an entire month after the beginning of the creation of the vehicles ---

I wake up and immediatly put on my clothes to leave my room.

Ion is already flying near the door as well.

"Today is the day isn't it? An entire half a month of constructing Humvee's and Bushmasters and then half a month of training the soldiers to be able to use them." Ion asks me and I just nod with a smile on my face.

(Finally I can get out of this boring place. I've been sitting here, exploring the slightly interesting forest but still ultimately doing nothing.)

I walk outside and Ion floats around me as we approach the convoy that is ready to leave.

"Landar! Is everything ready?" I ask Landar who's looking at the convoy with glee.

"Yes, everything is ready. Your helicopter has been refueled, stocked up with resources and is ready to follow the convoy. We also put some back-up fuel and such in one of the bushmasters. Half of our army will go with the vehicles and the other half will follow up with carriages and such, am I right in your plan?" Landar confirms that everything is ready and asks about my plan.

"Yes. I doubt we have the time to come and pick up the rest of the army once we're at the front line." I answer Landar's question and go towards my helicopter.

Just as I get in I hear somebody shouting.

"Waaait! Don't leave yet! We're still not in the heli!" I see Alicia shouting as she and her guards are sprinting full speed towards the helicopter.

I turn on the helicopter just as they jump in and close the doors.

The heli is stocked full of cargo instead of people so there aren't any other people onboard.


I slowly lift the heli off the ground and start following the fast moving convoy.

(The only thing we're missing is a tank but it's best if they don't know tanks even exist for now. They'd ask too much.)

--- About three weeks of travel later ---

"Hayden. Based on the map that Landar showed me, we are arriving soon." Ion notifies me we are almost there.

I look down and see the convoy slowing down so I do the same.

The convoy keeps moving at a decent speed and we see a castle from far away which is, by the looks of it, under siege.

(Phew, luckily I taught them how to understand commands through flags.)

I open my window and bring out a red and black flag and wave it towards the castle.

It seems like they had eyes on the sky as the entire convoy sped up and I see some troops opened the humvee's windows and are peeking out just in case.

I rush ahead and land my helicopter slightly outside the castle, just far enough that none of the shots from the enemy can properly reach us.

I also confirm in the midst of landing that this is a friendly castle due to a flag, which is one of the allied kingdoms flag, being flown in the castle.

(Oh, it seems our arrival shocked both sides.)

As we sent a messanger ahead with a notification to let everybody who is waving a blue, black and red flag through, they opened the back gates quite easily.

The bushmasters and humvees rush into the castle courtyard, park themselves near the edges of the walls so they won't get hit by loose rocks that easily and start unloading all the troops.

The troops immediatly start running up to the wall to start shooting the enemy, just as we trained.

I make sure the helicopter is in a safe place and secured so nobody can enter it and then I also go inside the castle, to talk with the leader of this location.

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