《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 57. Creating a storm.


After quite a while of Landar leaving me to my own devices, he appears infront of me again.

"Hayden, we have finished training all the platoons. It really hastened once the first two were taught. We now need to somehow deploy this tiny army to the front line." Landar kindly asks me for help once more.

I think for a bit until Ion floats towards us and immediatly solves the problem.

"How about we give them the Bushmaster and the Humvee? They should be useful to transport troops and to even use while at the front line. We built the helicopter, now that we have people to immediatly help us gather resources and even craft them, we can probably build enough vehicles for 6 platoons. I'll personally tell Landar all the things needed for creating these." As Ion finishes his long talk, he wanders back into the room and both of us follow him.

Using an entire day, he explains the creation of the Humvee and the Bushmaster and all their needed components in-depth a few times over.

I mostly stayed there to make sure Ion isn't grabbed by Landar since Ion has nearly no armaments on him.

The next day, Landar was already doing things when I woke up and I saw him running around a few places while carrying a bunch of papers.

(He must be gathering resources and things already...)

Me and Ion spend the entire day just walking around the mountains, waiting for Landar to gather all the components needed so we can start making the Humvee and Bushmaster.

--- 5 days later ---

"I've gathered all the materials and the components are being created as we speak. We should be able to deploy the army soon once these 'vehicles' are finished. I've already found the most time-effective path as well for our troops. Our messengers also brought good news, the enemy has stopped attacking the frontline but that is also the bad news at the same time. They stopped to gather stronger troops into their army.


But the other part of the news is it will still take a while before the components are finished so go and have some fun in the forest." Landar drops an entire pile of news on me and then quickly leaves.

Me and Ion walk out of room and go into the forest once more where we meet Alicia and the six guards wandering the forest as well.

"Looking for secrets?" Alicia asks me with a smirk on her face as she quickly throws something to the six guards who suspiciously hide it.

"Maybe, maybe not. That is up to your imagination." I answer with a straight face since I am trying to hold back my laughter at their attempt to hide something from me.

"Well. Keep searching then!" Alicia says and then runs off with the six in tow.

I start laughing once I make sure they are far enough from me.

"They are trying to do something. Definetly trying to do something. Hey Ion, what do you think, should we start going a different path each time we come into the forest instead of the path we usually take?" I ask Ion with a smile on my face.

"That would be interesting." Ion immediatly answers.

Since that little encounter, me and Ion have been going completely random paths and Ion uses his abilities to make sure we don't get lost each time.

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