《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 55. Alpha Platoon.


After waiting for a while for the platoons to get ready, I head towards their gathering point.

Once I reach it, I head towards the first platoon that I saw.

(They all have guns and are holding them like I taught Landar. That is good.)

One of the soldiers looks behind me and so do I.

"Landar, you are finally here. You know these soldiers better than me. I need two of them who are capable of leading their entire platoon." After I hand out my command, Landar immediatly brings two men to the front.

"These two have been known for their good leadership in hunts. All these men should trust them as well since this platoon is mostly consisting out of one of our hunter groups." I look over the two Landar brought forward and told me about.

I point towards one of them that seems to be slightly stronger.

"You shall become the platoon commander and your aide, your platoon sergeant is the person to your left." I calmly say and they nod.

I look towards Landar and he smiles.

(I think he already taught them the roles of the Platoon Leader since I have told him those...)

The two men go back to their spots.

"Alright, you are the first platoon that shall be put on one of those carriages and sent on the front lines. At first you might feel fright or you might feel that you are all-powerful. Neither of those are true. As a platoon, you need to stick together and protect eachother. In the course of this day, I'm going to drill into you the basics of a platoon." I finish my tiny little speech and immediatly order them to follow me.

(A few team exercises should be good.)


I bring them to an open field and order them to stop.

"Alright. I need you to line up based on age. No talking though. Try to figure out who is younger and older without talking. Start." I look at them shimmy around until they get into a line in half an hour.

"I'll ask for your age starting from the left and going to the right. As in the line." I start asking them their age.

(More or less got it correctly.)

"Now. The same thing but with height! You only have two minutes for this! Hurry!" I push them forward with a time restriction and they immediatly get into the line I wanted to see. It took them near one minute.

"Alright, you can talk now. Landar, can I ask you to get 8 wooden planks which people can walk on which aren't huge." I ask Landar for a favor and he immediatly runs off to fulfill it, the soldiers are all silent and don't say a word.

"Alright, while Landar brings the needed pieces for the next activity. Also, if you are wondering why we are not using guns right now, you guys are lacking teamwork. This next one will need a lot of it." I look at each of them and Landar arrives just in time.

"Split up into two. I know one troop will be over but they will go into the part they want to go into. So split up into a 13 and a 12 man squad." The soldiers immediatly form a gap between eachother.

"You and you, come here." I point towards two random soldiers and hand them 4 wooden planks each.

"This 'game' involves teamwork. You both have 4 wooden planks and you need to use them like a 'bridge'. You will go in a straight line from here to that wall. First team to reach it wins. If any one of your teammates falls on the grass, you need to go back to the start..


Now.. Get Ready! Start!" I order them to start and they immediatly put the 4 wooden planks down and all of the team jumps on it and barely fit on 3/4 of the planks, just as needed.

They don't understand for a while that you need to re-use the last plank until one of them gets the idea and they get a massive gap over the others.

(Would you look at that. Half-way and nobody has fallen of yet.)

I let the game go for a while and they reach the end after 2 hours of trying. Each time they got around the end, one of them fell off on both teams.

I run them through two more games and then stop.

"Alright, you have good teamwork now. Well, good enough. It's time for firing practice. We have about 5 hours for it. Line up in two lines, one behind the first." They immediatly comply with my orders.

"Now, first line act like you are firing two short bursts and second line aim for the targets.. First line go behind the second line and second line act like firing.

Repeat this action for a while. You'll get to real shooting soon to handle the recoil." I let them do this one thing for about an hour until they get tired.

"One hour break! Feel free to eat, drink or do anything." I give them a small break.

They all leave and come back in exactly 1 hour.

"Live firing practice. Do the action you did an hour ago but with actual firing. Do it only 3 times though." I continue training them through the day with the amount of things I remember from the military and the little bits of information that Ion gave me while I was prepearing.

(Ion's been silent this entire day and just floating around me... I wonder if Ion's bored.)

After training them, I told them to meet the next platoon and teach that platoon what I taught them and tell them to teach the next platoon as well.

I then go to bed since I got tired from shouting orders all day.

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