《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 54. The First.


We waited for days, doing nothing.

We couldn't do anything, we had to wait for Landar to tell us that the guns had been created.

(I hate this... It's boring... I've done nothing productive all this time!)

"Hayden, you have done productive things during the time we have waited. You found out a way to get stronger guns here without having to involve anybody else." Ion immediatly realizes what I was thinking.

"True but there's no point right now... These guns are meant to be used against other people with guns, not with swords and bows." I sigh.

Ion lands on the table while I'm sitting on the couch.

We just stay there, silently.

Doing absoloutely nothing but wait for Landar to arrive, just like everybody else I came here with.

(Now I know why the heroes in the stories trained when they had free time. Not to become stronger, they already were that. But to not be this bored. I could train to keep my skills up to date and not rusty but I'd waste bullets. And right now, I don't know if they're going to be even able to make some...)

--- A few days later --

"Hayden! We've done it! The first gun and a batch of 'bullets' for it has been made!!" Landar suddenly busts through my door, shouting news I've been waiting for.

We stare at eachother for a few seconds before I react.

"What are we waiting here for, Landar! Gather your troops! It's time I show them how to use the guns! Even though we only have one but early training never hurts!" I push Landar out the door and we immediatly walk outside.

Landar tells me to wait and hands me the AK47 with an entire magazine filled with 30 bullets, the standard.


After half an hour, a ton of people in armor walk up with Landar leading them.

"A bit of our soldiers has arrived." Landar says that and then I realize one of my mistakes.

(Their armor, it's too heavy. If they want to be slow behemoth's wielding a big gun, then sure. But the AK47 is not a big gun. A gatling gun would be a big gun.)

"Alright, first of all. Get out of your armor. Armor will only slow you down. It won't help you in any way if you are trying to quickly kill as many enemies as you can before you run out of bullets. You must basically act like archers." They do exactly as I say, they get rid of their heavy armor without a single bit of hesitation.

I look around and see that the captain had the strongest armor and had them put it up so it would look like an enemy.

"See that, it shouldn't be easily penetrable by an arrow right? But guns are not bows and bullets are not arrows." As I say that, I fire a shot right into the head and the heart.

The soldiers were surprised at first since suddenly two loud bangs appeared which, if you are not used to it, is deafening.

When they opened their eyes and looked at the armor, they had two clear holes in them, right where I aimed.

"That is the power of a gun. Armor has no meaning. Maybe if you had so much armor that you'd need to be dragged around by a troll or something, then maybe this gun would be uneffective but there are more than just one type of gun. Similiar to how there isn't just one type of bow." I start giving the soldiers a lecture and all of them listen but I think Landar listened the most carefully to each of my words since he actually wrote them up.


"I don't know how effective guns will be in this world against creatures such as Dragons and other thick-skinned or tough-scaled creatures but a 'gun' will not be the only thing I bring into this world most likely. All of you must be prepeared to learn something new each time I bring it.

Some day, one of you will be shooting hellfire upon your enemies or carrying the wounded away from the battlefield in a 'truck'. So all of you need to be ready to learn new things." I continue my lecture.

(This is going well. They are learning.)

--- A day later ---

"Hayden, enough guns have been made for a company." Landar comes in again with good news.

"Alright. Have them form seperate platoons, split them up as evenly as possible. A company has how many troops Landar?" I ask Landar a question since Ion has been giving me information which I've been teaching Landar, like the size of a company which has retained through the ages.

"80-150. In our case 150." Landar answers immediatly.

"Good. Split them up into... 6 platoons. Each platoon consisting of 25 soldiers. Supply them with guns and tell them to not do anything to the guns until I get to their platoon." I advise Landar further.

Landar accepts my advice as he has no idea on how to do it himself yet, that is why he is listening to me obediently right now.

To study things from me.

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