《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 53.5.


(What are these... Will the blacksmiths even be able to do this? This thing called the AK47 or this other thing called M110... They called these weapons, but how would you even use them? They have no sharp edges... Like a bow? Or a crossbow? But where would the arrow be? Wait... They said ammunition so it probably isn't arrows that are being shot... But what then? I want to find out...)

As Landar keeps thinking and studying the blueprints, he walks towards the blacksmiths.

He reaches the door to the blacksmiths and pushes it open.

"Master Landar! What a surprise to see you visit us blacksmiths!" An older looking blacksmith says as he keeps on making a sword.

Landar looks around a little bit before deciding to speak.

"I have some drawings here, made by our guests. These are supposedly weapons. There are also descriptions of what they're meant for. Like, take this AK47 for example, it says this is for regular soldiers but this M110 is for marksmen.

Take a look and tell me if you can create them." Landar hands over the blueprints to the master blacksmith.

The blacksmith looks at the blueprints for quite a while before responding.

"The first few would be hard to create but after that, thanks to these descriptions, we can begin regular production. We just need the materials. We clearly don't have a lot of these materials. The ammunition.. We can also create that if we had the materials." The blacksmith responds and puts the blueprints on a table next to him.

Landar thinks for a while again before responding.

"Alright. I'll handle the materials. Just make sure you study these blueprints properly. These should be powerful compared to swords and bows but compared magic, I don't know. Most of us depend on magic but that's also our weak point. We depend on it too much. The instant we run out of mana, we are more than just fodder for the enemy." Landar talks a little bit and then quickly leaves.


He rushes towards the leaders of the gatherers and miners to see if they can find the materials.

Once he finds the leaders and asks them, he recieves good news.

(We can actually create them, we just need time. I hope the new Alliance at the front line will hold for long enough for our men to get new equipment and get there fast enough. This invasion force will eventually break through the Alliance, no doubt about that... )

Landar wanders around for hours before deciding to stay near the smithy to see the creation of the first guns in this World.

--- Once more, at the front line of the invasion. ---

On a blood ridden battlefield with piles of corpses stacked almost everywhere, two commanders are fighting with their portions of their huge armies.

"Spikes, now!" The allied force commander shouts and spikes are raised from the grounds and enemy cavalry flies off their mounts, crashing into the ground and dying instantly.

"RELEASE ARROWS!" A captain shouts and volley after volley of arrows get shot towards the enemy.

"No Retreat! KILL THEM ALL!" The invasion force commander, clad in black armour, shouts while throwing a spear into the head of the captain who shouted to release the arrows.

The instant the black armoured commander drops down into the brutal melee, the invasion force starts attacking even more ruthlessly, even using their own comrades as shields.

"Activate it!" The defending commanders shouts and a magic trap is activated, creating a huge wall between the allied and the invasion force.

"RETREAT! NOW! To the second line!" The commander shouts a retreat order.

Just as their men barely get away from the wall, it crumbles due to the invasion force mages destroying it.

"Chase them!" The invasion force commander gives the chase order.


The chase continues for a few minutes with a lot of allied and invasion force men being killed before both the forces reach an eerily empty grassland.

"Activate them!" The allied commander shouts another order to the mages who activate more traps set on the ground.

This time, huge pillars of different types of colours pop out depending on what element the caster has focused on in their entire life.

The allied forces get away since the invasion force mages couldn't break through the elemental pillars fast enough.

The brutal melee ends for the day as the invasion force readies for another assault whilst the allied force gets ready to defend once more.

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