《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 52. It all begins.


--- Two days before Hayden met Landar, somewhere very very far away from everything else, a castle in a land of magma, lava and stone. ---

"Are the preparations done?" A figure says from ontop a throne.

Another figure appears from the shadows.

"Yes, master. Everything is ready. Both the navy and the army are ready for the invasion. The greatest challenge has been slain by our troops already, we are free from this blasted land." The figure says whilst bowing.

"Good. We start the invasion tomorrow! The instant the sun even hints at coming up we send our navy out with all our troops on it!" The King-like figure shouts out.

The other figure stops bowing and gets up.

"But sir, what about the Dragons?" The figure says.

The King-like figure starts thinking for a bit before he also gets up.

"Don't send them. We need some sort of secret weapon against them as they most likely have some against us. Also, call all the Generals together immediatly. We need plans and tactics. Sending troops to their death isn't my thing.

Also, send this message all across the land if you can: 'The King forbids looting and slaughtering of innocents! Only kill those who are part of the enemy army!'." The figure sits back on his throne.

The other figure bows down and leaves the room.

"What did I get myself into following those two? I hope they are here, otherwise I might kill people for no apparent reason." The King-Like figure throws the crown off his head into the corner and looks at the ceiling, in his eyes a deep longing to see the two old friends he has.

--- The Unknown Land with the three figures ---

"Seems they've finally started. Took them a while to get rid of the Leviathan." The Second Figure says.


"Indeed. I hope your little toy called Hayden doesn't break." The First Figure says.

"Oi! Stop that! Hayden's not a toy!" The Second Figure immediatly responds.

"You two! Don't start this again! It's the fiftieth time this week!" The Third figure appears out of nowhere again.

"Yes, Master." Both of them say instantly.

"Wow, look at that... When you see the entire fleet with the entire army it actually looks beautiful from above. I know they are going to wreak havoc against the lands that believe in the gods but still... It's hard to say it's not beautiful." The First Figure says.

--- A few days later, a few hours after the first rays of the sun appeared, Hayden's POV ---

After waking up, I go and sit with Landar in the hall for breakfast.

"Had a good sleep, Hayden?" Landar asks me the instant I arrive.

"Yes, what about you?" I ask Landar back.

"Couldn't have been better. Well... If I had a woman near me then maybe but without one it was the best sleep I've ever had." Landar answers me.

We talk a little bit while eating and the rest slowly start waking up.

(I know our feast went past midnight but it's almost midday and a few of us still haven't woken up?)

Suddenly, somebody bursts through the doors.

"Lord Landar! Lord Landar! Important news! A black and red fleet have arrived with a massive army on the other side of the continent! They are invading the lands around them as we speak! This information is outdated as it's been a few days so they've probably already invaded those lands!" The man finishes speaking and then collapses, visibly exhausted.

"WHAT!?" Landar immediatly gets up and shouts.


After shouting he immediatly walks away from the table and goes into a room and a few moments later we hear a really loud bell and then we hear the amount of those bells increase.

(Seems this is the alert system, one mountain rings it's bell and so do the rest in order.)

Landar comes out of the room and sits back down.

"Hayden. Remember those prophesies I told you about?" Landar immediatly asks me and I just nod as an answer.

"Good... It seems that something has given them a push and it's started earlier. And in a place it's never been foretold to start at as well! This is the deviation which we were missing. Hayden, I suggest you immediatly find a way to create more of that little iron flying box-like thing and other things like it with weapons. We are going to need them." Landar finishes talking and the entire room is completely silent.

(It's begun, has it? The Prophesy?)

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