《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 48. The Guilds Section.


As we walk into the Guilds Section, four buildings stand right out.

"Those must be the four guild buildings, huh?" I ask Ion.

"Yes. On the left is the Crafting-Merchants Alliance and on the right is the Adventurer-Mercenary Alliance." I get my answer from Ion instantly.

We walk a little bit and see a notice on the Crafting Guild's front door just as we were about to enter.

(Entry allowed only to the Guild Members... That's a shame.)

After a slight moment of feeling dissapointed, we went towards the Adventurer Guild which was directly across the street from the Crafting Guild.

(No note on the door, people going in and out. That's a good sign.)

We enter the building and the moment we enter, all eyes are focused on my group but mostly on Ion or the girls.

(Grins here and there, do they think I'm just a rich nobleman who only picked female guards? They are wrong.)

One of the workers sees me and runs to an office in a slightly panicked state.

(Do they think I'm here to register?)

I walk away from the door since I was blocking the way and a few minutes later, the worker returns with somebody who is probably a superior.

"I'm sorry, we didn't have a notification of your arrival! You must be a noble, right?" The higher-ranking worker bows and at the same time signals for the other one to return to work.

I chuckle for a bit before I decide to answer him.

"I don't know if you could call me a noble. I mean, quite a few have bowed before me but I don't consider myself one of them." I say in a serious tone since what I say is true.

The man thinks for a bit and then reaches a conclusion.


"You must be here to register for the Adventurers guild then, yes?" The man says in a confident voice.

I shake my head and look towards the rest of my group who agree with my decision.

"We aren't here to register. We are just merely exploring." I say as I take a quick look around the room and then start to leave.

(Exactly as expected. It's exactly the same as in every version of an adventurer guild that I've read about.)

We leave the guild and the man looks at us shocked.

"Where now, Merchants or Mercenaries?" I ask my little group.

They think amongst themselves for a bit and then Alicia comes forward.

"Mercenaries first, then we can buy things at the Merchants if they are willing to sell." Alicia and the group look at me seriously and I just sigh and head towards the Mercenaries Guild.

We walk for a bit and the instant we reach the Mercenaries Guild somebody gets thrown out and slides across the ground for a while.

"And don't you dare come back here you thief!" A brawny man says and then sees us. "Ah, I'm sorry about that. You are here to visit us right? Come right in."

The brawny man acts polite and we walk in after him.

"Oi! You all act proper now! We got guests!" The man shouts and apparently we crash an entire party.

The man looks back at us.

"I'm truly sorry about this, It's just that one of our Mercenary Squads returned today from a really long trip and we are celebrating it. The person I threw out earlier was trying to pickpocket us since most of us are drunk right now." The man explains the situation.

"It's nothing, let them continue drinking. We are here just to explore and see the Capital. Today we are looking at the Guilds Section and we decided to see the Mercenaries Guild." I explain to him why we are here.


"Ah, then I'll give you a quick summary of what our prices and things are. One Regular Mercenary is 1 gold and one of our 'Genius' Mercenaries are 5 gold. By Genius I mean the ones that are better at fighting than everybody.

Also, if you wish to hire the entire guild for something like fighting another nation, then the price is around 20 000 gold. Depending on the nation of course." The man laughs for a bit and then sits down.

(That's a decent amount, huh. Maybe somebody else has a use for them.)

"Thank you for that. We will leave so your guild members can get back to their party." I smile and leave the guild with my group.

(About half of that guild was drunk and looking at the girls like some sort of livestock for satisfaction. If that summary was longer, I would've had to shoot somebody.)

"Let's head to the Merchants then." I say and we arrive near the last guild in about five minutes due to a large amount of people blocking our way.

We enter the guild and see a lot of doors leading to rooms and people guarding the doors.

"Welcome to the Merchants Guild, do you wish to sell or buy?" A receptionist asks me, not even looking up but staring down at her book.

"To buy." I answer simply and the receptionist shows towards the right side of the building with her hand.

I walk towards the right and see that there are a lot of signs saying what are in the several rooms.

After a few hours of Alicia and the others shopping, we finally leave.

"It's gotten quite dark." I say the instant we walk outside.

"We were in there for hours after all." Ion says to me.

I just nod and we go back to our rooms in the keep after walking all the way back.

(A tiring day but at least I know where I can get several things. It's a shame that the crafting guild only allowed guild members inside. I need to find a way to get in contact with them sometime.)

I lay down on my bed and fall asleep a little bit later.

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