《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 47. Imperial Capital, Exploration Part 2.


We wake up and immediatly head down towards our Helicopter and search for information regarding the 'Sections' of the Capital.

The instant I step out of the castle gates, I notice a shadow jumping on rooftops, going somewhere as fast as possible.

(The Stalkers. I should handle them and fast.)

We keep walking and I'm the only one noticing the Stalkers so far.

"You guys go to the helicopter, I'll be right with you. I forgot something back at the castle. Just wait for me at the Helicopter, alright?" I say as we are half-way near the helicopter.

"Alright. Knowing you, you probably actually did forget something but be quick." Alicia answers and keeps walking forward.

I walk towards the castle keep a bit and then I jump into a big alleyway between a few of the more tightly stacked houses.

The shadows immediatly drop around me.

"Fools! Run! You just jumped into a trap!" I say, fully knowing they wouldn't understand me.

I bring out my guns and smile as I point them at the stalkers.

(They really are fools. Did they perhaps think I forgot my guns back there? Or did they think they can handle me?)

The shadows hesitate to run forward except one, who tried to quickly close the gap between us but fails.

(That's one down. If you charge straight at me while I'm pointing my gun at you, you cannot dodge.)

The others immediatly hide themselves except two, who keep circling around me.

(Ah, a distraction tactic so the other seven can kill me with a sneak attack. Won't work.... It's too obvious when seven of you dissapear at the same time!)

I shoot the two circling me and immediatly jump backwards.

Fourteen daggers pierce the ground where I was just standing.


I jump backwards once more, out of the alleyway and force them to follow me into the big street where the guards see me.

(They can't just run away anymore. They need to quickly kill me before the guards get here.)

I see that guards are already storming out of the castle gates, probably because of my gunshots.

The ones in the front see me.

"The Knight is being attacked! Get those dirty Assassins!" One of the front guards shout and they spread out, creating something like a stampede.

(That is slightly scary to see if I wasn't on their side.)

I keep dodging their attacks and shooting their non-vital spots.

(I need at least one of them alive. I need to know who is trying to kill me.)

The guards reach my position five minutes later but I've already shot the assassin's legs and they are unable to move.

They only throw daggers desperatly but in such a way that I can see them before they are even thrown.

The guards immediatly knock them unconcious and start dragging them off.

"The Knight is safe!" The guard shouts again and everybody leaves.

I bow as sort of a thank you and start heading towards the Helicopter.

Once I reach there, Alicia is already climbing ontop of it.

"Was I really away for that long?" I ask Ion, who was with Alicia the entire time.

"Yes. For Alicia you were gone for hours." Ion answers whilst making sure there is no chance of Alicia falling.

"Then, why is she ontop of the helicopter?" I ask Ion once more.

"The Helicopter was the tallest thing around so she wanted to get a better view. Also, I've gathered info about the Military Section, the Guilds Section and the Slums of the capital." Ion answers and Alicia climbs down.


I nod as I listen to Ion's report on the Guilds Section, the one that intrigued me the most.

(The Guilds Section, mainly controlled by the Four Major Guilds.

The Crafting Guild; The Adventurers Guild; The Merchants Guild and The Mercenaries Guild.

There are two 'alliances'. The Crafting Guild and The Merchants Guild; The Adventurers Guild and the Mercenaries Guild.)

We reach the Guild Section as I quickly make sure I know everything Ion told me.

--- Somewhere Unknown ---

"Ah... You were right after all. I thought you'd be stupid sending both of the Siblings but you've actually changed the future of this World." A shadowy figure says.

"You mean, Hayden changed it." A second figure says.

"Yes yes, Hayden Whateversbhan." The first figure says.

"Oi! It's Hayden Igbhan! I went through a lot of trouble for him! So don't you dare make fun of him!" The second figure says again.

"Bla bla bla. He is just one mere Humanoid Creature out of the many. Why are you so attached to him?" The first figure asks.

"You two, stop! Just, observe! We were sent here to make sure this World is safe. Not to bicker amongst eachother." A figure made out of light suddenly says.

"Yes, Master." Both of the figures stop and sit down on chairs.

"But... Master... I have a question..." The Second Figure says and looks towards the Third Figure.

"Yes, My Student?" The Third Figure looks towards the Second.

"Why did you allow Hayden to live after the Sol System Incident?" The Second Figure asks but the Third doesn't answer and just looks at a mirror showing Hayden and his party in the Guilds Section.

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