《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 45. The Repayment of the Debt


(What should I give her Empire... Medicine, Agriculture? New weapons and armour? Or... A bit of everything?)

"Emilia, can we meet in private later? I have something to tell you." I suddenly speak out, suprising everybody in the room.

Emilia nods and her face turns red.

(Did I say something weird?)

I ignore the fact that Emilia was embarrased for some reason and we kept on 'feasting' until the evening.

After that, we were all escored to our rooms and I asked to be escorted to Emilia's room.

(Here goes nothing...)

I knock on Emilia's door.

"It's me, Hayden." I say who I am, just in case.

(Ion's floating around me if I ever say something wrong, which is good.)

"Enter." I hear Emilia say.

I enter the room and she's sitting on a sofa with a cup of tea in her hand.

"Well... What did you want to talk about?" She asks me whilst blushing.

I walk up to the table and sit on the chair opposite of her.

"I want to help the Empire grow a little bit. You did help me find my sister, after all." I answer her question.

She tilts her head slightly sideways and puts down the cup of tea.

"You've helped us plenty already though..." I hear Emilia say quietly.

"I thought I might help with your..." I try to finish my sentence but I don't know the word 'Technology'.

"I think Hayden's trying to say that he'll help with your Technological Advancements so you'll have an edge over your neighbours." Ion immediatly finishes my sentence the moment he sees I am in trouble.

(Good job, Ion!)

Emilia seems to fall into deep thought.

"I want to help your... Farming, Medicine and Weaponry. That should be how you say that, right?" I interrupt Emilia's thinking phase.


I look towards Ion since he'll be able to properly get my thoughts across.

"We'll share with you a few types of Agricultural Systems, a few new types of medicine and a new way to create stronger weapons and armour.

The Agricultural Systems we want to introduce are Monocultures, Multiple Cropping, Intercropping and Polycultures.

The new medicine we want to introduce is different types of Medicine and Penicillin. We'll also introduce Vaccines.

Armour and Weaponry... Stronger and more effective swords and we'll introduce early muskets and a new type of armour, which helps against swords, sabres and so on but doesn't hinder movement as much.

I'll now start explaining what each of these mean and how to make and use them so, start writing them down and in detail." Ion says and then starts explaining, like he said.

I just sit and drink tea whilst saying Ion to repeat some portions so Emilia could catch up again.

(I wonder... Why does Ion have all this in his databanks but not an earlier and easier to build type of helicopter in his databanks? Who selected Ion's data? I want to know. And I want to hit them...)

--- Emilia's POV, after Ion's long explanation and a night of sleeping. ---

(Ugh... This is hell... True hell...)

"What the hell is all this!?" My military advisor shouts out.

"Indeed! With this type of medicine... We would have so little deaths... It'd be a miracle!" Another one of my advisors shouts out.

"This type of farming... I'd create more crops, meaning even the poor could start to feed themselves without having to work much!" My agricultural advisor is also impressed.

"Emilia... Where'd you get all this...?" My Head Advisor asks me and all of them immediatly turn their attention to me.


"Umm... Hayden and Ion gave it to me as a gift for helping them build the Helicopter..." I answer in a slightly tired voice since I still remember Ion's explanations..

"With this... We could rule the world!" My military advisor shouts out again.

I then, remembered what Ion and Hayden both said at the end of the lecture.

"No! We cannot! Ion and Hayden forbid us to use these advancements to conquer lands! They said only to use them to help the current population be protected! They also said that they'll be back to destroy the Empire if they start conquering lands using these technologies!" I also immediatly tell them what Ion and Hayden warned me about after that.

Me and the Advisors keep discussing the new technology Ion explained to me.

(I wonder what Hayden and Ion are doing now? I told them to go and visit the city before leaving again so I could spend some time with them tonight...)

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