《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 44. Back to the Empire.


--- In the Helicopter, near the Canyon, at Sunrise ---

"What is that!?" Alicia shouts the instant she sees it.

"I don't know! It wasn't on the maps I've seen!" Yofie immediatly responds to Alicia's question.

I decide to land near the Canyon to show them even more.

I land near the edge of the canyon and immediatly set up the defensive fence.

A few minutes later, I take them near the edge of the Canyon.

"Tell them to be careful, not even Ion could find it's bottom so..." I warn Alicia and the rest just in case.

They all look down into the seemingly bottomless canyon..

--- The Six Guard's POV ---

"This is kind of scary, isn't it?" Laurette says to the rest and they nod.

A stone gets loose and falls down and they all back off immediatly.

"I'm not going near that edge again... It seems unstable..." Daphel says to everybody and they agree with her thought.

--- Back to Hayden ---

(They're really scared of that edge, aren't they? It might be a tad unstable but it shouldn't collapse for no reason at all.)

I let Alicia teach me a lot of things about the Language whilst the Guards are 'patrolling' around us.

--- Later that day, almost sundown ---

"Everybody, time to get into the helicopter! The Empire isn't far away!" I tell Alicia and she tells the Guards and we all gather up into the helicopter.

I set off towards the Empire to repay a small debt, they did help me build the Helicopter after all.

--- Some time later, near the Capital of the Empire, Empress Emilia's POV ---

"Your Majesty! We've spotted the 'Helicopter'! It's coming this way! Hayden is returning!" One of the wall guards runs in and shouts some good news...


"Hayden... He's finally back!" I jump up from my throne and run towards the part of the wall he was spotted from.

I see the helicopter starting to slow down before it reaches the walls and when it's above me, It completely stops and starts to land on the empty spot we made just for the Helicopter.

"Hayden... Hayden's back..." I run down the stairs towards Hayden's Helicopter.

Suddenly, a lot of other women start coming out of the helicopter before Hayden and Ion come out...

(Who are these women?! What are they in relation to Hayden? I mean... He was away for a while it would make sense that he'd get lonely... But seven women!? Hayden!? Had you forgotten about me...?)

--- Back to Hayden ---

I get out of the helicopter and notice a sad Emilia staring at me.

(Ah, she must be thinking about why there are so many women with me. Good thing I've broken through the language barrier whilst I was flying back and forth and can now... Kind of... Speak the language of the Empire...)

"I am back, Emilia. I brought my sister and her six guards with me as well." I look towards Alicia who comes forward and bows.

I introduce each of them to Emilia and she welcomes each of them with a warm smile, the complete opposite from before.

(So far I've been speaking near-perfectly... Though it is with the most simple words possible.)

After the introductions, we went inside the Castle Keep for a party arranged by Emilia for our return.

(Only a few nobles here and there... I guess most of them returned to their territories.)

We head to the Feasting Halls for the party.

(I'll need to somehow pay my debt to Emilia... But how? Hmm.... New Technology? Something to help them out a tad? Medicine? I don't know... I need to think of something...)

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