《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 43. Lift off.


Alicia showed me around the castle and the town for two entire days before she finally agreed to leave.

We head towards the helicopter so we could leave just before midnight, as planned.

(We'll do it the old way, fly during the night, rest during the day.)

"Alicia. Why is every guard we pass crying and bowing down? Is it possible they know that we were supposed to leave today?" I ask Alicia since I had no idea what was happening.

Alicia thinks for a while as we walk and finally turns towards me.

"I might've accidentally told the Pope and King. Oops." Alicia makes herself look like an airhead whilst I just sigh.

(Well... At least she didn't tell them everything about me when they asked... Probably.)

We finally reach the Helicopter after an hour or so of walking.

Nobody is near the helicopter except Ion, who's patrolling the area around it.

Ion notices us and flies towards us.

"I have fulfilled my job. I have scared all of the people away for the duration of the stay." Ion then flies into the helicopter to recharge.

I hear people in armour running towards us and when I look behind, I see the Six Guards.

"They've finally come... I was waiting for them." I say to Alicia and then get onboard the helicopter myself and start turning it on.

--- Alicia's POV ---

(Finally... On an adventure... With my brother....!)

I couldn't hide my excitement and had a huge smile on my face.

"They've finally come... I was waiting for them." Hayden suddenly says and then enters the helicopter.

I look behind myself to see the Six.

"Alicia! Wait for us! You told us you'd take us with you!" Laurette shouts in a panic as she runs towards me in full armour.


"I did say that! And Hayden was actually waiting for you! Come on, let's get on!" As I finish saying that, the helicopter's rotors start spinning and a loud noise was coming from the helicopter.

I run into the helicopter and so do the six others.

Hayden then comes and closes both the doors once we are inside.

"Lift Off. Time to go to the Empire to fulfill a slight promise." As Hayden finishes saying that, he pulls the helicopter off the ground and into the air.

The Six Guards are visibly terrified of being inside of a flying, loud, lump of metal.

--- On the ground, after lift off ---

"They're going, sir!" One of the knights shouts to the king.

"What?! Already!?" The king runs outside and barely sees the 'helicopter' that Alicia mentioned, go up into the air.

The prince runs out as well a little while after.

"No... Alicia's... Alicia's gone! Father, get her back! GET her back here! She was mine!!!" The Prince falls to his knees and starts crying.

"It's heading towards... The Mainland... There's no way we can get her back now, My son." The King answers the prince in a solemn voice.

--- Back on the Helicopter, the Six Guards ---

"Laurette... I'm scared... Why did we come here again...?" Yofie asks Laurette as she is clinging to her.

"The Goddess ordered us, remember? There is no reason to be afraid! It is just a mere creation of The Goddess's will!" Laurette answers with confidence but her legs are shaking the most.

Alicia giggles a little and then looks towards Hayden and Ion, who are piloting the Helicopter.

--- A little while after, Hayden's Perspective ---

(It's turning to morning... Time to land.)

I do a little spin with the helicopter to make sure we are far enough from the island and then land down on a clearing.


Once we have safely landed, I open the doors and then turn the helicopter off.

I get out of the Helicopter and immediatly start setting up the protective fence with the help of Ion's scouting.

The other seven are visibly confused until I set up the solar panels, then only six are visibly confused.

"Everything is set up. Time to rest for the day. Alicia, can you assist me with learning the language of the Island Kingdom? I've mostly got the hang of the Empire's, where we are going, but I need to speak to the Six Guards myself some time soon." I ask Alicia in an earnest voice.

"I'll happily help you!" Alicia, from that point on started to help me in my studies.

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