《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 41. Meeting the Six.


I wake up after a very peaceful sleep.

(I think this was the first time in... A week or two...? That I got to sleep.)

I look around and notice Alicia's already up and running around doing things.

"This is rare... You waking up before me." I say to Alicia as I get up from the bed.

"Well, you DID sleep like a rock. I tried to wake you up but it didn't work. At all. I was just trying to find a candle to hold near your feet to wake you up." Alicia quickly answers and comes towards me.

(Candle by the feet? Who uses that method? I have never heard of it...)

"Well, who or what do you want to introduce to me today?" I ask Alicia since I have no idea what to do here.

The moment I ask that Alicia's face turns into the biggest smile I've seen.

"My six guards." Alicia tells me whilst almost running out of the room.

I follow Alicia around the entire building while she tries to find the 'Six Guards' she mentioned.

"Where are they!? Just when I need them most they dissapear..." Alicia turns towards me with her face down and I can see that she is very sad.

"We said that we would always be near you. You don't need to find us, just shout for us." Somebody says and comes out from behind the pillar in the middle of the room we stopped in.

"Laurette! Finally I found one of you! Where are the others?" Alicia runs to the woman and grabs her hands.

"They are in the training grounds. You know... The one specially for us?" The woman answers Alicia's question and then turns her head towards me.

She grabs her sword on her waist.

"Stop! This is my brother! The one I was always talking about!" Alicia shouts the moment she notices Laurette's hostility towards me.

She puts her hands near her helmet and takes it off, showing me her face.

"Well, In that case.... We should really get to the others. I bet they wanna see the Legendary Heroic Brother you were talking about." The woman keeps talking with Alicia.

(To this day, I have no idea what they are talking about. Ion's floating around the Helicopter, making sure no sabotages are done, so I can't rely on him either.)


Alicia grabs my left hand and the woman the other and they start pulling me somewhere.

After a few minutes of them pulling me, they finally stop.

The woman opens the door and I see five people fighting eachother.

"Girls! The Legendary Brother is here! We need to introduce ourselves!" The woman shouts something to the others and they immediatly stop and sprint over to me.

They all take off their helmets and turn to me.

They take turns introducing themselves to me but since I can't understand anything, I relied on Alicia's translations.

"From right to left... Laurette, Brenelle, Yofie, Daphiel, Esther, Lailah... Right?" I ask Alicia to confirm If I put the right person with the right name.

She nods and starts talking with the six or it seems more like she's explaining something to them.

She then runs towards me with a glee on her face.

"Brother! It seems like they want to see what you can do. First, a contest of accuracy then a contest of strength and finally a contest of skill.

Are you alright with this?" She looks at me with puppy eyes.

(Don't... Torture... Me... With those puppy eyes...)

I just nod in defeat to the puppy eyes.

Alicia shouts something to the women and they all quickly grab bows.

"Accuracy contest right. That means I can use this, right?" I ask Alicia as I grab my gun.

Alicia nods so I bring it to the range.

The six fire first and hit their targets more or less straight in the region of the heart and head.

"The gun is way more accurate than the bow so... Sorry." I bow to the women and then shoot all six targets straight in the two important parts. The head, straight between the eyes, and the body, straight where the heart is.

The women stare in disbelief at me and the weapon I am holding.

I walk to Alicia and hand her my guns.

"The next contest is the strength one, right? I won't need these." I explain to Alicia.

The women quickly accept their complete loss in the Accuracy contest.

Now, I have to 1v1 each and every one of them.

"Too bad... I'm probably way older than any of you so my body is way more trained. I did have to carry things that had weighed about 50 kilo's after all." I laugh a bit as the first one runs at me.


In the Strength contest, it was alright to use a weapon but I used my bare hands.

The first one, Laurette, did a basic overhead swing at me.

Since the weapon is blunt, I have no use for it.

I dodged and hit the sword in the side, sending it flying to the edge of the ring.

After that I immediatly turned to Laurette and hit her in the softest part in the armor, the hip.

I deduced this because there was no iron plate there.

The moment I hit her in the hip, she collapses and falls to the ground.

My complete victory.

"This fight seemed to be in our favor but it seems this Hayden fellow's quite a strong one." Yofie said to the others but I didn't understand what.

The vice-captain Brenelle entered and exited even faster than Laurette.

Yofie's fight took a little bit longer since she kept distance between me and her and didn't allow me to get a hit near her armor's soft parts.

Until she made a mistake calculating where I was going to hit and blocked the wrong hand so I hit her straight in the hip again.

All the fights ended that way.

In the fight against the shield-wielder Esther, I just grabbed her shield and jumped over it, straight infront of her.

Since she hadn't predicted this, I had an easy victory.

The spear-wielder however...

(I'm being kept at range... I can't get close with that flurry of spear attacks.)

The moment I try to make a move, a whole flurry of spears blocks my path.

I notice Laurette's sword still in the ring, technically useable in the fight.

I run to the sword, grab it and then go as close to Lailah as possible.

I then throw my sword into the flurry of spears, disrupting it for a split-second, the split-second which I utilised.

I jump into the range of her spear but close enough that she can't hit me.

I gently smile as I, also, hit her in the hip again.

All the fights had ended but the third contest didn't start.

There was no point to it as I had already shown my skill in fighting whilst using my strength.

"I'm impressed, Brother. I hadn't expected you to win against Lailah! I mean, even if the other five go against her at the same time she defeats them all!" Alicia says whilst being in high spirits.

After a few minutes of Alicia boasting about my strength, we all went to the mess hall to grab something to eat.

We grab an entire table for ourselves and none of the knights dare approach us.

I do feel even more hostility from the male knights though.

"A message for the Six Holy Knights, Alicia Igbhan and the Most Esteemed Guest, Hayden! The King and the Pope both request your presence in the Neutral Grounds!" A messenger shouts something, which I don't understand.

Alicia grabs my hand and we all immediatly leave towards somewhere.

(I have no idea what's going on...

This language barrier's really going to annoy me to hell, isn't it?)

---- Information Transmission ----

Laurette, The Captain of the Holy Knights, is 185 cm, 76 kg. She has blonde hair which reaches to her hips but she manages to hide it using her armor. She is 29 years old, the oldest member of the Holy Knights chosen by the Goddess.

Her measurements are unknown even to the Information Group's and so is everybody elses in the Holy Knights.

It is known that, based on the visual sight of their measurements, the highest to the lowest goes like this: Yofie, Esther, Lailah, Laurette, Brenelle, Daphiel.

Brenelle, the Vice-Captain, is 176 cm, 56 kg. She has brown, short hair. She is 26 years old.

Yofie, The Tactician, is the most learnt of the bunch. She is 179 cm, 72 kg. She has natural-born blood-red hair. She is 18, the youngest of the bunch.

Daphiel, The Logician, is the one who can manage things the best. She is 192 cm, 73 Kg. She has natural silver hair. She is 22 years old.

Esther, The Shield, is as said, the best shield. She is 210 cm and 91 kg. She has pure black hair. She is 24 years old.

Lailah, The Spear, is also as said, the best spear wielder. She is 169 cm and 65 kg. She is 20 years old.

That is all the information we currently have to share about the Six Holy Guards. Well, the information we are ALLOWED to share.

--- Information Transmission Ended ---

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