《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 40.5. Alicia POV.


"There he goes, doing things on his own again." Jayd calmly says with a slight sadness in his voice.

Jayd laughs a bit and notices I am crying.

"Don't worry. Knowing Hayden the only thing that could kill him is him being the center of a supernova." Jayd says as he takes out a napkin and wipes away my tears.

"That's true. It's Hayden after all. The only thing bigger than his stubbornness is his toughess." I try to make a few jokes to also lighten up the mood.

Everybody slowly starts packing up and leaving the room whilst I stare at the teleporter and remember something.

(We forgot!!! We completely forgot in all this mess!!! What about the possibility of landing in SPACE!? What if he landed in space!? Or a hostile enviroment planet!? We didn't give him an extra oxygen tank or a breathing apparatus!!! Hayden... Please be alright... Please....)

I start crying and fall down to the ground, shocking all the scientists around me.

Jayd immediatly runs up to me.

"What's wrong?!" Jayd asks in a panic.

"We forgot... What if he was sent to space? Or a place with an atmosphere he couldn't breathe in?" I say whilst crying.

Everybody stares at me and then at the teleporter.

"Well... Damn." A scientist says in a slightly panicked voice.

"It's all the fault of that damn T.R.I.O.N project. If we didn't have to rush to start that, we could've properly done Hayden's send-off!" Another scientist says whilst hitting the door with his hand.

Suddenly the door opens and the Head Director of Science on the planet enters with a grin on his face.

"So Hayden's gone?" He says while looking at me.

(This bastard... He knew but didn't warn us... He also ordered us to rush the T.R.I.O.N... All because Hayden once shielded me from him...)

All the scientists, me and Jayd especially, stare at the Director with extreme anger.

(Everybody in this room trusted Hayden with everything, everybody knew Hayden and his brilliance. And this bastard just decided to possibly kill him. He was also the one who decided that Hayden should be sent to investigate the signal...

All of this... Was planned by him!)

I grabbed a nearby screwdriver and was planning to attack him but Jayd stopped me.

"It's not worth it. It'll just cause trouble for Hayden if he survives." Jayd tries to calm me down so I wouldn't do something stupid.

Everybody leaves the room at the same time.

The Head Director tries to grab me but Jayd interrupts by walking right next to me.

I spend the next few days holed up in my room.

(I don't want to see that Director ever again. Until Hayden comes back... Until... Hayden...)

I hear the signal in my ears.

"No... No no no!" I say my last few words before the Signal grabs me and takes me away.

I open my eyes to just see light and which is weirdly shaped like a cylinder.

(What's... Going on? I can't move my body... But my body is being pulled?)

Suddenly the light gets brigher and I close my eyes.

The next thing I know, I see huge pillars and a pagoda.

"Ah. You are here." A figure walks out of the pagoda.

The figure walks towards me slowly but I feel the urge to bow down grow with each step.


"Do you know how long I've been trying to summon you? So many innocents had to be send as heroes to other world's and when I finally got your location... Your brother stopped me! Like seriously, who does that?" The figure says in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Well. At least you are here. Ah... It seems you're under the influence of my powers, let me handle that." The figure walks up to me and kisses my forehead.

Suddenly, the darkness of the figure dissapears and a beautiful lady in golden clothes appears. The urge to bow down also dissapears.

"Now you see me. Hey, are you awake? Say something. Please. I don't want to waste even more time trying to wake you up. Your brother's already messing up the timeline! Like, he hasn't even been there for a week yet but he is completely messing up the timeline! How am I supposed to fix that?!" She gets even angrier when she mentions my brother whilst looking at a model of a planet which the pillars are holding up.

"My... Brother? Hayden? He's alive!? Hayden's alive?!" I ask in a careful but happy tone.

"Ah! You spoke! Yes he is alive! Ok. Get yourself together Puulla! This is the moment, Puulla!" She slaps herself on the cheeks a few times before turning to me.

"Ok. So... Here's the deal. I summoned you so you could go and save that planet up there. BUT, your brother is now on that planet. And he's messing everything up... Luckily in a good way so far. He's lessening the amount of people who are going to die. BUT, you are still needed there. Now, to control your brother.

I can see the future of this planet and at the pace he is going... Even if he doesn't realise it.... He is going to have the entire damn planet dance at his fingertips because of people falling in love with him one by one! You need to go and stop it.

Also... Brother and sister love isn't bad on my planet so you got that going for you. You understand your job?" She asks in a very serious tone.

"Yes. I do." I answer in an equally serious tone.

"Aha, now we're getting somewhere. I'm going to send you... Over here." She says while pointing at a large island. "This Island will shelter you until Hayden gets to you, which he will in some time. When he arrives, keep him there for a few days even. I need to get some stuff done on the mainland and if he's there... He is going to definetly botch things up. After that, Hayden will know what to do and where. Since my Humanity Race will assist him. Now... I'll send you off."

She waves bye as a light appears and engulfs me.

"Oh yeah I forgot to say. I gave you my blessing so look out!" She shouts so I barely hear it.

The next thing I see, is also a huge room with stone pillars.

"Aha, the summoning is a success! The Goddess's wish has been completed." A man in very priest-like clothes says to everybody in the room.

"Indeed... What was the next part of the wishes?" A man in king-like clothes asks.

"Helping her out until somebody comes and picks her up. That's the Goddess's exact words." The Priest says again.

"Thank you, Your Most Holiness, Pope Vinconcin." The King says to the Pope and walks towards me.


"It is nothing, Your Greatness, King Lui. I am merely fulfilling the wishes of the Goddess." The Pope says as he moves towards the door.

The King looks at me.

"You should do as a fine fianceé for my son, the Crown Prince Zak. Your Most Holiness, the Goddess didn't say anything about marrying her into my family, now did she?" The King asks the Pope.

"No. But I advise you not to do so. The Goddess warned us that the being coming here will be powerful and will take her away regardless of what you try to do. So It's entirely possible that this entity will love her." The Pope answers in a serious tone and with clear disgust towards the King.

The King laughs out loud and somebody barges into the room.

"Papa! I heard my Fianceé has been summoned!" Zak says in an excited voice.

(Why are they deciding everything? Hayden's going to come and take me away anyways! Wait.. How can I understand them? I shouldn't be able to since this is a different world...)

The Pope suddenly strikes his staff against the wall, getting the attention of everybody.

"Goddess's send, will you come with us? Instead of that corrupt royal family. If you come with us, the royal family cannot touch you." The Pope asks me.

(It seems safer. I don't want to be engaged to anybody without Hayden's approval. Ever.)

I go towards the Pope and the King seems powerless to stop me.

"Papa! Stop her! She's mine right? You told me she's mine right!" The Crown Prince screams.

"Please, take me away. Without Hayden's approval I will never be engaged to anybody." I say in a cold tone to the Pope so the royal family hears.

(As I said. Hayden's approval is like my entire family and my ancestors approving. Without that, I will never. Ever. Engage myself to somebody.)

I walk away with the Pope.

"Umm... Your Most Holiness..." I try to ask the pope some questions.

"Just call me Vinconcin. The Goddess sent you so you are more favored by the goddess than me." The Pope interrupts.

"Alright... Vinconcin. Why are you helping me? Why can I understand everything? And why did they try to marry me into their family?" I ask three questions at the same time.

"I am helping you since our Church, The Church of the Goddess, is under the command of the Most Holy and Gracious Goddess Puulla. She asked us to shelter you from the dangers of this world. You can probably understand everything because of Puulla's most gracious blessing.

And about that royal family... We cannot purge them from these lands even though we wish we could. The Goddess hasn't directly ordered us to purge their cruel souls so we must stand by and watch.

They try to marry any powerful person into their family or try to take them away by force. All of them are spoilt by the Devil's Powers.

Luckily, in this Kingdom, we have more power than them so they cannot harm us. At all.

Anything else you wish to ask?" Vinconcin answers all my questions in a calm tone.

"One thing... Where are you taking me?" I ask the final question I want to for now.

"To the Papacy. To the safety of the Church where only I can command people. It's not far. The Papacy and the Castle are one and that's why we have so much power. I shall have only women help you since it seems the Goddess's blessing also made you irresistable in the eyes of every man who hasn't had their hearts tested by the Goddess." He says while pointing towards the soldiers who stare at me with wide eyes.

I ask no more questions and we finally reach the Papacy.

(It's even more grand than the rest of this castle... Even more than the Planet Mayor's Palace.)

I stare in disbelief.

"You shall be guided to your room. My most trusted soldiers, which are female, shall keep you accompanied at all times in case the King tries anything. You do not need to fear anything in the walls of the Papacy. Our defence force is stronger than the rest of the castle by far since we have the power of the Goddess on our side." Vinconcin says as six guards walk up to me and bow.

Vinconcin leaves and the guards take off their helmets. All of them truly are women.

"So you are the person chosen by the Goddess. I am glad to be under your service." One of the guards says and everybody says nearly the same thing one after another.

They escort me to a room which had 7 beds.

"This will be your and our room until the being comes and picks you up. We hope to get to you know you well during that time so... We could possibly come with you. We became the Six Holy Guards just for the goal of guarding you after all. The Goddess whispered into our ears during our childhood that we must. So we did. We should get introductions out of the way as well." One of the guards says as they all line up.

"My name is Laurette. I am the First Guard. The Captain." Laurette says as she bows down once again.

"My name is Brenelle. I am the Second Guard. The Vice-Captain." Brenelle does the same as Laurette.

"My name is Yofie. I am the Third Guard. The Tactician." Yofie copies Brenelle.

"My name is Daphiel. I am the Fourth Guard. The Logician." Daphiel copies Yofie.

"My name is Esther. I am the Fifth Guard. The Shield." Esther copies Daphiel.

"My name is Lailah. I am the Sixth Guard. The Spear." Lailah copies Esther.

(Esther has only a shield... But it's Huge! It's the size of a door! Well... A tad larger. And Lailah's spear is longer than anything I've seen...)

"We all are under your service!" They all say at the same time.

"Thank you. My name is Alicia Igbhan. I shall be depending on you a lot." I say happily.

They all get up at the same time.

"We did it! Perfectly! Our training was worth it!" They all jumped and hugged eachother.

That was the end of my first but eventful day.

(I'm impressed I could handle this much... But I feel like my brain's going to pop out... How am I supposed to explain this all to Hayden!? Eh... I have time. I can introduce the girls to him.)

I fall asleep in the middle of the room and the Six Guards are forming a circle of beds around me.

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